Agree that sometimes thoughts arise to quit this hated job, this everyday routine. Get away from the bustle of the city, traffic jams, noise from endless construction projects. Go to a quiet, calm corner where you can feel free and happy.

Naturally, there are quite a few disadvantages in moving to a village for permanent residence, but we will talk about the advantages that are so great that they can cover all the disadvantages.

1. Housing
Buy a decent house 150 km away. from the Moscow Ring Road you can get it for 2-3 million rubles. And a one-room apartment on the outskirts of Moscow costs 5-6 million (prices for 2015). By buying a house, you will provide yourself with housing until you grow old. And in the one-room apartment, you will have to change it to a larger apartment after the birth of your first child.
With the money you save, you can buy several cars, for yourself and your other half. In this case, there will even be a few million left.
So what will you choose? A cramped one-room apartment on the outskirts of Moscow or your own house with a plot and a private car park?

2. Health
You can improve your health in the village at every step. The sound of tree leaves soothes, fresh air heals and cleanses the lungs, walks in the forest relieve stress, depression and chronic fatigue.
A large city puts pressure on a person, its conditions contribute to the constant production of adrenaline. Thanks to this, many people experience a feeling of the speed of life, of constant “movement”. Constantly living in this mode guarantees you health problems.

3. No neighbors, no one bothers you
When neighbors have children, it can be very annoying. Either they stomp heavily, then they scream at night, or they run around early in the morning. The same thing happens when neighbors do renovations. This is because the walls are thin, you can hear everything. Whether you like it or not, you live as one big family. And everyone has to endure it.

4. Food
Nowadays it will not surprise anyone that products from stores are of dubious quality. You can be indignant about this as much as you like, but, alas, nothing can be done about it yet. But you can protect yourself and your family from the tricks of unscrupulous manufacturers. By growing vegetables, berries and herbs yourself, you will learn the true meaning of the phrase “environmentally friendly product”

5. Peace and tranquility
This is, of course, the main reason why you want to move to the countryside. The sleep here is sound and deep, which is facilitated not only by the fresh country air, but also by the undisturbed silence. And in general, this noise here is so exceptional that a rare tractor evokes only pleasant emotions.

6. The ability to gather friends around a large table
Absolutely all the conditions to have a great time with friends or relatives - right in your home. What can replace a barbecue in the fresh air to the sounds of a guitar? This is what will best brighten up a quiet summer evening. Other excellent ways to spend time, unfamiliar to city residents, include relaxing in your own bathhouse and swimming in a lake nearby.

7. No urgent need for money
Living in a village, you can provide yourself with all the necessary food all year round, with the exception of some products. You can earn this by selling surplus from your backyard (eggs, vegetables, etc.)

8. You can step away from politics
In the city, the actions of the authorities are better manifested than in the countryside. In the village, no one simply cares about a person; he lives the way he wants. Of course, without fanaticism - without breaking the laws. In the village there is no such strict control by the authorities as in the city.

9. Expanse for active recreation lovers
There are many more opportunities and places for sports in the village. For example, in winter you won’t need to load your car with equipment and drive hundreds of kilometers to ski in a pine forest. And you can skate on the frozen pond, completely free of charge and without waiting for your session, as happens in the city.

10. Aesthetics
I think there should be no controversy regarding this point. The aesthetics of the wild can in no way compare to the aesthetics of the city. These gray concrete houses, slush, dirt - only evoke negative emotions in a person. Whether it’s a beautiful forest, majestic mountains, murmuring rivers, spreading meadows.

1. Beginning

This will be a long post.
Where did it all start? How does an ordinary city dweller come to understand the need to change the familiar and comfortable urban environment to rural life, with all its advantages and disadvantages?
Maybe for this it’s worth living for twenty-eight years on the ground floor in a two-room Khrushchev house, with windows overlooking a piece of the Nizhny Novgorod-Moscow federal highway. Maybe it’s worth exploring all the delights of the “fun” Azerbaijani? families behind the wall, and also insatiable, in terms of sex, neighbors from above and a key-making workshop on the other side of the bedroom. Get stuck in traffic jams. Breathe the exhaust fumes of the Moscow highway. You never know what else.
But for me, the starting point was the birth of my second daughter. (now there are three children). 40 square meters is not the area on which children, a wife, a dog and a cat can live happily. I decided to move. At first my wife was not enthusiastic about this, but over time she either came to terms with it or was inspired by it. However, now neither I nor she can imagine life within the city. I will tell you without embellishment what it means to radically change your lifestyle. It's not as difficult as it might seem. And, yes, this will be a “different” post, I have nothing to hide - let’s get acquainted.

3. Are we moving?

Have you decided to move? You must first decide: where exactly! It's unlikely that you REALLY want to go into the middle of nowhere. You can go into the wilderness for a couple of weeks, even for a month - you can! With tents, sleeping bags and supplies of you know what. But not for life. There, in the wilderness, it is not boring - in any wilderness there will always be something to do that, whether you want it or not, you will entertain yourself with. It is UNCOMFORTABLE in the middle of nowhere. It is inconvenient to buy groceries, it is inconvenient to take children to school, it is inconvenient to build buildings and many other “inconvenient” things.

To be fair, it should be said that while in the process of choosing a place for future habitat, I traveled almost the entire Nizhny Novgorod region. I was in Vetluga and Voskresensky and Knyaginino and Arzamas. But fate magically brought me to the village where my roots came from - the village of Golovino, Gorodetsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region. This is where my father grew up, this is where he met my mother. I didn’t even consider this area as an option for searching, I just found an ad on Avito and decided to call. And he called. My father's godmother (I found out when I signed the contract - it happens). In general, I bought (almost) a family nest quite cheaply

5. What we have

Let's be honest. Pros:
1. 50 km from the city (Nizhny Novgorod). not 400 km, like to Vetluga. Although there are places... mmmm.... Still, in the city, no matter what, property remains. We need to visit him sometimes. Well, relatives, of course. Them first.
2. Complete lack of industry. production in the area. On the other side of the Volga there is a dying Balakhninsky paper mill, but it is 10 km away.
3. Nearby is a school, kindergarten and shops. 1 km on a dirt road. Too lazy to go? Walk there!
4. Small village of 12 yards. It's really quiet here.
5. In the village, besides us, there are still living people. Pensioners are homebodies, of course, but still, not a bearish angle.
6. The roads are cleared (of snow). I'll say more. They clean better and cleaner and 100% faster than in my yard in the city.
7. Nature. The forest is nearby. The lake and river are nearby. Even abandoned orchards with apples, plums, strawberries, cherries, harvested according to the principle of whoever stood first and slippers, are also nearby.
1. 1 km on a dirt road! 350 days a year is nonsense! and only 2 weeks in the spring, when the snow has melted and the earth has not yet moved away, this is a real ass. The nearest village has asphalt, but you need to get there.
2. Hospital. First of all, for children. There is a paramedic station, vaccinations, examinations here, but all the specialists are in the regional center.
3. Education. The school only has 9 classes. Periodically (as they are completed) there are 11 classes. How lucky you are :)) How to insert the map here is the link Golovino village.

7. What you will need.

1. Freelance income (at present) from 40,000 rubles. Not necessarily permanent. But average for the year. If you, such an all-around CITY man, in full bloom, hope to realize yourself in working (and God forbid, He in Whom You Believe) farming activity - forget about moving to the village - this is not your case. You could become a super farmer - if you had the opportunity to survive for five or six years on the financial cushion you had previously accumulated. And this is provided that the “cushion” will also allow you to invest from 1 million rubles. per year for the development of your farm. If you are not a freelancer or a millionaire, do not ruin the life of yourself and your family. Stay in the city.
2. Spacious all-wheel drive vehicle. There is absolutely no way without him. I have a 1995 Subaru Legacy, a station wagon, rotten, but a tank. I'm as happy with him as an elephant. Anyone who wants to start a fight about Subarey, I recommend creating a separate topic and inviting me there. I have something to say about these cars. Only on the delivery of building materials I saved more than it costs. The rest is nuances. There is also an equally rotten Nissan Almera from 1996. This is front wheel drive for "light" trips.
3. The desire to build yourself. With the above income - construction only in independent mode. In general, you need to understand that no one will come for you or do anything. It (understanding) comes with time, it is important not to miss it. But you can handle the construction itself easily. Some information from books and the Internet. A little ingenuity on how to do it alone. And now - you are a builder, slightly inferior in level of knowledge to an average worker with a specialized (not higher) education. And since you will most likely be building a frame house on your own, you will not need tricky calculations. Only your time, energy, money and desire. All.
4. Support from your family. If your spouse gets her claws into the urban environment - her favorite nail salon, supermarket, girlfriend or “society” - believe me, nothing will work out for you. You may move to the village, but one, and these are two big differences! In general, without a family, wife, children in a house in the village, you will quickly howl like a wolf. Or you'll get drunk. Because the alternative to a family home in the village is a drinking grandfather-neighbor who has no one to drink with and nothing to drink with, and here you are, and with money at that.

From time to time, the average person has the idea of ​​leaving work, changing the type of activity, forgetting about everyday life, leaving the bustle of the city. Moving to a village for permanent residence will solve the problem of traffic jams and city noise.

To go to a quiet, calm place, as the village seems to be, to become a happy person, freed from the bustle of the city - such thoughts sometimes come to mind. You can talk about moving from city to village for permanent residence for a long time. There are also disadvantages to this issue, but there are more advantages.

An important motivation for changing place of residence is environmentally friendly products. The village is the only place where you can grow your own vegetables and fruits. People are looking for a way to eat healthy.

A simple life, moving to the village is the beginning of a new path.

As soon as you want to see quality products on your table every day, the thought immediately arises: I want to move to the countryside.

On your plot you can not only grow fruits and vegetables, but also run a subsidiary farm, which will completely solve the problem of healthy nutrition. And if you start breeding various types of animals, then a permanent income is guaranteed.

Pros of moving:

  1. Moving from a city to a village means getting the cleanest air, without exhaust emissions and the hustle and bustle of life. Only a village will give you peace and quiet, next to your home there is a forest and, if you’re lucky, a river.
  2. No neighbors right behind the wall.

After all, living in a high-rise is annoying:

  • the neighbor's children are noisy;
  • For older people, the TV is loud;
  • the neighbor's dog barks early in the morning;
  • young people “have a blast” when they have to get up early for work.

This list is endless. And then the question arises, is it advisable to move from the city to the village?

Agglomeration has an overwhelming effect on people, and nature gives a chance to fully experience the beauty of the region.

A simple life, moving to the village allows you to hear the noise of the trees, feel the fresh wind, relieve accumulated fatigue, strengthen the heart and respiratory system. Such a permanent move will solve health problems. Here every step is relaxation.

How not to make a mistake when choosing housing?

The decision to move to the village is not easy. You need to think about whether it is so simple and easy there before you change your place of residence. If the decision is made, then first of all you need to take care of housing.

Buying a country house is a serious step, and a financial investment in its purchase will guarantee a roof over your head until old age. The cost of this is much less than purchasing an apartment in the city.

Where is it better to live - in the city or in the countryside? The question is not easy. Before you decide to move, there are a few things to think about:

  • is there any point in moving far from your usual region, because climate change does not always have a good effect on your health;
  • the land plot must be at least suitable for living, with communications (electricity, gas);
  • the presence of wells, boreholes or a river located near the site;
  • infrastructure (store, school, kindergarten, medical facilities);
  • is there work in the village, or how far is the settlement from your main place of professional activity?

Once these nuances have been sorted out, you can begin searching for suitable housing. It's not an easy job. Everything must be foreseen and calculated correctly.

You can contact realtors or start the search yourself. There are a lot of advertisements, there will always be offers that suit you.

Homes for sale are divided into several categories:

  • country houses;
  • garden;
  • residential.

The dacha and garden types belong to a gardening partnership and are intended for growing vegetables and fruits. This option is good for those who decide to live there seasonally. A simple life and moving to the countryside presuppose the presence of housing located on an allotment intended for the construction and maintenance of residential buildings.

This option gives the right to register for residence. The construction of a house can be carried out on leased land, communal property, and the ideal option is private property.

What to look for when choosing a home? First of all, you need to check the condition of the building, the solidity of the foundation, and the roof. It is also worth noting the presence of communications and outbuildings on the plot, because the decision “I want to move to the village” is made consciously by a city dweller, taking into account the presence of the minimum amenities of civilization.

How to check the reliability of the purchased housing?

It is advisable to move in early spring, when you can see the presence of groundwater in the basement, flooding of the house, and waterproofing of the foundation. It is necessary to inspect all attic spaces to get a complete picture of the condition of the house.

When inspecting residential premises, it is worth checking electricity and gas appliances, turning on the heating system and waiting for the pipes to heat up. High-quality walls should be level, and the floor should not creak; its creaking indicates rotten or sagging joists.

The main thing you need to know about land

One should not ignore where the land plot is geographically located. It would be a good idea to contact local authorities and make inquiries about the place where you are planning to move. It is worth inspecting the surrounding area: the presence of any body of water will make life much easier in the summer.

You need to study the documents especially carefully. The most important terms of the contract are the availability of a cadastral number and the size of the acquired plot. The status of the land plot contains the following information:

  • land in use, privatized or not;
  • is there a state act on the right of ownership, the right to use the land plot;
  • Does this plot have a cadastral number?

It is worth stipulating the payment of taxes after the transaction:

  • the amount of tax paid;
  • which party to the transaction will pay the tax;
  • which party will pay compulsory pension insurance to the Pension Fund;
  • who pays for the notary's services?

In various situations, depending on the site and the house, additional documentation checks will be required, as well as accurate information about the person selling the property: whether he is legally competent and has the right to complete the transaction.

Documents required to complete a transaction

In order not to find yourself in an awkward situation, you must have a package of documents to complete the transaction:

  1. A document confirming the right to property (sale and purchase agreements, donations, certificate of ownership, certificate of inheritance).
  2. The Technical Inventory Bureau is obliged to issue an extract from the register of property rights.
  3. Certificate from the passport office confirming the absence of registered minor residents.
  4. Certificate of expert assessment of the value of the house. Homeowners must provide proof of no arrears.

Only a city dweller who has moved, who is familiar with life in the village not only from videos, can compare life “before” and “after”. Living in a metropolis has many advantages: the opportunity to earn and spend, and take full advantage of the developed infrastructure.

But the village also has shops, although there are not many of them, but everything you need can be purchased. Communication with people is not limited to correspondence on social networks. The simplicity and openness of the villagers surprises and amazes.

But first we need to clearly understand whether this is a fleeting desire - I want to move to the village. It is not necessary to exhaust yourself with labor in the garden when exchanging an apartment in the city for a house in the village, because even in relaxation one gets to know life, which the move has changed beyond recognition.

For each type of land and household work there are all the necessary equipment. The village will help you open up to a second wind. An active lifestyle will prolong the functioning of the whole body, the main thing is not to overdo it!

Fresh air filled with the aroma of cut grass, berries and fruits in abundance, water from a well, the feeling of morning damp dew on bare feet and intoxicating happiness - this is exactly how rural life seems to many. Some residents of megacities dream of moving the fence to the countryside. Is this feasible? In what ways can this dream be fulfilled? Will rural life not be a burden for a city dweller?

The benefits are obvious!

People who spend their entire lives in a metropolis cannot boast of excellent health. Junk food from supermarkets, constant stress and fuss - all these factors destroy a person’s natural protective shell, making him vulnerable to various diseases.

A villager feels completely different. It has been proven that people living in villages have much better health. Constant exposure to fresh air, consumption of clean water and food have a beneficial effect on the human body, forming normal metabolism and powerful immunity.

Land, garden, vegetable garden

People who are not afraid of working on the land tend to move to the countryside from the city. Vegetables and fruits grown in your own garden are very tasty and healthy. You can also arrange your own garden and collect fragrant apples, currants, and raspberries every year.

A cozy gazebo made of wicker and a spacious hammock will look great between the fruit trees. Here you can relax in the shade of trees on hot days, enjoying the peace and quiet, and on weekends invite friends and have fun in nature.

New opportunities

After moving from the city to the countryside, some people cannot get used to the deep silence that lives in a rural home. There is no roar of cars, signals at night and noise from neighbors behind the wall. Silence reigns everywhere, you can hear the thin-voiced singing of birds and the rustling of leaves. Once in such an atmosphere, a person begins to feel freedom, the measured pace of village life and completely gets rid of stress and anxiety.

New opportunities appear that are inaccessible to city dwellers. Now you can get a dog or a cat and not really worry about whether they want to go for a walk today. Pets will happily run around the yard without interfering with your plans and worries. If you wish, you can start a farm: chickens, a pig or even a cow. Then the usual products in your monastery will be homemade eggs, fresh meat and milk.

Benefits for children

All parents know how good the child is in the village. The baby becomes more independent and calm, and clean air and fresh food have a beneficial effect on metabolism and strengthen the immune system. Constantly being outside, playing with friends, running around and cheerful exclamations - absolutely all children like the freedom of the village, away from the noise of cars and the dangers of the city.

In addition, here a child can constantly communicate with domestic animals, get a pet, and care for it. In summer, village kids look tanned, rosy-cheeked and absolutely happy. And how much fun they give in the village! Snow-covered meadows attract children with their steep slopes, and now you can hear ringing laughter and the fervent courage of little mischief-makers!

Moving from city to village

If you have finally decided that you want to give up city life, there is no need to rush. You need to think carefully about everything and decide on the area that is ideal for making your dreams come true. It is best to leave the city for a village where your friends or relatives live. You will have at least some support at first, and friendly advice or a little help has never hurt anyone.

When choosing a place to move, you should not focus on remote villages. There must be at least some kind of civilization in the village: a store, a school for children, a post office to receive or write letters. It can be difficult to get from a village to a city, so it is advisable that there be a convenient transport interchange and buses.

Choosing an activity

If the village you are moving to is far from your city, you should consider how you will earn a living. You will have to leave your main place of work, and finding a job in your specialty in the village is very difficult.

Perhaps you will sell homemade milk, eggs, or raise chickens in an incubator. All options for making good money need to be thought through and calculated, so as not to curse yourself later for making a hasty decision.

It’s good if you have some kind of passive income in a bank or a share in a business. Then you will have confidence in the future and stable financial support.

Warm and comfortable

We live in an age of progress and modern technology, so even in a village it is necessary to improve everyday life. All amenities, a bathroom and warm radiators must be present in your home, or immediately after moving you need to solve this problem.

Of course, if you like to chop wood and light the stove, the question disappears by itself. But it’s still better to just relax in a warm house and not feel inconvenienced, especially when it’s freezing outside.

Do you like to drive a car?

To quickly move from city to village and not feel disadvantaged, it is very good if the family has its own car, or even better, two. Transport communications are often very poorly developed in villages, so you will have to drive to get to school, hospital or bank.

It is very good if the wife is also a driver. Then she will not depend on her husband’s work schedule and will be able to take the children to school herself or go about her business at any time convenient for her.

Neighbors and locals

When moving from a city to a village, migrants are least concerned about the issue of communication. It seems that people are the same everywhere, and if friendliness is developed by nature, there should be no problems. But that's not true. more closed than city dwellers, and perhaps, at first, migrants from the city to the countryside will feel increased attention and tension.

A very unpleasant feature of small villages is that every resident is in full view of everyone. Any action or lifestyle is always discussed and very often not in a positive manner. Gossip and gossip arise, and if at first you try to pay attention to such little things, then over time the influence of the social environment becomes very noticeable.

Residents of megacities are accustomed to the noise and bustle, the crazy pace of life, and therefore, for the first time after moving from the city to the countryside for permanent residence, many feel boredom and loneliness.

Technical side

Another important circumstance that citizens are not aware of is the lack of some services and communications. The speed of the Internet in many villages leaves much to be desired; there are interruptions in its operation and a complete lack of coverage. This also applies to cellular services. In order to comfortably talk on the phone with relatives, some village residents climb to the roofs of houses or some elevated surfaces.

There are also power outages. This occurs due to breakdowns, hurricanes or other adverse weather conditions. You may be left without light for several hours, and if the repairs take longer, then for a longer time.

Hard labour

No matter how long-awaited your move from city to village may be, you need to understand that now your life will change. This mainly concerns personal time. Life in the village is, first of all, work, daily and hard. Work in the garden, in the garden, caring for the territory of the house, taking care of pets - all this will have to be done every day.

In addition, no one canceled the usual things either. Cooking, cleaning, ironing and washing - these women's worries are not going away, only now they need to be combined with other activities.

It's great if all family members help each other and strive for a common goal. This is especially true for the stronger sex. If your spouse loves football and a soft sofa, you need to think very carefully before moving to the countryside from the city.

Rough work requires male participation. In winter, you need to remove snow, clear paths, in summer, you need to fix something, chop firewood, and help in the garden. In order to create a cozy life and a comfortable environment, the participation of all family members is very important. Then it will bring joy, and the work will go quickly and easily.

If in doubt

Calm rural life attracts residents of megacities who are tired of the hustle and bustle and rigid daily routine. I want a carefree existence, unencumbered by problems, stress and the eternal “chase” for prosperity or a good position. However, relocating from a suburb to a village can be disastrous for people who:

  • cannot imagine their life without theaters, clubs and active events;
  • do not have a permanent source of income;
  • any difficult work is a burden for them;
  • not ready for difficulties;
  • afraid of physical labor.

Desired freedom

Of course, not everyone can live in the city, but not everyone is comfortable in the countryside. When deciding to move to the outback, you need to be prepared for surprises, some difficulties and even conflicts. Rural life may look completely different from what many imagine.

An excellent option would be to live in a village you like for a while, for example, in the summer. Then you will be able to really assess the situation, meet someone, and learn about the social life of the village. If at the end of summer you do not change your decision, then feel free to move to the village.

Green meadows with tall grass, blooming fragrant gardens, scarlet apple trees and a cozy, well-appointed house - isn’t this joy? Several years will pass, and, sitting on the terrace under the quiet murmur of grasshoppers, you will think for a moment and realize that you are very happy, and your decision to move to the village was really the right one!

“There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help.” Perhaps this popular saying is best suited to describe causes, which prompted me three years ago to change not only my place of residence, but also my outlook on life and its values.
Not so long ago, I was a purely city dweller, and I couldn’t even imagine that I would accept decision to move live in the village.

We lived with my husband and two small children in a one-room apartment in what for some reason is considered a prestigious area of ​​Ufa. It’s a bit cramped, of course, but still not a hostel or a rented apartment. I even managed to set up a work studio for myself next to my apartment, using one of the tiny premises of the local housing department for use. The eldest son went to the lyceum, which was located in the courtyard. Our youngest daughter was about to turn three years old and we were getting ready to go to kindergarten. And everything seemed to be fine and orderly.


But it so happened that my very elderly grandmother had a stroke. And you just had to take her in and look after her. But where? It was definitely impossible to transport a bedridden patient into our one-room apartment. Money to buy a larger apartment from us did not have. As well as time: in the three weeks while my grandmother was in the hospital, the housing issue had to be resolved. Moreover, using the “bash for bash” method - in fact, exchanging our small apartment for housing that would accommodate children and provide a decent place for a sick person. It is clear that this happened in Ufa impossible. And I began frantically looking for a house in the suburbs. In such a way that you can take your children to school every day and go to work yourself.

We found a way out.

And such a house was found in Chesnokovka. Not in that part of the village where the servants of the people live in castles on the mountain, but in the so-called “lower” part, where mere mortal locals live. The house previously belonged to elderly people and was in appropriate condition. But still, it was brick, with water supply, AOGV and sewerage-shambo. In addition, the house came with a small plot of land.

And most importantly - the house was four times more spacious our one-room apartment, and at a cost of almost did not exceed her. Here, of course, I was just lucky: the seller wanted to exchange the house he had inherited from his parents for money as soon as possible.

The move took place at the slowest time - the end of October. And although my brain understood that at the moment I had found a good solution to the family problem, my eyes horror They looked at the muddy ground in the yard, the peeling paint on the walls of the house and the cracked window frames. The clearly rusty water from the tap also did not add optimism. But - where ours did not disappear, we will settle down!

First troubles.

The first year was certainly difficult. Little by little they put the house in order: they replaced the windows with plastic ones, and equipped the children's rooms. I almost had to quit my job - bedridden patients require constant presence. I’ll skip the details, except to say that it’s much easier to raise another child than to care for a person with dementia. But we will all grow old someday...
The first week after moving, we still experienced the “one-room apartment syndrome”: after walking around our rooms a little, everyone gathered on one sofa and sat like that for some time.

1) The most unpleasant moment for me as a stylist was the fact that the tap water is only suitable for technical use. We brought bottled water for drinking and cooking. And I had to say goodbye to my platinum hair color: tap water inexorably enriched my hair with a wide palette of red shades.

2) Stylish boots became removable shoes and were worn only in the car. And for everyday use, rubber galoshes were bought for everyone.

3) By the middle of the day, my legs really began to hurt from winding up an unusually large number of kilometers of moving around the house.

4) In winter I had to clear the snow. With a shovel.

5) To live outside the city, everyone needs to have their own car.

Now, of course, all these experiences just make me smile.

Son I'm the first time took me to town to study, but then decided to transfer him to a local school. During all three years of studying at the Lyceum, we spent every evening at home again teaching material for the day's lesson. Plus the constant extortion and communication style of teachers in the format “do you even realize where you study?” In general, I thought that we wouldn’t lose so much if we just didn’t waste time on the trip and spend money on gasoline - after all, we still study in the evenings on our own. Imagine my surprise when in an ordinary village school we found wonderful teachers! My son began to understand everything in class, even his handwriting improved within a month! And the school itself is good - clean, warm, well-equipped, with a good canteen. The school often receives guests - various delegations and famous people come. And children are also often taken to various events. There were no problems with kindergarten for the youngest either. We wrote an application and were given a place. And then I realized that there are more advantages.

First advantages:

1) There is simply a place to live. Each child has his own room.

The grandmother was also placed in a separate room. And even my husband and I could now sleep not on the loggia or in the kitchen (which was in the order of things in a “one-room apartment”), but also in a separate room.

And it turns out that if the kitchen is spacious, then cooking is much more pleasant, culinary inspiration just sets in!

2) There are no neighbors here like in a city high-rise building. No one throws trash or cigarette butts under the windows, gets rowdy at night, or walks dogs on the playground.

3) Here you can get the kind of animals that you have long dreamed of, but cannot afford in a city apartment.

4) There is clean air here, children can safely play in their yard, which can be arranged as you wish.

5) AOGV is a very good thing. You can regulate the heating according to the weather, and not as the housing department decides. The children stopped getting sick. They completely forgot about the snot.

6) It turns out that a bathhouse is very convenient and useful.

7) Friends come all the time and it doesn’t bring any inconvenience - there’s enough space for everyone. On holidays there are always a lot of guests and children, it’s fun.

8) It takes 25 minutes to travel from home to the city center.

9) The excess weight came off very quickly and without visible effort: just good physical activity.

10) New skills are constantly emerging.

11) You can also work remotely.

12) If there are two cars in a family, it makes absolutely no difference whether you live in the city or outside the city.

13) An ambulance arrives within 20 minutes in any weather.

14) The village has almost all the necessary infrastructure: a school, two kindergartens (state and commercial), a clinic, a post office, a supermarket, public and private pharmacies, many small shops and hairdressers, a car service center, a garden center, an auto center, a church and a mosque.

We overwintered.

With the onset of spring, I was surprised to discover that for some reason I wanted something do with thawed soil. To me, a person who had no idea which side to take the shovel from and how dry seeds from bright bags turn into plants.

Pulled towards the ground.

But everything turned out to be not so difficult. The seeds grew safely into a strong seedlings, fortunately there were 6 window sills in the house and the need for a greenhouse disappeared. I am an absolutely ignorant person in terms of observing rules and deadlines, and therefore I planted the seedlings quite early - in early February, and transplanted them into the garden simply when it seemed to me that the earth had warmed up enough - in early May.

For the sake of decency, I covered the planted area with plastic film, which I stretched over metal arches found in the barn (thanks to the previous owners - a lot of useful things remained from them in the house). Probably I was also lucky with the soil, it turned out to be light and crumbly, shoots were friendly and grew up without capriciousness. In June, I treated my neighbors to cucumbers and tomatoes.

The neighbors were surprised and chuckled: “Did you plant them on New Year’s Day?” And they added, “Oh, well, this hand is just light. And foolish beginners usually get lucky.” In general, they were mistaken in the timing by only one month.. But I did not confirm this - why would you admit that you are a fool and a beginner, since the main thing is the result and vegetables yet grew up.

The result of the work still needs to be preserved.

And in such quantities that we had to master the procurement process. Fortunately, the house turned out to be good and roomy cellar. By the way, this point deserves a separate comment. Our apartment in the city was located on the first floor and the loggia was small, about 2 sq.m. the recess is something like an underground floor where we stored skis, sleds, winter tires, etc. But this place was for storing food absolutely unusable. because It was warm there; there were basement heating pipes nearby. And all the vegetables were bought in small quantities in the winter, you know at what prices.
In the house we lived in now there was a real cold solid brick cellar, the entrance to which was from the kitchen. It turned out that a person who has such a useful device as a cellar in general not scary none sanctions of a grocery nature. If, of course, you did a good job in the garden in the summer, prepared pickles and jam and put in enough potatoes for the winter. Here’s something, but we just bought potatoes at the Zatonsk wholesale base in the fall - I didn’t plant them myself (I did all the garden work alone and I simply couldn’t have accomplished such a feat).


Flowers have always been my weakness. Even living in the city, I tried to plant something blooming under the window. Of course, it was predictably trampled, torn down and littered with garbage by neighbors from the upper floors. But here it turned out that I can grow any flowers I want and set up flower beds anywhere on my property and no one will ruin them. Even the capricious ones petunias Together they turned green in the seedling boxes and a little later blossomed into lush caps of inflorescences in the flower beds.
And this indescribable subtle aroma of night violets and fragrant tobacco... Is it possible in the city at night to open a window and feel delicate scent night flowers. It seems that this is what the sounds of nightingale trills smell like, which are heard very close from the dark bushes by the river. No, friends, in the city the nightingale will be replaced by the alarms of your neighbors’ cars, and I assure you the smells will be completely different...

For old and young.

I allocated some land in front of the house for children's possessions.

I sowed the lawn, installed swings, playhouses, a swimming pool and other children's delights. Of course, in the city this would be unrealistic.

The price of my gardening and landscape work was saying goodbye to extended nails. Gel polish didn’t really help either, so I just started treating the cuticles more often and covering short nails with dark varnish.

By the summer, my grandmother had partially recovered and was able to get up and move quietly. She, too, could now sit in the air and bask in the sun. Have you probably noticed that in many windows of high-rise buildings the faces of elderly people are constantly looking out? This is often all that is available to them - it is already difficult for them to simply get dressed and go down the endless stairs, enter the frightening elevator... And there are simply no benches at the entrances, they simply have nowhere to sit. It is difficult for them to simply move around, let alone carry a chair with them for this purpose.
My grandmother lived for a year and a half after the stroke and died at the age of 93. She really felt good here - all the conditions of a city apartment, care + clean air and sun. Of course, it was not easy for us, but children should see that this is a normal human law of life - parents first take care of children, then it’s your turn to take care about old people. During all this time, we naturally could not leave home for more than a few hours. Of course, I constantly took the children to the cinema, the pool, and dances, but we couldn’t go somewhere to relax together. But what’s surprising is that we didn’t want this.

They do not seek good from good.

We used to take every opportunity break out from a tiny city apartment, at least for the weekend - to the beach with a tent, if finances allowed - then to Abzakovo or Kazan. And now we had at home what we had previously left for: air, a river, freedom for children, a bathhouse, barbecue, friends. And all this in normal civilized conditions and in absolute proximity to the city.

Now our life has returned to a calm direction: I resumed work and was even able to expand my profile. My son is already finishing 6th grade, my daughter is going to kindergarten (though lately she’s been trying to sabotage it - “it’s more interesting at home”), and my husband has discovered a lot of talent for renovations. Besides, spring is coming, and as you know "in spring the day feeds the year".

“Devastation is not in the closets, destruction is in the minds.”

We have become free to move around, but we don’t want to leave for a long time. In addition, the premises and cells for chickens and rabbits.
And if at first we laughed at our friends’ calls to have livestock, now we understand that the time seems to have come. It turned out quite successfully with the garden. With the crisis quite possible successfully fight. Well, you definitely won’t leave such a household for long.
Of course, living in your own home, you will never be able to lie in front of the TV or surf the Internet for half a day. There is always a lot of work here. But this is a pleasant job, you get incomparable satisfaction from the result of your efforts: you see that your children are doing well and understand that you can still improve something. Physical labor keeps the body in constant tone. Thanks to constant employment, there is absolutely no desire to quarrel with anyone, gossip, etc. I just want live and create.

It's never boring!

There are plenty of difficult moments in life outside the city, but there are undoubtedly more advantages. So there’s definitely nothing that can lure us into a city apartment; we chose to live outside the city! And if someone is also thinking about moving from the city, but has doubts, I hope my article will help you make a decision.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):