The camp for children Artek in 2018 is strikingly different from the small sanatorium that was built in the twenties of the last century near the village of Gurzuf. Initially, the camp was planned as a hospital for children suffering from tuberculosis. Moreover, the guys from the very first shift had to live in large canvas tents, in conditions that were very far from comfortable. Today, Artek is a facility with a rather complex structure, uniting 9 camps and including several hundred different structures and buildings.

The international children's center is spread over an area of ​​more than 200 hectares, of which half is reserved for various parks and green spaces. In addition to the general education school, there are more than 40 specialized studios of scientific, technical and creative fields, tennis courts, rope courses, climbing walls, gyms and an impressive stadium designed for seven thousand people.

Artek is distinguished by its combination of magnificent Crimean nature, which has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and immunity, with beautiful sandy beaches. The length of the coastline located at the camp is more than seven kilometers. In the capital of Japan in 2000, a competition was held for the best children's health center, in which several tens of thousands of camps from all over the world took part. It was Artek who won first place in it.

In 2009, Artek was on the verge of closure, but in 2014 the Russian government developed and implemented a project called Reboot, which involved a large-scale reconstruction of libraries, swimming pools, sports grounds, museums and all buildings. Several billion rubles were allocated to carry out the work. And if in 2014 the camp was able to accept just over 5,000 children, then in 2016 the number of children who visited Artek exceeded 31,000. The camp’s management claims that during the 2018 season it will be able to host at least 40,000 young guests.

Features of purchasing a voucher

How can you get to Artek in 2018? About 5% of all vouchers go on free sale, most often purchased by foreigners. Parents of Russian children who have certain merits but did not pass the main competitive selection also have the right to buy such vouchers. A week and a half before arrival, the number of unclaimed places is published on the official Artek website. They are sold at a budget cost of about 69,000 rubles.

Since 2017, the rules for distributing vouchers to the international children's center have been changed. For everyone, there is an automated system called Voucher, which calculates the various achievements of a particular child, assigning points to him. Those children whose rating is the highest receive priority right to rest in one of the largest camps in the world. Work with the “Putevka” system is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. First, profile data is filled in, which includes the child’s name, year of birth and other information.
  2. Next, you need to talk in as much detail as possible about your school achievements, grants won, victories in city and regional Olympiads and competitions. You also need to attach scanned copies of diplomas and certificates received over the last three years.
  3. Submit an application indicating your most preferred shift. Then all that remains is to send it and wait for a decision.

Girls and boys aged 8 to 17 years are allowed to participate in the competition. The quota for vouchers is distributed by region, taking into account the number of children living in them. If your child fails to score the required score, you should not be upset. You can re-apply or wait for the information from the unclaimed fund to be released. There is a way to get to the Artek children's camp in 2018 by taking part in a competition under the patronage of Russian Post. In it, children must describe and reveal as much as possible the reason why they want to relax in one of the best camps in the world.

How to buy a ticket to Artek in 2018

In 2017, there were no vouchers for free sale. They could only be obtained by contacting the bodies exercising executive power at the local level or by taking part in one of the drawings conducted by the official partners of the camp. A trip to Artek in 2018 will not be available from any private travel agency. However, parents of children who were not included in the winners can buy a commercial option by contacting the official tour operator of the MDC, which is Mosgortur, or other partners. Information about them can be found on the website

How much does it cost to relax in Artek?

Currently, most of the vouchers are distributed through the above-mentioned automatic system. Children who are among the lucky ones will spend three weeks for free at the IDC, where the best teachers, coaches and counselors will work with them. Everyone else will have to pay the full cost of the camp ticket. The final price varies depending on the time of year within the following limits:

  1. From the beginning of winter until the end of spring 2018, a three-week stay for a child will cost from 29,000 to 40,000 rubles.
  2. In September or June, a similar stay will cost from 36,000 to 55,000 rubles.
  3. July and August are traditionally the most popular holiday months in the MDC. The trip will cost from 68,000 to 92,000 rubles, depending on food and additional wellness treatments.

The price is also affected by the comfort of the room in which the child will live. The difference between a “luxury” and a “junior suite” is about 2,000 rubles per week.

A huge number of various seminars and training courses from the best world-famous specialists are constantly held on the territory of the international children's center. Those who are lucky enough to get into Artek in 2018 will be able to join a football squad under the auspices of the famous Spartak club or a dance squad led by a team of famous choreographers. In three weeks, the child will have time to master the basics of shipping, take part in a regatta on a real yacht, or significantly improve his knowledge of a foreign language by communicating with native speakers (both teachers and children).

In 2018, Artek will be visited by one of the most famous Russian travelers, Fyodor Konyukhov, who will make an exciting rowing trip along the Crimean coast together with young sailors. It is important to know that if you receive a positive answer after a certain period of time after submitting your application, you will need to collect a number of documents, namely: a copy of your passport or birth certificate, a copy of your insurance policy and a medical card. All changes in the rules for submitting applications and documents are published on the official website, as well as on the MDC Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Watch a video about the Artek camp:

14.03.18 199 657 1

The state pays for children to have a good rest.

Victoria Ostroverkh

sends schoolchildren to Artek

Three weeks of rest in Artek, the famous pioneer camp of the USSR, is fully paid for by the state. Accommodation, food, excursions - everything is free, except tickets to Simferopol.

I am a class teacher, I do tourism and orienteering with children. My students go to competitions and win prizes. These achievements helped the students win a trip to the camp. Now I’ll tell you how they did it.

Briefly: how to get to Artek

  1. Collect and scan certificates for the last three years. Make sure that the year is indicated on them, there is a signature and a seal.
  2. Register on the Artek-Children website and submit an application for several shifts. If you have any questions about the operation of the site, write to technical support.
  3. Wait for the automatic distribution of vouchers - this will happen no later than 20 days before the start of the shift.
  4. Pass a medical examination. Certificates will be issued free of charge at the hospital to which the child is assigned.
  5. Buy tickets and sign documents. If you have any questions, ask them to your regional operator.
  6. Provide the child with money, a telephone, clothes and toiletries.
  7. Join the regional delegation, take them to Artek yourself, or send your child alone.

Why Artek

Since 2014, Russian schoolchildren began to be given vouchers to Artek for achievements in studies, creativity and sports. 95% of tours are free.

I don’t know exactly how tickets are won for winning specific competitions - I don’t have that kind of experience. The Artek website contains a list of partners and the rules for competitive selection. For example, the Russian Post is holding a letter competition “Post, I want to go to Artek,” the winners of which are awarded trips to the camp.

I will tell you how the vouchers that are distributed by region win.

We tell you how to save not only on children

Regional trips

Every year, the Ministry of Education and Science distributes free vouchers between Russian regions. For example, in Primorsky Krai, where I live, 176 vouchers were given in 2017. Moscow was allocated 900.

Schoolchildren who want to go to the camp submit applications and list their achievements - victories in various competitions. Each achievement is assessed in points - whoever gets the most points goes to the camp.

In 2015-2016, vouchers were distributed by employees of education departments in the regions. Since 2017, this has been done by the Artek automated system.


free trips to Artek were awarded to Moscow in 2017

Regions are given free trips to other camps, for example “Eaglet” and “Ocean”. But they are still distributed by education departments, and there are no clear criteria that are clear to schoolchildren and parents. At least in my region.

Whom do they take?

Artek accepts secondary school students from grades 5 to 11. There is also an age limit for participants in summer shifts: from 8 full years to 17 years inclusive.

The child must have achievements in school, creativity, sports and social activities. For example, he wins Olympiads in school subjects and wins dance and sports competitions.

Most of my schoolchildren's achievements are sports. They engage in tourism, orienteering and win competitions at the regional and district level. With these achievements they win trips to Artek.

How to apply for the camp

The application is submitted by the parent or the child himself. He registers on the Artek Children website, uploads certificates to his personal account and submits an application.

80,000 R

costs a commercial trip to Artek

To create a personal account, indicate your full name, address, school and class, and upload your birth certificate. Indicate the parents' contacts: they will be called if the child receives a ticket.

The personal account interface is not particularly friendly, but Artek employees wrote down video on how to fill out your profile correctly. If you still have questions, contact technical support: I wrote to [email protected] and my problem was solved in half an hour. Technical support phone numbers are listed in your personal account.

After registration, children upload scans of diplomas for the last three years to their personal account. There are two sections for this: “Awards” and “Other”. Diplomas from competitions where the child won prizes, individually or as part of a team, are attached to “Awards.” Less significant letters of gratitude and certificates for participation are attached to “Other.”

Check that the diploma indicates the year of the competition and the signature and seal of the organizing committee. Otherwise he will not be accepted.

After all the certificates have been uploaded, the child submits an application. To do this, he selects a shift and indicates the achievements on which the rating will be calculated.

Information about the submitted application will appear in your personal account. Moreover, the system will immediately process the information and automatically calculate the amount of points.

There is no single passing score to receive a ticket: the child competes with other children from their region who want to take the same shift. In Moscow, the average score will be higher than in the regions of the Far East.

When distributing vouchers, the system takes into account the area in which the student lives: increasing coefficients apply for children from remote villages. There is currently no exact scheme for how the rating is calculated. Since January, they began to use new coefficients when calculating points, but which ones are unknown.

How applications are reviewed

Vouchers are distributed no later than 20 days before the start of the shift. The exact dates are set by regional operators - local administration specialists. You can also find out details about the application from them.

After submission, the application may have the following statuses:

  1. “New” - the application is registered in the system;
  2. “Application accepted” - the authenticity of the achievements was checked by the regional department, everything is in order;
  3. “Voucher received” - the system automatically distributed the vouchers and the child received it;
  4. “The trip is issued” - the parents have signed all the documents, the child is definitely going to the camp.

After the application status changes to “Voucher received,” a representative from the Department of Education will call the parent. He will find out if the parent agrees to let the child go and will send the documents that need to be filled out. All that remains is to pay for air tickets, undergo a medical examination and issue a voucher.

If the application has the status “System Failure,” it means that the child did not have enough points and did not receive a ticket. Don't be discouraged - apply for another shift. Last year, my student did not pass the “World of Art” shift, but with the same rating she was accepted into the “History of Our Victory” shift. She didn't regret going.

Summer shifts are the hardest to get into - they provide the least number of vouchers.

What are the restrictions?

To apply for a trip, you will need to collect a package of documents. The full list is posted on the Artek website.

Almost half of the documents on the list are medical. Before the trip, the child undergoes a commission with doctors and draws up a medical card. This must be done no earlier than 10 days before departure. You will also need a certificate of sanitary and epidemiological environment - take it no earlier than 3 days before the trip. Documents will be issued free of charge at the clinic at the place of registration.

Some chronic diseases are not accepted to the camp: for example, diabetes, epilepsy, bronchial asthma in remission for less than a year. If a child gets sick on the eve of the trip, he will also have to cancel the trip.

The child should have no contraindications to active activities. At the camp they go on excursions, go hiking and go down to caves, practice at the climbing wall, and swim. Parents sign consent for their child to participate in these activities. Parents also give the right to treat the child if necessary - they sign consent to medical intervention.

Valentina Rudenko, sent her child to Artek

Valentina Rudenko

sent the child to Artek

Collecting documents for the camp was not difficult. All forms and applications were sent to us by email - we printed them out and filled them out. We went to the doctors twice: first we took tests and visited the doctors, and after a couple of days we took the completed medical book and a certificate from the pediatrician.

Two days before the trip, we were invited to the regional operator and told to take all the documents with us. There was a general meeting of parents whose children are flying to Artek - about 30 people in total. The escorts were introduced to us and all our questions were answered. Then we signed agreements on admission to Artek and issued vouchers.

How do they go to the camp?

My students flew to Artek by plane, as part of a regional delegation. Plane tickets Vladivostok - Moscow and Moscow - Simferopol were paid for by parents. It is convenient that tickets for children are booked in advance - for this purpose Artek has entered into an agreement with Aeroflot.

The schoolchildren had accompanying persons: three adults for 30 children. They took the group to Simferopol, to the Artek base hotel, where the children were received by counselors. After the medical examination, the children were taken by bus to Gurzuf, to the camp itself.

If you do not want to send your child with the delegation, you can take him to Simferopol yourself. Or the child can go to the camp alone - to do this, provide the child with written consent in advance to travel independently within the territory of Russia.

What to take to camp

Money. At Artek, children are taken on excursions - to the Livadia Palace, Suuk-su Palace, the Cosmos Museum, the Chekhov House-Museum and others. The tours are free, but your child will probably want to buy a souvenir. Other popular purchases include camp-themed clothing and candy sold in a vending machine.

Take small bills - there is nowhere to change money in the camp. My students spent about 10,000 R each on souvenirs and clothes with Artek symbols.

Telephone. Communication in the camp is good, Wi-Fi is available. The children themselves keep their phones, and they can call their parents at any time, except during school. They don’t have too much time to make calls, so counselors regularly post photos of children

Summer is the most favorite time of the year for most adults, but its onset is especially pleasing for children, who spend their time having fun and forget about annoying activities for three whole summer months. Summer holidays at the same time are a reason for many parents to think about how to organize a vacation for their child. In this case, it is difficult to find a more acceptable and worthy alternative to the Artek children's health camp, where amazing nature is harmoniously combined with historical sights. At the same time, knowing how much a trip to Artek costs, you will definitely want to send your baby there.

What is Artek children's camp like?

Artek is nine children's autonomous camps:

  1. Nautical– a new capital building located on the beach;
  2. « Crystal», « Amber" - hull - a ship located at the foot of the Bear Mountain;
  3. « River», « Ozerny» - three-story summer buildings located a few minutes walk from the beach;
  4. « Forest», « Field» - summer houses in the center of the camp;
  5. « Cypress», « Azure» - dachas in Russian luxury resorts, simultaneously hosting up to 4 thousand children in summer and almost 2 thousand in winter. On its territory there are 70 buildings, and more than 300 species of shrubs and trees grow. The camp also has its own fleet and port, there are exhibitions and 4 museums, 5 libraries and 20 clubs.

Spending the summer in Crimea in this summer camp means becoming much more independent, seeing many unknown and interesting places, making friends, plunging into a completely different world, but the most important thing for a child is to swim in the Black Sea, sunbathe and gain strength for the next school year. Such a youth camp, located in Russia, is attractive, first of all, for its program, as well as the surrounding attractions.

By sending their child to Artek, each parent will give their child the opportunity to learn more about the sights and history of Crimea, as well as enjoy the clean mountain air of the peninsula. Your children will be able to get acquainted with various architectural sights, such as the Vorontsov and Livadia Palaces, Swallow's Nest and so on. They will learn an interesting story about the construction of the Foros Church and visit the Tauride Chersonese Nature Reserve, where Vladimir the Great was baptized.

Why “Artek” cannot bear the costs of preferential stay for children

To date, only a couple of cities and regions have written statements of their desire to send their children to Artek, including Buryatia, Tatarstan, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk and so on. By the way, for many children from organized groups it will be possible to purchase discounted vouchers, that is, the region pays, as a rule, up to 90% of the cost of the voucher. Unfortunately, Artek cannot yet bear such expenses, since the economic situation is very difficult. However, in 2019, Russian schoolchildren can visit other camps, not only private, but also commercial.

As you know, a year ago 95% of places at Artek were distributed free of charge, but how much will vouchers cost in 2019?

The cost of a trip to Artek and what it depends on

In Russia, the sale of vouchers to children's health and pioneer camps has begun. This year, as it turned out, parents will have to pay about 17 thousand rubles for a child’s three-week stay in a budget camp, and in a private camp for two weeks up to 38 thousand. The management of Artek also announced their prices.

So, it will be possible to purchase a ticket to the famous Crimean camp for at least 27 thousand rubles, said Alexander Ryabinin, head of the representative office and deputy general director in the capital.

The cost itself will depend on the camp (there are 9 of them in Artek), the program of stay and the shift. The maximum price will be 59 thousand rubles. In this case, paid vouchers will be distributed in an amount of no more than 5% of all places. All the remaining vouchers will be for the winners, and specifically their owners will be gifted teenagers and children who managed to win various Olympiads, achieved outstanding heights in study, art or science, and also participated in various competitions and became winners.

It is planned to take about 4 thousand Russian children in the first race, their number will increase further, but it is not yet clear who will be involved in forming the list of guys and how they will get to Artek. The thing is that trains may no longer run through Ukraine, but it is not yet possible to obtain permission from airlines for free flights for children. Among low-cost flights for 600 seats, an agreement was signed only with Transaero and Aeroflot airlines. Negotiations are also underway with other airlines, but there is no confirmation to date, but other alternative ways for children to travel by ferry and train are being developed.

How can I get a children's budget voucher?

The first and most basic option to get a children's ticket to Artek is to purchase it! If you want to book a budget place in the camp, then contact the executive service authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and provide them with all the necessary documents for incentives. If you are not part of the budget group, then the tour can be purchased at a commercial price, but you will have to fill out an application indicating:

  1. Camp name;
  2. Change dates;
  3. The baby’s details – place and date of birth, full name, as well as the number of his document with which the child will go to Artek;
  4. Passport details of the payer of the voucher.

After you pay for your trip to Artek, you will receive the original contracts and, of course, the trip itself by registered mail. However, they are far from cheap, so initially carefully “weigh” all the positive and negative sides, in case there are cheaper options for spending an unforgettable children’s summer holiday in Crimea. Although, what could be better for your child than to spend the holidays in Artek.

“bite” and not everyone can afford it. The good news is that for talented children and winners of various Olympiads there is an opportunity to go to the cult city absolutely free. What do you need to do to get a ticket to Artek? The portal was found out by the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

"Artek" - about the center

“Artek” is located in Crimea, in one of the most beautiful places on the planet - on the Black Sea coast, 12 km from the famous southern coastal resort - the city of Yalta, in the urban village of Gurzuf. It opened on June 16, 1925.

Initially, Artek was positioned as a sanatorium camp for children suffering from tuberculosis intoxication. During the Great Patriotic War, the camp was evacuated to Altai, from where it returned to Crimea in 1944.

In the spring of 2014, after Crimea became part of Russia, the authorities of the republic nationalized the camp.

In 2016, according to the results of the All-Russian rating of children's camps, Artek was recognized as the best among the camps in Russia.

Once you have visited Artek, you will never forget it. The coastline of the international children's center stretches for seven kilometers, and it itself is a real children's town, uniting ten camps spread over two hundred and eighteen hectares of beautiful land.

In Soviet times, children received a ticket to Artek for excellent studies. Now, of course, no one will reward you with an expensive trip for getting an A in your certificate, but for success in sports, culture, and social activities, you have a chance to go to a cult children's center for free. True, you will have to “compete” with the best of the best, because vouchers are allocated on the basis of a competition between students applying for a vacation in Artek.

How to get a ticket to Artek: competitive selection

The Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region is responsible for sending children to participate in shifts organized by Artek.

The municipal commission analyzes the submitted documents and, based on the points scored, compiles a rating of the participants in the competitive selection at the municipal stage. Based on it, one winner of the municipal district is selected for each shift. Who gets preference if points are equal:

  1. Children in difficult life situations or from large families; children of single parents or under guardianship and trusteeship.
  2. Children who have a higher rating for the effectiveness of participation in international and all-Russian events.
  3. Children with a higher rating participate in interregional and regional events.
The regional (final) commission also compiles a rating of municipal winners and, in accordance with the number of vouchers, forms a list of children participating in the shift.

Who is eligible for a trip to Artek?

Vouchers to Artek are issued as encouragement and support for children who have achieved success in the following areas:

  • general education and science: winners and prize-winners of Olympiads and intellectual competitions;
  • additional education and science: winners and prize-winners of olympiads, competitions, shows, festivals, exhibitions and other events in the field of additional education;
  • Culture and art: winners and prize-winners of creative competitions, festivals, exhibitions and other events in the field of culture and art;
  • sport: winners and medalists of championships, public sports events, including applied sports;
  • social activity:
- leaders and activists of children's and youth movements at least at the municipal level;

Schoolchildren who are the authors of developed socially significant projects, including the implementation of the main activities of the All-Russian public-state children's and youth organization "Russian Schoolchildren's Movement";

Children who have excelled in socially useful activities, including volunteers who have earned awards for their activities in the social sphere.

Who is admitted to Artek?

During the school year, Artek accepts students from grades 5 to 11, who must not be 18 years old before the end of the shift.

In the summer (from June to August) – children from 8 to 17 years old inclusive, studying in additional general developmental programs.

Children in Artek: what is important to know

A child can be sent to Artek no more than once a year, regardless of the direction of the quota: regional, thematic, special.

Children corresponding to health groups 1-2-3-4 are sent to the camp if they care for themselves, move around and do not need special correctional and therapeutic conditions.

Documents for competitive selection

  • a copy of your birth certificate or passport;
  • a reference from the place of study, certified by the signature of the head of the educational organization and seal;
  • copies of IDs, diplomas, certificates, patents, diplomas, extracts from orders and other documents confirming the titles of winner (1st place), prize-winner (2-3 places), laureate or diploma holder (1-3 places) of a competition, festival, competition, Olympiad , review for the last three years, including both individual and team places.
  • documents confirming the child’s inclusion in the winning team (prize-winner), when providing copies of documents on the team championship;
  • documents confirming children’s social activities and active leadership position;
  • copies of articles in the media and the Internet.
If a child was awarded a trip to Artek in the previous year, then in case of new participation, he needs to provide new competition documents that were not taken into account before.

", which schoolchildren and their parents have been dreaming about for more than 90 years. Now it is the largest children's center in the world, the only International Children's Center in Russia and the leader of the Russian rating of children's camps.

Now “Artek” is a year-round educational camp. True, it is unlikely that children will have to sit at their desks much in an Artek school, because it is much more interesting to study biology in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, and history in Chersonesos!

Artek residents go on an excursion

Why go there?

Firstly, this is development and meeting with such aspects of life that many children could only read about in books. Designing drones, remote sensing of the earth, creating nanosatellites, sailing, painting, ornithology, forensics, animation, dendrology, golf and tennis...

Artek has a school, scientific and technical laboratories and 45 studios for additional education for creativity. During the shift, children will be able to “touch with their hands” different professions and, under the guidance of specialists, complete interesting project work. The children will learn not to be afraid of difficult tasks and move towards solving them, and maybe they will choose the work of their whole lives.

Classes in the robotics laboratory

Secondly, Artek is a dream and an opportunity to find friends for life. The old camp traditions have not gone away. At Artek they are passed down from generation to generation.

Children still live in groups and start the day with morning exercises, go on hikes, sit around fires and sing songs. Only with new opportunities, because not only residential buildings, but also concert and sports grounds are equipped with the latest technology in the children's center. Even at Artek, children will definitely meet one of their star idols: an astronaut, an artist or an athlete.

The naval detachment is preparing to sail

Thirdly, it is the sun, sea, mountains and a unique park. The coastline near Artek alone occupies 7 kilometers, and the entire center is larger in area than Monaco. On the territory of Artek there are beaches, sports grounds, swimming pools, tennis courts and even a rope park with a climbing wall. The child will definitely have a place to relax, breathe fresh air, walk and run. Of course, children will enjoy excursions to the historical places of the southern coast of Crimea - Chersonesos and Sevastopol - and the obligatory conquest of Ayu-Dag.

How to get to Artek?

You need to get a ticket. Since 2017, this can only be done through the automated information system (AIS) “Putevka”. She estimates the number of achievements of the child and their weight, after which she calculates the rating of achievements. This is a kind of passing grade: if you manage to get the required rating, the reward will be a trip to Artek. Everything is transparent and honest, the most purposeful people get tickets. And everyone can do this.

How to work with the “Putevka” system?

Parents and children need to register in the “Putevka” system, and then complete three steps:

  1. Complete your profile. Provide basic information about the child and contact information.
  2. Add achievements. Scan certificates and diplomas, enter the names of the events in which the child has participated over the past three years, indicate the winning places won.
  3. Apply for a shift. After this, the system will calculate the achievement rating, and parents and children can only wait for the decision and do not forget to add new achievements to the system.

Everything is quite simple, and if you have any questions, video tutorials or technical support will help you solve them. AIS “Putevka” is currently being improved, and your feedback on its work is very important!

Each squad in Artek has its own uniform color

It's free?

Yes, 95% of trips to Artek are free. But they can only be obtained for achievements in studies, creativity, sports and social life. Children from eight full years of age to seventeen years of age inclusive can take part in the competition.

Artek workers at the opening of the shift

We live in a region remote from the center, do we have a chance to get a ticket?

All children have equal chances. All regions receive quotas for trips to Artek; the number of trips is determined depending on the number of children living there.

Each region, at its discretion, assigns weight to certain types of children's achievements. After all, regions have different development programs: for example, somewhere an aviation industrial cluster is actively developing - in this region engineering competitions will be valued in order to reward children who aspire to become aircraft designers with vouchers.

The voucher distribution system takes into account where the child lives, but the decision is now made not by local people, but by the IT system - as transparently as possible.

Children who win competitions with Artek’s thematic partners can also get a ticket (the list of partners can be found on the website). For example, if you become a prize-winner at the Aerospace Olympiad at Samara University, you will most likely be awarded a ticket to Artek for a space shift, which is regularly held in partnership with this university.

Also, the child will receive a ticket if he reaches the finals of the International Reading Competition “Living Classics” or becomes the winner of the letter competition “I want to go to Artek”, which is held by Russian Post. Try your hand!

Children from different countries, cities and villages leave personalized tiles on the “Wall of Friendship”

Last year, 30,000 children (and not only from Russia) vacationed at Artek, and even more should come this year. So it’s possible to visit the International Children’s Center.

I want to send my child to Artek, but there are few achievements. What to do?

If the portfolio score is a little short of a ticket, don’t be upset: the child can earn new achievements and take part in the competition again - the number of attempts is unlimited!

With a lower portfolio score you can buy a commercial tour. True, there are few paid tours, only 5%. Therefore, certificates and achievements will still be useful: they will affect the child’s rating, even if you want to send him to camp for money.

Artek residents take souvenir photos with friends

Summer is in full swing, will your child be able to get to camp before the start of the school year?

If you don't make it in time, it's okay. The international children's center "Artek" is open all year round. If the child has already entered the fifth grade, then he can go to camp on any other shift.

Artek has its own secondary school. It works according to federal state educational standards, so children learn right in the camp and do not lag behind their classmates.

A team of ornithologists from Artek studies birds

The school has new laboratories with modern equipment, an interactive library, young teachers and the best counselors who love their work come here to teach. Teachers go through a competition to get into Artek.

The International Children's Center uses new pedagogical methods to teach children the main thing: not just memorize information from a textbook, but apply all knowledge in practice.

Where can I find out news about Artek?

The best way to follow the life of the International Children's Center is on the website "

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):