For many fans, fishing is not even a hobby, but a way of life to which they are ready and even devote all their free time.

And therefore, very often, avid fishermen have to invent and make various baits, spoons, tackles and much more themselves.

DIY silicone baits

It is often a pity to part with a vibrating tail that has already served its purpose. Or would like to add some element to it that you think is quite necessary. It doesn’t matter, you can make a new silicone bait at home.


  1. In a used canning jar, cleanly washed, of a suitable size, we dilute the plaster to the state of thick “bazaar” sour cream and dip old vibrating tails into it halfway to obtain a template. After the solution has hardened, carefully remove them. If you want to make changes to the shape of future products, use a sharp knife to add the necessary touches before pouring the silicone.
  2. Lubricate the finished cleaned form generously with fat, The most suitable option is sunflower oil, so that the finished products are damaged when taken out and do not stick to the mold.
  3. All further steps of pouring silicone into molds must be done in the open air. he or in a well-ventilated area.
  4. We cut old unused silicone products into pieces and place them in a jar, heating them on the stove.. To prevent the silicone from burning, it must be stirred. Keep the fire at a distance of 15-20 cm from the heated container. To obtain silicones of various colors, food coloring is added to it and, if desired, you can drop a little of a special fish flavor purchased at a fishing store.
  5. The heated and thoroughly mixed silicone mass is poured into the mold starting from the thinnest point. If you are making a two-color bait, then the layer of the second color is poured only after the first has dried.
  6. After complete hardening (usually 15-20 minutes), the bait is carefully removed from the plaster mold We. We clean the mold from silicone residues, correct the oil layer and repeat the process.

Mini-fastener for quick change of attachment with your own hands

Very often when fishing, especially fly fishing or lure fishing, there is a need to quickly change the nozzle. For this purpose, a specially shaped mini-clasp was invented. It is quite simple and easy to make at home.


  1. Tools needed to create a mini clasp:
  • Wire cutters.
  • Small round nose pliers and pliers.
  • Tweezers.
  1. A thin, rigid wire is used as the base material.. An acceptable option is a large staple from a regular stapler.
  2. We bend it with pliers into a product according to the shape, resembling a paper clip, but reduced in size by half.
  3. We bite off the excess wire.
  4. We select the size of the camber rick (hard silicone tube) of such a size that it fits tightly around the fabricated fastener.
  5. Using wire cutters, bite off a piece of the tube slightly longer than the fastener, it will act as a retainer.
  6. We thread the resulting piece of tube onto a fishing line and firmly fix it with a knot.
  7. Insert the attachment you need into the other side of the fastener.
  8. Pulls the silicone cambric with force. That's it, the mini clasp is ready.

Feeder for feeding fish from a boat

If you prefer to fish from a boat, then you will definitely be intrigued by this very simple and inexpensive fish feeder. It will serve as an excellent replacement for casting bait by hand, especially if fishing is in the current.

To make it you will need:

  • a piece of sewer plastic pipe;
  • two plugs for it;
  • lead;
  • electric drill;
  • rope, rivets;
  • loop and lock.

A piece of pipe about 30 cm long is fitted with plugs on both sides, one firmly and tightly, the other like a window in a house on a hinge.

We drill holes along the entire surface of the feeder.

A rope is connected to the opening lid, and a lock is attached to it from the inside. Weights are installed outside the pipe near the cover.

The feeder, pre-filled with bait, is carefully lowered into the selected fishing spot with the lid down due to the weights attached to it, and with a slight tug of the rope the unwanted spot is emptied. The whole place is baited and you can fish.

Wobbler from a home workshop

Store-bought wobblers are certainly not bad: very colorful, streamlined, completely imitating a small fish and its movements in the water, but they have one big drawback - the high price.

Therefore, many people prefer to make them themselves at home, especially since the process itself does not require special equipment and is quite exciting in itself.

Making wobblers:

  1. First of all, we draw on paper a sketch of what we want to do. Regardless of the material used to make the wobbler, it must be made of two symmetrical halves to pass a steel wire amplifier inside it.
  2. Wobblers can be made from foam plastic. It is easy to process, but less durable than plastic or wood. Having decided on the material, we cut out the blanks.
  3. We make fastenings for rings and tee hooks from thin stainless wire, we install them in the grooves cut in advance in the halves of the wobbler body, and fasten them with glue. After the glue has dried, we make a cut for the front blade and secure it firmly with glue.
  4. Then we ship the wobbler. There are many options here - everyone does this procedure specifically based on their personal preferences. That is, we customize it for ourselves.
  5. Fill the remaining empty spaces on the surface of the wobbler with epoxy resin and grind. You can now begin the creative process of priming and then painting the wobbler. There is nothing holding back your imagination here.

DIY spinner

Making a spinner with your own hands is not at all difficult with some skill. An example is a spinner.

For this you will need:

  • regular paper clip;
  • hook tee;
  • metal plate 0.5 - 1 mm (can be taken from an empty tin can);
  • small bead;
  • a piece of sheet lead;
  • tools: pliers, file, scissors, needle files.

We cut out the shape of the petal itself from cardboard and transfer it to metal. Carefully cut along the contour and remove burrs along the edges with a file.

We drill two holes along the edges and process them with a needle file.

We bend the places with holes at an angle of 90° relative to the petal.

We make an axle out of wire with a ring and a loop at one end, where we attach the tee hook.

We thread a petal through the other end, then a bead, and at the end we make a loop for the fishing line at a distance so that the lead sinker does not interfere with the free rotation of the petal.

The spoon is loaded experimentally on a reservoir by attaching weights to the niche between the petal and the tee. And the final touch is the coloring of the spinner.

Homemade products for summer fishing

When fishing, the problem of using live bait for bait often arises. Catching it usually involves wasting time. In hot weather, baitfish quickly become lethargic in a bucket of water and die.

A very simple device made from two plastic bottles will help you solve this problem:

  1. Cut off the neck of a two-liter plastic bottle by half.
  2. Then, on the same side, cut off the neck of the bottle at the widest part.
  3. You have a truncated cone, somewhat reminiscent of a watering can.
  4. We cut off the bottom of it.
  5. For the second bottle, cut off the bottom 5-7 cm from the point where the largest diameter appears.
  6. We connect the structure together. We insert the neck at the place of the cut, but on the contrary with a small hole inward and firmly fasten it with threads and a needle. We tightly place the bottom from another bottle onto the cut off bottom according to the principle of a drawing tube.
  7. We attach a small sinker in the middle of the side of the bottle, and a rope on the opposite side.

That's it, the trap is ready. We throw bread crumbs inside and throw a trap near the shore. The fry, having swam for food, can no longer get out of there on their own.

All that remains, when you need live bait, is to pull the trap out of the water and, by removing the plug at the bottom, get fresh and vigorous live bait.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:
  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Homemade products for winter fishing

In winter, live bait is often used to catch predators.

An example of such a budget and quickly manufactured gear:

  1. Material for production – sewer PVC pipe with a diameter of 32 mm. We cut the pipe into pieces of 10 - 15 cm.
  2. We process the chamfers at the ends of the pipe with a file.
  3. Using a heated nail, burn 3 holes in the tube. Two on one side, opposite each other, for hanging it on a tripod and one with a diameter of 1 mm on the other side, for stopping the fishing line.
  4. We make a line stopper in the shape of the letter P and thread it through a small hole. It should not interfere with the free movement of the fishing line.
  5. We make a ring (suspension) from a thick 0.4-0.5 mm fishing line, passing it through two holes on a plastic pipe. The suspension is used to attach the pole to a rod firmly driven into the ice, so that an overly frisky fish does not drag your pole under the ice.
  6. We wind up to 10 meters of main fishing line onto the pipe.
  7. At the end we put an olive weight and a tee hook on a double loop.

That's it, the girder is ready for work.

Tip: wrap the end of the pipe near the suspension loop with red tape and then the disappearance of the girder will be visible from afar, and you will always have time to get to it in case of a bite.

Homemade products for do-it-yourself fishing for crucian carp

There is one bait that crucian carp, especially not very large ones, prefer over all others. This is ordinary semolina porridge, but prepared in a special way.

Semolina bait recipe (hot):

  • pour water into a saucepan, add a couple of drops of flavoring and bring the mixture to a boil;
  • pour the cereal into a saucepan in a thin stream, stirring continuously until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained;
  • turn off the heat and leave the porridge to cool and steam at the same time;
  • when it reaches an acceptable temperature, knead it thoroughly with your hands to achieve even greater density;
  • to minimize drying of the porridge, wrap it in several layers of gauze;
  • You can’t wrap porridge in plastic; it suffocates and turns sour very quickly.

This kind of porridge makes good balls for bait on a hook.

Semolina bait recipe (cold):

  • pour water from a reservoir into a tin can, drip a little flavoring;
  • stirring constantly, add semolina there;
  • We continue the process until a homogeneous mass is formed. The thickness is checked as follows: raise the spoon with the porridge above the jar, if it remains on the spoon and does not fall down, the porridge is ready;
  • set the porridge aside for 10 minutes to swell;
  • We take a pre-prepared syringe and fill it with the mixture.

The bait is squeezed out of the syringe onto the hook and wrapped around it in a circle, the hook tip being closed last.

DIY fishing crafts for feeder

When feeder fishing, the feeder is a consumable item. It breaks while casting, it gets snagged and a new feeder is needed. In order not to constantly buy new ones, you can make them yourself from scrap materials.

Feeder made from a plastic bottle:

  1. We take an ordinary plastic bottle (preferably green), cut off its neck and bottom.
  2. We mark the resulting plastic and then cut it with scissors into rectangles measuring 6*13 cm.
  3. We roll the finished pieces into a cylinder with an overlap of 1 cm and fix them with a stationery stapler.
  4. On the side surface of the feeder we attach a piece of sheet lead with a loop made of a regular paper clip attached to it.
  5. Using a heated small soldering iron, we burn holes in the feeder in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 2 cm from each other.
  6. Insert a swivel into the resulting loop.

That's it, the feeder is ready, you can start fishing.

As you probably already understood yourself, there is nothing complicated in making additional homemade fishing devices and, for the most part, they do not require any specific skills or expensive machines for their production.

Therefore, do not be afraid of this, act boldly, invent little things yourself that can simplify the process of fishing or increase the catchability of the gear, and simply while away the long winter evenings.

How long has it been since you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HUGE pike/carp/bream?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perch, but ten kilogram pikes - what a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone can do it.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home or bought in fishing stores. But stores are expensive, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be fair, homemade bait does not always work well.

You know that disappointment when you buy bait or prepare it at home and only catch three or four bass?

So maybe it’s time to use a truly working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the same result that we cannot achieve on our own, especially since it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on production - you order it, it’s delivered and you’re good to go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Moreover, now is the season! This is a great bonus when ordering!

Find out more about the bait!

Fishing has long ceased to be a simple entertainment and hobby; for many men, this is the time when they can relax, take a break from problems and focus on a complex but interesting process, and homemade fishing tools for summer fishing will help with this. Therefore, there are a great many ways to fish, as well as varieties of fishing tackle, everyone selects them to suit their own needs, and some even create several home-made fishing products for summer fishing. This could be a simple hand-made wooden stick with fishing line and worms, or a high-tech novelty, complemented by your own spinners and modern baits for predatory fish.

And it doesn’t matter how you prefer to fish: the old fashioned way or using modern gadgets - a homemade fishing device for summer fishing will help you adjust a ready-made device to your requirements. Since ancient times, fishermen had to make everything themselves, and even in the modern world, many experienced people prefer to rely on equipment they created themselves, which will never fail, unlike purchased ones.

This practice is common because factory production is set up to create crafts that will suit as many situations as possible, and with rare exceptions they do not take into account many details.

So, what can you do yourself to make summer fishing easier if you are new to this activity?

No matter how developed your imagination is and no matter how varied your DIY fishing gear may look, they can still be classified into one of 8 main types:
  • a spoon is one of the most necessary things when fishing on a river;
  • feeder - helps you not to bother with additional feeding;
  • A float is the main gear that will help you understand whether the fish has eaten the bait along with the hook. Some experienced fishermen prefer to get rid of floats and follow the movement of the line, but this requires many years of training and not everyone can master this style;
  • mugs or otherwise called zherlitsy;
  • fishing rods are the main component, and with proper skill you can make your own fishing rod. They also have many varieties;
  • equipment - various additions to the fishing rod that simplify fishing and change it to suit the needs of the environment;
  • nods - help to more accurately recognize the catch;
  • homemade boats - their creation requires experience in woodworking and carpentry, but they can also be made from polymers.

With rare exceptions, almost all fishing homemade products fall under this type, and if you miss fishing rods and boats that are difficult to implement, then you can make most of the other gear yourself.

A very common and indispensable equipment when hunting predatory fish:

  1. Thanks to vibrations due to the flow of the river or the movement of the fishing rod, it allows you to imitate fish or other small animals.
  2. Easy to make and use.

It is most convenient to use them in conjunction with a spinning rod, and these are the simplest fishing homemade products that anyone can do. In order to make homemade spinners, it is enough to make “petals”, which are cut out of metal according to pre-marked templates. After that, several holes are drilled in such a part, and it itself is bent at a right angle so that the first and second holes are on the same straight line. Next, this entire structure is secured to the main fishing line in a simple way.
You can experiment with templates from the Internet or create your own, but to make the work easier, it is better to use ductile metals that are not subject to rapid oxidation.


It is impossible to imagine modern fishing without a float; it has become a kind of symbol of fishing and is displayed on signs in specialized stores.

Most beginners think that this gear has a couple of trivial functions:
  • hook support at a given depth;
  • bite signal.

In reality, everything is completely different, and, depending on modifications, this simple equipment can perform dozens of different functions. If we talk about the design, then it is a simple “stick” attached to a fishing line, the lower part of which is in the water, and the upper part is above it and should record the movements of the hook. This base can be supplemented in a variety of ways, as evidenced by the many varieties of floats, and each fits its own individual situation, performing specific tasks.
Creating a float at home is accessible to anyone, because its main characteristic is its density is lower than that of water. Therefore, for the base, you can use any container with air that will allow the homemade product to float, so that it does not turn over from side to side, you need to install a keel or weight on one side, in simple terms. Attach a signal antenna on top, which should be drawn out in advance. Next, all that remains is to find a metal ring or rubber band that will allow you to attach it all to the fishing line and your homemade float is ready!

Experiment with shapes and materials, but always take into account the Archimedean force, which must exceed the attraction of the hook with bait, and you can equalize it thanks to weights.

Fishing tricks and homemade products that exist today can be divided into several categories, each of which is distinguished by its practical application. The first of them contains various gear.

These can be products that successfully copy foreign analogues, the cost of which is simply fabulous, or real inventions of fishing enthusiasts. This group includes floats and hooks, leashes and spoons, donks, jigs and much more.

In the second category there are fishing tricks and homemade products that have already been sufficiently tested by experience. This also includes complementary foods, various types of baits and attachments, as well as invented fishing methods and methods.

- increase the shelf life of fish in hot weather; - dress properly so as not to freeze on the ice in winter; - save bloodworms and other bait by placing them in special containers.

So, what are the most popular fishing tricks and homemade products that are made from scrap materials?

DIY silicone baits

During the fishing process, some silicone baits lose part of their bodies, and it is a pity to throw them away after that. If you collect several processed silicones, you can use them to make new working baits.

  1. In the prepared container, gypsum is diluted to the state of thick sour cream. After this, old vibrotails or twisters are dipped into the solution to obtain templates; after the plaster has hardened, the baits are removed very carefully so as not to damage the mold. If there are any irregularities, they are smoothed out with a sharp, thin object.
  2. The mold prepared in this way is thoroughly greased. The most suitable option is sunflower oil. This is necessary so that the finished product does not stick to the mold during the manufacturing process.
  3. All mold filling operations must be performed outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
  4. Old, used silicone products are crushed into pieces and placed in a bowl that is heated on the stove. To prevent the silicone from burning, it must be stirred regularly, and the fire should be at a distance of 15-20 cm from the container with silicone. If you add dyes to silicone, you can get bait of the desired color, and if you add flavoring, it will become edible silicone.
  5. The well-heated and thoroughly mixed mass is poured into the mold. If you plan to get a two-color bait, then each new layer is poured after the first layer has dried.
  6. After about 15-20 minutes, when the silicone has cooled, the finished bait is removed from the mold, the mold is cleaned, greased with sunflower oil and the process is repeated.

The average crucian carp, which most anglers catch, prefers semolina bait prepared according to a special recipe.

Recipe for making catchable bait for crucian carp:

  • Pour water into a bowl, add a couple of drops of flavoring, and bring to a boil.
  • Semolina is poured into boiling water with constant stirring. The result should be a homogeneous thick mass.
  • The heat is turned off to allow the porridge to cool and steam.
  • After reaching room temperature, knead the porridge with your hands to obtain even greater density.
  • After this, the porridge is wrapped in several layers of gauze.
  • It is not recommended to wrap porridge in plastic.

Balls are molded well from the finished porridge, after which they are placed on a hook.

Recipe for preparing porridge bait using the cold method:

  • Water is collected from a reservoir into a suitable container and a little flavor is added.
  • After this, semolina is added to the bowl with vigorous stirring.
  • As a result of active stirring, a homogeneous mass should be obtained. The readiness of the bait is checked as follows: if you lift the spoon with the porridge up and turn it over, the porridge should remain in the spoon.
  • Stirring is stopped and the porridge is left for 10 minutes to swell.
  • Finally, you need to take a syringe and fill it with porridge.

The porridge from the syringe is squeezed onto the hook in a spiral so that the tip of the hook is the last to close.

This fish is one of the most popular among professionals and beginner fishing enthusiasts, as it lives in almost every body of water. You can ensure yourself a successful time with a fishing rod if you use a few tricks for catching crucian carp.

And you should start with complementary foods. It is worth keeping in mind that crucian carp are very sensitive to odors. That is why he does not always respond to the complementary foods offered by specialized stores. A little trick for anglers when catching crucian carp is to use regular feed, to which pre-ground roasted seeds have been added.

This mixture is pre-wetted. This allows it to settle to the bottom of the reservoir. Crucian carp do not bite very actively when using regular dough with grain flour. To correct the situation, you can add a little valerian tincture to complementary foods.

One of the unusual ways to get an excellent catch is to singe the hooves of cattle over a fire. While still smoking, they are thrown into the water, which contributes to an excellent bite.

There are other fishing tricks and homemade products for crucian carp. So, for a good catch, so-called spring nipples are often used. This type of tackle is designed for the fact that crucian carp likes to suck food from the bottom into its mouth.

That is why hooks are taken on short leashes and then hidden in bait located in feeders made from bottle caps, as well as from wire twisted into a spring with a concave lead plate. During feeding, the crucian carp swallows the bait, and with it the hooks.

Toothbrush poppers

Very often, fishing tricks and homemade products literally amaze you with the imagination of the craftsman who made them. This surface bait from a foreign manufacturer can be quite expensive. That is why it makes sense to make it yourself.

Poppers, also called walkers, being surface baits, should not sink. Only their slight submersion is permissible. What material can be used that will float well on water?

These are toothbrushes that are primarily tested for buoyancy. This is quite easy to do. It is enough to fill an ordinary bucket with water and throw a brush in it. It must float on the surface and not sink.

The work is done using a small grinder with replaceable attachments, which looks like a micro-grinder. Making this clever fishing tackle begins with sawing off the part with bristles from the brush.

The resulting edge should be processed with a sandpaper attachment. You will need to make a small hole in the top and bottom. It is necessary for fastening the tee with a ring with a swivel. Next, the homemade bait needs to be tinted.

The colors must be bright, for example, green and red. Tees are inserted into the almost finished product. If you test the resulting structure in the bathroom, you will find that due to its heavy weight it is pulled to the bottom.

DIY wobbler

Every spinner wants to have a good, catchy wobbler, but not everyone can afford to buy one. As a rule, wobblers are expensive baits, especially if they are related to well-known manufacturers.

In this regard, some fishermen have mastered, and very successfully, making wobblers at home. This is a very interesting and exciting process that does not require special equipment or tools.

  1. To begin with, you should decide on the shape and color of the future bait. To do this, you will have to take up art and draw a sketch of the future wobbler on paper. Regardless of the material of manufacture, the wobbler is made of 2 symmetrical parts. There should be a reinforcing wire running inside them.
  2. Foam can also be used as a material for manufacturing, but it is not as durable as wood or plastic. Therefore, having taken the necessary material, they are engaged in the manufacture of blanks.
  3. Fastenings for rings and tee hooks are prepared from thin stainless steel. The fasteners are mounted in specially cut out places located on the body of the 2 halves of the bait. the two halves are connected using glue. After the glue has dried, a cut is formed for the front blade, after which it is rigidly attached using the same glue.
  4. After this, the wobbler should be adjusted based on personal preferences.
  5. Any depressions or voids left on the bait are filled with epoxy resin, after which the bait is sanded and prepared for painting. Painting is also carried out depending on your own imagination.

In a fisherman's workshop, homemade fishing tricks can be made from a variety of materials. However, for wobblers it is best to take birch. This tree is perfectly processed and does not splinter during work.

At the first stage of manufacturing the future bait, its body is sharpened using a cutter. After this, the resulting workpiece is processed first with coarse and then with fine sandpaper. In this case, the wobbler will be smooth and will not have any burrs.

The product will require fastening loops, which can be made from cornice string. The wire is bent in the form of a slightly twisted letter “P” (to hold better). In addition, for strength, one end of the letter should be slightly longer than the other.

The wobbler must have a certain weight. That is why it is surrounded by inserting a small tin plate into a cut out triangular depression in the abdomen.

At the next stage, the wobblers are painted using gouache. In the most critical places, it is advisable to use a gel pen, which will give the color clarity. After this, the bait should be coated with varnish in 2-3 layers.

Lastly, the blade is inserted. It can be made from unnecessary computer disks with paint removed from one side using a needle. Next, a cut is made in the disk using a hand jigsaw and the part is inserted into the wobbler.

Feeder made from a plastic bottle

For those who regularly fish from a boat, it will be useful to have a simple but effective feeder. It will come in handy if you have to fish on a river where there is a current. To do this you will need the following elements:

  • a piece of plastic sewer pipe;
  • two fasteners;
  • lead;
  • electric drill;
  • rope, rivets;
  • loop and lock.

A piece of pipe up to 30 cm long is taken and plugs are installed on both sides. One of them is installed solidly, and the other is installed in such a way that it can be easily removed. After this, holes are drilled over the entire surface.

On the reverse side, where the plug is rigidly fixed, weights should be secured.

The feeder is lowered to the bottom on a rope and remains there until the end of fishing. Thanks to the drilled holes, the bait is slowly washed out of the feeder, which allows you to keep the fish at the fishing point.

When fishing on a feeder, snags very often occur, and as a result, the loss of an expensive feeder. Many fishermen, for fear of losing their feeder, refuse to fish in promising places. In order not to be afraid of losing it, you need to learn how to make this consumable yourself.

So, a feeder for a feeder made from a plastic bottle:

  1. To make such a feeder, it is advisable to take a green plastic bottle, then cut off the bottom and neck.
  2. The resulting workpiece should be cut into fragments measuring 6x13 cm.
  3. The existing blanks are rolled into a cylinder with an overlap of up to 1 cm and fastened with a stationery stapler.
  4. A piece of sheet lead of a certain mass is attached to the side surface where the feeder is fastened. You need to attach a loop of paper clip to a piece of lead.
  5. Take a soldering iron and make holes in a checkerboard pattern around the entire perimeter of the feeder.
  6. A swivel is inserted into the loop.

The feeder is ready for use. As can be seen from the technology, losing such a feeder will not be so offensive, since its cost is cheap, and you can make a huge number of them.

Therefore, in order not to spend extra money on fishing, it is better to spend a little time and strain your imagination, especially since there is a sufficient amount of used materials that may well be useful on the farm.

In addition, no expensive equipment or tools are required; a simple set in the form of a soldering iron and a stapler is sufficient. As practice shows, the result will always be the same, and the costs will be an order of magnitude less.

DIY spinner

It’s not at all difficult to make a rotating spoon yourself, if you have at least some skills in working with tools and materials. To make it you will need:

  • regular paper clip;
  • tee (hook);
  • metal plate, 0.5-1 mm thick;
  • not a big bead;
  • a piece of sheet lead;
  • tools: file, pliers, needle files, scissors.

First, on a piece of cardboard you need to draw the shape of a petal for the future bait, after which the drawing is transferred to the metal. Take scissors and carefully cut out a petal from a piece of metal. After this, the cut petal is processed with a file so that there are no burrs.

Two holes are drilled along the edges of the petal (one on each edge) and processed with needle files. The places where the holes are drilled must be bent 90 degrees in relation to the petal. Then you need to take the wire and straighten it, and at one of its ends you need to form a loop and secure the tee.

After this, a petal and a bead are put on the same wire, after which a loop is again formed at the end of the wire to attach the fishing line. Moreover, the loop must be made so that it does not interfere with the free rotation of the petal.

The spinner requires adjustment through additional loading. A lead weight is placed between the tee and the petal. Again, everything needs to be calculated correctly so that the load does not interfere with the rotation of the petal. The last stage is painting the petal.

Fishing tricks and homemade products for fishing can be made from anything. Sometimes even broken tweezers are used for this. This tool itself is of high quality and is made of stainless steel.

That is why it can serve as an excellent lure for pike perch. As you know, this fish is a predator characterized by a narrow throat. So the spinner also needs to be narrow. In this case, tweezers are just perfect.

The next stage of work is drilling the holes. They are needed to attach the fishing line and tee using swivels and rings. It is worth keeping in mind that this procedure is not easy. The selected material is quite durable, and a thin drill may even break during operation.

At the end of this stage, the threesome is screwed on. It is better to do this from the heaviest side, otherwise the spoon will not hold well in the water. For those who wish to give their product an aesthetic appearance, it is recommended to cut scales on it.

This piece of tweezers already has transverse layers. All that remains is to make a few longitudinal, even cuts and the shiny lure for perch or pike perch will be completely ready for fishing. It is worth noting that such homemade products are no worse than branded ones.

Saving what is caught

After the fish has been pulled out of the water onto the shore, it should be carefully (so as not to squeeze the insides) removed from the hook. And if the catch was severely injured, then it should not be placed in a bucket with the rest of the catch. Such actions will lead to the fact that within a few hours all the fish will spoil in the heat.

Wounded prey should be killed and gutted, and then wrapped in fresh grass (preferably nettles). It is better to store such fish in the shade, where it will be blown by the breeze and be cool. If there is no such place nearby, then the gutted prey should simply be salted.

Live bait trap

Arriving for fishing, you have to spend a lot of time catching live bait. The fact is that in the summer it is very difficult to store live bait: it quickly dies in any container, and live bait must always be vigorous. A device made from 2 plastic bottles will help solve this problem:

  1. Take a 2-liter plastic bottle, the neck of which is cut off in half.
  2. After this, the neckline is cut off from the same side at the widest part.
  3. The result is a piece that looks like a watering can.
  4. The bottom of this bottle is cut off.
  5. Take a second bottle and cut off the bottom at a distance of 5-7 cm from the greatest thickness.
  6. Finally, the structure is put together. The cut “watering can” is inserted back, but only in reverse, with the thinnest part inward, after which the structure is firmly connected using artificial threads. Take another bottle and put the cut end on the first bottle with a neck.
  7. A weight and rope are attached to the trap.

After this, you can place bait in the trap and lower the trap to the bottom of the reservoir. A fish that falls into a trap will no longer be able to get out of it. If you need live bait, you just need to pull the trap out of the water.

Saving what is caught

For many fishermen, bringing home a live catch is important. To do this, the fish must be stored in water, while being in a kukan or in a cage. The mesh of the latter should not be metal, since the prey will attempt to get out into the reservoir, which will lead to severe injury.

You need to hang the cage in the shade, deepening it into the water enough to allow the fish not to bump into each other when swimming. In addition, in cramped conditions, the catch is in danger of self-poisoning with products released as a result of metabolism.

In winter, the most common tool for catching predators (pike) is girders. It turns out that it can be done quickly and easily:

  1. The basis for its manufacture is a PVC sewer pipe, 32 mm thick. The pipe needs to be cut into pieces 10-15 cm in size.
  2. It is better to file all uneven areas where the cuts are made.
  3. 3 holes should be made in the pipe. Two holes are made on one side, one opposite the other, to install on a tripod, and on the other side one hole is made for the line stopper. Its diameter is 1 mm.
  4. A line stopper is formed in the shape of the letter P and threaded through a small hole. The stopper should not limit the free movement of the fishing line.
  5. A ring is formed from a fishing line 0.4-0.5 mm thick, which is passed through two holes located opposite each other. This ring will serve as a kind of fastening. The vent is attached to a metal rod firmly driven into the ice.
  6. About 10 meters of fishing line is wound onto a piece of pipe.
  7. A corresponding weight and a hook, such as a tee, are attached to the end of the fishing line.

The zherlitsa is ready for use at the end of the pipe; red tape should be secured at the point of suspension (attachment), which can serve as a bite indicator.

Homemade fish tank

This fishing item is offered by all specialized stores. However, if the cage is branded, then the price for it is set such that not every fisherman can afford to purchase it.

For the summer season, this accessory can be made independently. At the same time, it will be quite wide, long, and, if desired, foldable.

How to make this fishing homemade product? To do this you need to take a strong wire. You can use ready-made metal rings. To create a compact tackle, you will need three of them at once, but with different diameters - large, medium and small.

You will also need a nylon mesh. The one that was previously used for windows as protection against mosquitoes will come in handy. A product similar to a sock is sewn from such a mesh. It must match the diameter of the rings.

They need to put on such a sock and attach it with small stitches. To keep the fish in the cage you will also need a lid. It is made from a nylon mesh stretched over another wire ring. To secure the entire structure, the fisherman must use small tricks.

They consist of using a nylon rope tied to the structure with a secure knot. Otherwise, the fish tank with its catch may float away with the flow. And to prevent the prey from going to the bottom, you can attach a small children's lifebuoy to the upper ring.

Make a float

This fish bite alarm is a typical homemade object: many of today’s fishermen, as children, made a float from a goose feather or a bottle cap and took the homemade product to the pond.

  • Styrofoam;
  • plastic tube;
  • wood rod or block.

To make the tackle you will also need pieces of wire, elastic and paint. The tool will fit any of the devices available in the house.

Foam and cork melts are very sensitive, made in the shape of a ball or drop. It is processed with a stationery knife and cleaned with emery cloth. When the model is ready, it is blown off from dust and covered with paint, and when it dries, a hole is pierced in the center for the rod.

It can be made from any thin-tubular object of suitable size: a feather, a plastic cocktail tube, sandwich skewers. A wire loop or eyelet from a hook is attached to the lower part of the axle for threading the fishing line.

A goose feather, like a float, behaves well on waves, is sensitive and easy to manufacture. To begin with, it should be cleaned of the spine without damaging the body. The top is cut off at the thinnest point, and a ring is attached to the bottom.

Melt from a plastic tube is made by analogy with a goose feather. First, by soldering its ends, a resemblance to the pen shaft is achieved, and then all operations are performed in the same order.

And their position in relation to the surface is regulated by the selection of sinkers

Fishermen like to make this small device, which signals a bite, with their own hands. First of all, because there is no point in buying something that you can do yourself. In addition, DIY fishing crafts and tricks are a hobby for many water hunting enthusiasts.

And this does not mean that buying a float in a store is impossible due to its high cost. Many fishermen can afford to purchase the best that a modern manufacturer offers. However, the peculiarity of fishing tricks and gear made at home is that they are sometimes the most suitable option for successful fishing.

For many fishermen, homemade floats are much better than store-bought ones. After all, they can be made in any shape and painted in the most pleasing color to the eye. And making this gear is quite simple. Just keep in mind that the first products are unlikely to be ideal.

Similar gear made from goose feathers is good. This material is easy to find in any body of water that these birds prefer. The feathers they have lost sometimes simply float on the surface of the water. All you have to do is bend down and pick up this unique natural material.

Hand-made floats can be of different sizes. Large ones are for larger fish, and vice versa. You will need to cut off everything unnecessary from the feather, leaving only its base. As a result, only a light, thin, but at the same time quite strong stick will remain in your hands.

Everything unnecessary should also be cut off from its upper side. From below, that is, in the place where the feather should be attached to the skin of the bird, you cannot touch it. Otherwise, the resulting float will constantly get wet.

To perform these works, which will allow you to make the main part of the float, you will need a sharp stationery knife. After completion of the work, the product is painted in bright colors, which will allow it to be much more noticeable on the water.

In the cold season

There are also winter fishing tricks and homemade products. They make fishing easier and create a certain comfort when a person is in difficult weather conditions. One of the accessories that is not at all difficult to make with your own hands is a gaff.

For it you will need a handle from an old umbrella and a sharpened metal rod. You can take an electrode from which the insulating layer has previously been knocked off. One end of such a metal rod should be sharpened and bent into the shape of a hook, and the other should be flattened on an anvil.

Many fishing tricks and homemade products for winter fishing protect a person with a fishing rod from various kinds of dangers. So, every fisherman moving on ice needs to carry so-called life preservers.

These are two wooden handles turned on a lathe, in each of which a sharpened steel pin is fixed using epoxy glue. These parts are connected to each other with a rope, the length of which is 30-50 cm less than the height of the fisherman.

Many fishing tricks and homemade products, the ideas of which are presented above, have been actively used by anglers in many countries for decades.

Passion for craftsmanship

This passion for homemade fishing is inherent in every amateur fisherman, and no one spares time for this activity.

  • equipment elements;
  • accessories;
  • groundbait.

Most often, homemade items for fishing are precisely the components of the equipment of a fishing rod: a rod, a line, a hook with bait, a float and a sinker. You can’t really get creative with fishing line, but with other elements you have a wide choice of realizing your ideas.

So, you can experiment in terms of length and material, number of sections and rings, models of reels installed on the fishing rod. And the variety of imitators of live baits is innumerable; they can be made in the form of various designs and colors.

Auxiliary equipment is fishing homemade products that help the amateur, for example, in the case of fishing for a large specimen, these include landing nets and hooks, and for storing the catch - cages or kukans.

And, finally, bait - here every self-respecting fisherman has his own secret component, which he keeps and will not give out to anyone. Very often, instead of ready-made bait, when preparing for fishing, they prefer to assemble individual ingredients in order to prepare the most suitable mixture for the conditions in the area chosen for fishing.

Manufacturing of basic equipment elements

You should start with a hook - of course, no one is going to do it on their own, but even a novice amateur knows that it tends to become dull over time. And sharpening sometimes has to be done in the field: some people just sharpen it on a stone, but experienced fishermen always have a homemade sharpener with them.

The reason the fish disappears after biting is often a dull sting. To prevent such cases, you need to periodically check the hook: a sharp one is easily stuck into the nail and fixed.

  • thin file;
  • zero sandpaper;
  • a sharpener made of hard material with a groove to fit the size of the hook.

Manufacturing of accessories

One of the necessary additional devices when catching large fish is a hook. To make it, you can use old abandoned fishing rods or handles from household household tools like a mop. The hook can be made from suitable elastic wire or a knitting needle.

  1. The handle of the hook is made of wood; a hole is drilled into it on one side for the tube, and on the other for fastening the cord. The latter is secured in the hole using a threaded plug.
  2. The tube is then inserted into the prepared groove in the handle with epoxy resin fastening. A retractable insert of a smaller diameter is selected into the tube to create the length of the hook - in the folded state it is 50 cm, and in the working state it is 90. Movement inside the tube must be free.
  3. The hook is bent according to the size of the fish and is fixed on the retractable part with a bolted connection. As a rule, the bending value is within 3–6 cm. A rubber tube is pulled over the tip of the hook itself for safety.


To prepare a mixture for fishing with your own hands, you don’t have to buy the ingredients in the store - you can use the products that are available in your apartment kitchen. It is enough to verify this using the example of selecting bait components for bream. In order for food to be desirable for the fish, you need to know the preferences of the future trophy.

  • quantity and quality of the natural nutrient medium of the reservoir;
  • seasonality in terms of the predominant diet;
  • weather.

There are some fishing tricks for creating a composition for bait: when the constituent products are sifted through a sieve, the mixture becomes aerated and free of lumps. Due to this, the food is more quickly dispersed throughout the casting zone.

Homemade bait for bream is usually made with cake, although you can use rapeseed, pumpkin, hemp and flax seeds, as well as ground or crushed crackers for this purpose. It also includes bran as a leavening agent when rolling feed balls.

Individual formulations for specific conditions

As mentioned above, the feed mixture must correspond to the specific fishing conditions.

  1. Summer mix for the lake - 300 grams of crushed crackers, bran and boiled millet. Roasted and ground sunflower seeds - 200 g and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Use clay as a binder, adding it to the required thickness.
  2. The same summer mixture, but for the river - 200 g of sunflower cake, sprouted peas and boiled oatmeal, as well as 100 g of breadcrumbs. As a flavoring – 3 teaspoons of coriander powder.
  3. Autumn bait - sunflower cake, crushed crackers, boiled rice and rye bran, 100 g each. 50 g each - bloodworm, maggot and finely chopped lard, add a teaspoon of coriander for flavor.
  4. A homemade spring mixture for fishing is also made on the basis of sunflower cake (100 g) and 0.1 kg of boiled rye bran and boiled millet are added. Add 80 g of feed bloodworm and 2 teaspoons of ground coriander. To bind and dilute the mixture, clay and sand are mixed.

Many fishing enthusiasts devote all their free time to fishing. At the same time, fishermen who are in love with their occupation are engaged in the manufacture of fishing equipment, such as baits, tackles, etc.

During the fishing process, some silicone baits lose part of their bodies, and it is a pity to throw them away after that. If you collect several processed silicones, you can use them to make new working baits.

Manufacturing technology

  1. In the prepared container, gypsum is diluted to the state of thick sour cream. After this, old vibrotails or twisters are dipped into the solution to obtain templates; after the plaster has hardened, the baits are removed very carefully so as not to damage the mold. If there are any irregularities, they are smoothed out with a sharp, thin object.
  2. The mold prepared in this way is thoroughly greased. The most suitable option is sunflower oil. This is necessary so that the finished product does not stick to the mold during the manufacturing process.
  3. All mold filling operations must be performed outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
  4. Old, used silicone products are crushed into pieces and placed in a bowl that is heated on the stove. To prevent the silicone from burning, it must be stirred regularly, and the fire should be at a distance of 15-20 cm from the container with silicone. If you add dyes to silicone, you can get bait of the desired color, and if you add flavoring, it will become edible silicone.
  5. The well-heated and thoroughly mixed mass is poured into the mold. If you plan to get a two-color bait, then each new layer is poured after the first layer has dried.
  6. After about 15-20 minutes, when the silicone has cooled, the finished bait is removed from the mold, the mold is cleaned, greased with sunflower oil and the process is repeated.

Almost always, when fishing, it is necessary to quickly and efficiently change the bait or modify the equipment by changing the leash or feeder. For these purposes, there is a fastener design that is quite small in size. Making it at home will not be difficult.

Manufacturing technology

  1. The following tool is required:
    • wire cutters;
    • round-nose pliers;
    • tweezers.
  2. The basis of the material can be a large stapler from a stapler.
  3. The wire is bent with pliers into a shape similar in appearance to a paper clip, but smaller in size.
  4. Excess ends are cut off with wire cutters.
  5. A cambric of the appropriate size is selected so that it fits freely on the fastener.
  6. The size of the cambric should be slightly larger than the fastener, so the excess is cut off.
  7. A piece of cambric is put on a fishing line and secured with a knot.
  8. Any bait is attached to the other end of the mini-fastener, after which, with effort, the cambric is pulled.
  9. Mini clasp, ready to use.

For those who regularly fish from a boat, it will be useful to have a simple but effective feeder. It will come in handy if you have to fish on a river where there is a current. To do this you will need the following elements:

  • a piece of plastic sewer pipe;
  • two fasteners;
  • lead;
  • electric drill;
  • rope, rivets;
  • loop and lock.

A piece of pipe up to 30 cm long is taken and plugs are installed on both sides. One of them is installed solidly, and the other is installed in such a way that it can be easily removed. After this, holes are drilled over the entire surface. A rope is attached to the plug that opens. To prevent the plug from opening on its own, a lock or latch of any design is installed.

On the reverse side, where the plug is rigidly fixed, weights should be secured.

The feeder is lowered to the bottom on a rope and remains there until the end of fishing. Thanks to the drilled holes, the bait is slowly washed out of the feeder, which allows you to keep the fish at the fishing point.

Every spinner wants to have a good, catchy wobbler, but not everyone can afford to buy one. As a rule, wobblers are expensive baits, especially if they are related to well-known manufacturers.

In this regard, some fishermen have mastered, and very successfully, making wobblers at home. This is a very interesting and exciting process that does not require special equipment or tools.

How to make a wobbler

  1. To begin with, you should decide on the shape and color of the future bait. To do this, you will have to take up art and draw a sketch of the future wobbler on paper. Regardless of the material of manufacture, the wobbler is made of 2 symmetrical parts. There should be a reinforcing wire running inside them.
  2. Foam can also be used as a material for manufacturing, but it is not as durable as wood or plastic. Therefore, having taken the necessary material, they are engaged in the manufacture of blanks.
  3. Fastenings for rings and tee hooks are prepared from thin stainless steel. The fasteners are mounted in specially cut out places located on the body of the 2 halves of the bait. the two halves are connected using glue. After the glue has dried, a cut is formed for the front blade, after which it is rigidly attached using the same glue.
  4. After this, the wobbler should be adjusted based on personal preferences.
  5. Any depressions or voids left on the bait are filled with epoxy resin, after which the bait is sanded and prepared for painting. Painting is also carried out depending on your own imagination.

It’s not at all difficult to make a rotating spoon yourself, if you have at least some skills in working with tools and materials. To make it you will need:

  • regular paper clip;
  • tee (hook);
  • metal plate, 0.5-1 mm thick;
  • not a big bead;
  • a piece of sheet lead;
  • tools: file, pliers, needle files, scissors.

First, on a piece of cardboard you need to draw the shape of a petal for the future bait, after which the drawing is transferred to the metal. Take scissors and carefully cut out a petal from a piece of metal. After this, the cut petal is processed with a file so that there are no burrs. Two holes are drilled along the edges of the petal (one on each edge) and processed with needle files. The places where the holes are drilled must be bent 90 degrees in relation to the petal. Then you need to take the wire and straighten it, and at one of its ends you need to form a loop and secure the tee.

After this, a petal and a bead are put on the same wire, after which a loop is again formed at the end of the wire to attach the fishing line. Moreover, the loop must be made so that it does not interfere with the free rotation of the petal.

The spinner requires adjustment through additional loading. A lead weight is placed between the tee and the petal. Again, everything needs to be calculated correctly so that the load does not interfere with the rotation of the petal. The last stage is painting the petal.

Arriving for fishing, you have to spend a lot of time catching live bait. The fact is that in the summer it is very difficult to store live bait: it quickly dies in any container, and live bait must always be vigorous. A device made from 2 plastic bottles will help solve this problem:

  1. Take a 2-liter plastic bottle, the neck of which is cut off in half.
  2. After this, the neckline is cut off from the same side at the widest part.
  3. The result is a piece that looks like a watering can.
  4. The bottom of this bottle is cut off.
  5. Take a second bottle and cut off the bottom at a distance of 5-7 cm from the greatest thickness.
  6. Finally, the structure is put together. The cut “watering can” is inserted back, but only in reverse, with the thinnest part inward, after which the structure is firmly connected using artificial threads. Take another bottle and put the cut end on the first bottle with a neck.
  7. A weight and rope are attached to the trap.

After this, you can place bait in the trap and lower the trap to the bottom of the reservoir. A fish that falls into a trap will no longer be able to get out of it. If you need live bait, you just need to pull the trap out of the water. In order for the fry to always be fresh and lively, the trap must be kept in water for an indefinite period of time.

In winter, the most common tool for catching predators (pike) is girders. It turns out that it can be done quickly and easily:

  1. The basis for its manufacture is a PVC sewer pipe, 32 mm thick. The pipe needs to be cut into pieces 10-15 cm in size.
  2. It is better to file all uneven areas where the cuts are made.
  3. 3 holes should be made in the pipe. Two holes are made on one side, one opposite the other, to install on a tripod, and on the other side one hole is made for the line stopper. Its diameter is 1 mm.
  4. A line stopper is formed in the shape of the letter P and threaded through a small hole. The stopper should not limit the free movement of the fishing line.
  5. A ring is formed from a fishing line 0.4-0.5 mm thick, which is passed through two holes located opposite each other. This ring will serve as a kind of fastening. The vent is attached to a metal rod firmly driven into the ice.
  6. About 10 meters of fishing line is wound onto a piece of pipe.
  7. A corresponding weight and a hook, such as a tee, are attached to the end of the fishing line.

The zherlitsa is ready for use at the end of the pipe; red tape should be secured at the point of suspension (attachment), which can serve as a bite indicator.

Making bait for crucian carp

The average crucian carp, which most anglers catch, prefers semolina bait prepared according to a special recipe.

Recipe for making catchable bait for crucian carp:

  • Pour water into a bowl, add a couple of drops of flavoring, and bring to a boil.
  • Semolina is poured into boiling water with constant stirring. The result should be a homogeneous thick mass.
  • The heat is turned off to allow the porridge to cool and steam.
  • After reaching room temperature, knead the porridge with your hands to obtain even greater density.
  • After this, the porridge is wrapped in several layers of gauze.
  • It is not recommended to wrap porridge in plastic.

Balls are molded well from the finished porridge, after which they are placed on a hook.

Recipe for preparing porridge bait using the cold method:

  • Water is collected from a reservoir into a suitable container and a little flavor is added.
  • After this, semolina is added to the bowl with vigorous stirring.
  • As a result of active stirring, a homogeneous mass should be obtained. The readiness of the bait is checked as follows: if you lift the spoon with the porridge up and turn it over, the porridge should remain in the spoon.
  • Stirring is stopped and the porridge is left for 10 minutes to swell.
  • Finally, you need to take a syringe and fill it with porridge.

The porridge from the syringe is squeezed onto the hook in a spiral so that the tip of the hook is the last to close.

Here on one page you can find fishing crafts made from simple materials. The production and main characteristics are shown in the video; the catchability is tested in reservoir conditions. There is no doubt that the catch will increase significantly if you apply these little tricks to your fishing practice.

We advise you to take a closer look at the invention of Sergei Makarov’s homemade fishing craft. This is a lollipop stick. In practice it turned out to be an excellent extractor. The meaning of manufacturing lies in one manipulation. At the beginning of the tube we make a small slit with a hacksaw for metal. Extractor is almost ready. What is it for? When fishing, especially in the spring, the fish behave actively. I use small hooks and get some problems. The hook goes very deep. You have to do manipulations with the fish that neither you nor the fish enjoy. And this little homemade tool helps out. The line starts to cut. It turns slightly so that there is no reverse motion. It is buried, put on the shank of the hook, and pushed out. This way the hook can be easily released. In another article - a store option.

Mormyshka ant - homemade fishing

Recommendation from personal experience. The guard used by fisherman Igor Kazantsev is made of a spring. For herself, she chooses bright colors, such as yellow or green. Especially in cloudy weather it is good when the color is yellow. It is noticeable on the hole. Less irritating to the retina. We use ten fishing line. A few words about the jig that is in the review. This is a classic executed ant. This fishing homemade product belongs to the category of universal attachments. You can fish with it either looking at it or without it. The jig configuration must be correctly constructed. For her to play. There are some that look like ants. Especially in its shape. But there is one note: the hole into which the fishing line goes is made from the very top of the ant. This gives the action needed for this class of jig. Why can this be a baitless tackle? Putting a yellow bead or another cambric of the same color on it, for perch, which often bites on a reelless jig, this combination is an irritant. He can't resist taking the jig.

Another homemade fishing craft: tackle for perch

Let's imagine such a situation. You are on a boat. Depth approximately 1.5 meters. There will be grass all around, as usual, with windows and corridors. You have the full feeling that a perch is grazing in this grass. This is exactly the situation the fisherman found himself in. I was right in my premonitions, there was a perch there, but it was almost impossible to catch with a spinning rod. There are four hooks for five casts. It is impossible to drag a spinner through the grass. He returned home and invented a new tackle. When I appeared in these lands for the second time, I caught 4.7 kg of perch in these lands. Let's try to collect it.

You will see what you need for this as you make it by hand. This operation is simple and everyone knows it. After casting, the workpiece is processed with a hammer and file and acquires a marketable appearance. Of course, you can buy a jig head, but in this case where to put unnecessary hooks and, most importantly, free time. Now we cut out the fish from the back and give it the appearance of a fry. The fish glued to the hook can be coated with nail polish. If you want to make the tackle durable, coat it with epoxy. The final touch is attaching the spinner. A small yellow petal along with a supporting bead is attached to the fishing line. We pierce the tackle and tie the fishing line to the hook. Look at the video to see how the finished perch tackle behaves in the water.

Making a homemade balancer by hand

I decided to start making a balancer at home as an experiment. I took the simplest route. The basis for production was the classic version of a winter spinner for catching perch. On this base I made something similar, outwardly somewhat different from traditional balancers used for fishing. Judging by the tests carried out, there was an effect. The fish always has the final say in determining the quality of the bait. During testing, I encountered a combination of weather conditions that were unsuitable for optimal fishing. As a result, the bite is very sluggish. But this bait brought several fish. There is hope that he will bring more.

It is based on an ordinary perch spoon. I did not fill it with solder very much in order to achieve the gliding properties of the lower part of the homemade fishing catch. I firmly placed hooks on both sides. I did not install a tail, as is used in most balancers. Made it easier. A rigid propylene brush that gives the ability to plan. Added some red wool. Fasteners: I made a bandage and coated it with glue, making a movable mount. Options for sizes and some details are possible. The most interesting thing is that the fisherman came to the conclusion that almost all spinners for vertical fishing become horizontal with a small operation. The only caveat: round-shaped spoons are not suitable for conversion into horizontal ones. They have a certain mass and weakly expressed properties for planning. This is necessary for horizontal movement of the spoon. We must first find the center of gravity. Make a mark. They let me make a through hole. The master went a little further to secure the loop. In this model, place a suspended double in place of the fishing line attachment in the traditional spinner shape. It acts as a tail.

Homemade fishing rod - fishing rod for rudd

What should tired spinners do when they are not very lucky? There is a lifesaver. Fishermen have been using this for many years. Regular fishing takes place in swampy areas. That is, grass, reeds. Rudd and other fish that are present in such reservoirs are caught. This is a rather primitive fisherman's homemade product. Any jig in color and shape can be used. The most important thing is that there is a long fore-end. There is a second manufacturing option. It is advisable that the float does not have an antenna. Fishing takes place directly in the thick of the grass. When fishing for fish, the antenna very often catches the grass. Sometimes the tackle is even lost. The float is preferably dim. Fishing occurs at a depth of 20-40 cm.

Where is the best place to catch rudd? On the bays there is a wall of reeds and clean water closely adjacent to it. Depth one or more meters. She doesn't change. It is advisable to throw the jig as tightly as possible to the reed wall. The bites are such that the float does not flood, since the fish is riding. It is better to use maggots as bait. It sits more securely on the hook, but the worm constantly breaks off.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):