We are often told that flying by plane is much safer than driving a car, especially if they want to sell us a ticket. But is this really true? Is it true that the aircraft crew and airport staff do everything for the comfort and safety of passengers?

Nothing like this! If you want to know what really happens on airplanes, come in! But keep in mind: if you have a flight soon, you risk changing your mind!

As you know, before takeoff, flight attendants ask passengers to turn off all electronic devices. If any meticulous passenger asks why this is necessary, he is usually told that his cell phone or laptop can interfere with the pilot’s conversations with air traffic controllers. In fact, this is not true. Let's start with the fact that, in principle, a device disconnected from the Internet is not capable of this, and on board, as a rule, there is no Wi-Fi. But there is no point in pointing this out to the flight attendants. They still won't tell you that what they're actually asking you to do is turn off your electronics so you can listen carefully to the flight attendants' explanation of how to use a life jacket and how to evacuate the plane. There are no other reasons to turn off electronics on board.

For a flight to break even, the airline needs to sell at least 75% of its seats. Therefore, cashiers undoubtedly book more seats than are actually available on the bot - after all, many passengers do not redeem their reservations! However, if all tickets are purchased, there will be more passengers on board than seats. Usually they try to solve this problem politely, offering passengers bonuses for agreeing to transfer to the next flight. But if there is a problem and no one agrees to change seats, the security service is allowed to take emergency measures - for example, by force removing extra passengers to allow the flight to depart on time.

Sometimes, if you look at an airplane wing, for example, you may notice that the round holes in the sheet metal where the screws hold the skin together are empty! This is a fairly common occurrence: screws tend to fly out of their places over time. However, according to the technical services, this is not dangerous: during the inspection of the aircraft, the technicians only make sure that there are not too many missing propellers.

According to the rules, pillows and blankets that are distributed to passengers on the plane must be washed every five days. During this time, the plane can make a dozen flights - which means you will have to use a blanket and pillow after several passengers, and it is not known how healthy. However, some airlines, in order to save money, do not comply with these deadlines, and you may well encounter a blanket that was last washed before the last New Year.

Each plane carries extra fuel in case it is necessary to avoid a thunderstorm or fly to the nearest airport if the destination airport is closed, for example, due to bad weather. But this reserve is not so large: it is only enough for 45 minutes of an additional flight. So if you're told there's a large storm front ahead, you can start counting the minutes! Of course, you are unlikely to fall, but if there is an excessive delay, landing at another airport is quite likely.

Passengers are often told that in the event of an accident, an oxygen mask can save their life. However, they are not warned that the oxygen supply in the cylinder is only enough for 12-15 minutes. If for some reason the plane does not manage to leave altitudes at which there is not enough oxygen during this time, the mask will become as useless as a cosmetic bag.

Although toilets and human waste tanks on airplanes are regularly treated with disinfecting reagents, they still contain bacteria, which over time become immune to all reagents. As for tap water, God forbid you drink it! Let's reveal an unpleasant secret: the inlets of the hoses for draining excrement and replenishing drinking water on the plane are half a meter apart and, quite likely, serve them in parallel... not necessarily in compliance with the maximum hygienic requirements.

A life jacket can save a passenger's life during a crash, but the scary fact is that many airplane seats don't have a life vest under them! Some passengers steal them as souvenirs, and airlines rarely check for them. As a result, of the 150 passengers on the famous flight 1549, which crashed on the Hudson in 2009, only 33 had vests! So before starting, it’s better to check whether you have this chance of salvation.

According to a 2015 US study, 56% of pilots fell asleep while flying a plane. Moreover, 29% had woken up to find that their co-pilot was also sleeping. And this is not funny at all: according to statistics, pilot fatigue is a danger three times greater than any other, capable of leading to a disaster.

It would seem that with the enormous responsibility that lies with the pilot, the designers of the cockpit should have taken care of everything so that nothing would distract the pilot from his duties. But that's not true! Pilots who had to fly westward in the afternoon often publicly complained that they had to cover the windows with improvised materials - from cards to trays - to prevent the evening sun from blinding their eyes. And although radars still accurately show the location of the plane, you must admit, it’s not very pleasant to know that the pilot of your airliner on a sunny evening is blind as a kitten!

After reviewing the full list of cargo on board an aircraft, the average passenger may be very shocked. The fact is that corpses, organs for transplantation, exotic animals, birds and reptiles are transported in the cargo compartment on the same rights as your souvenirs and fins from the resort. It’s not that it’s scary to think about it, but... somehow I don’t want to.

Rumor has it that pilots enjoy difficult landings in difficult conditions much more than passengers, considering them necessary to keep themselves in professional shape. When surveying Western European pilots, it turned out that many of them named Gibraltar, Naples and Madeira - the most difficult airports in Europe - as their favorite airports for landing. We hope this information will not spoil your mood before flying to these places.

A life jacket is an excellent means of rescuing passengers on an airplane that has made an emergency landing at sea. But only theoretically. Because in the history of modern aviation, no aircraft has ever made such a landing. So it’s impossible to say for sure whether a flashlight to attract the attention of rescuers and a whistle to scare away sharks will help you escape. Well, in more frequent types of crashes it is practically useless.

Have you ever wondered why flight attendants often close the doors of an airplane so early, which is not yet about to taxi, and open them so late after stopping? Experienced passengers claim that in a number of Western airlines, flight attendants receive flight allowances only for the time when the aircraft doors are closed. So it’s simply not in their interests to release you as quickly as possible.

A crowd of people in a confined space, stale air, a lot of dusty surfaces and not always neat passengers - it’s not for nothing that the plane is considered a breeding ground for infections. So, wipe the table thoroughly before lunch - many passengers change their children’s diapers on it. And under no circumstances take off your shoes in the cabin - there is a good chance that someone vomited on the floor on a previous flight.

A huge heavy airliner, which flies at an altitude of 10-15 km above the ground, is a very dangerous transport. If a crack occurs in the hull, the aircraft will certainly depressurize, which can end very sadly for passengers and crew members. However, the crash of an airliner in the air, which is depicted by a person’s fantasy, most often does not correspond to reality.

Aircraft depressurization: what happens when this happens?

The most important danger that awaits people at high altitudes during depressurization is a lack of oxygen. Within a few seconds, a person begins to breathe like crazy, trying to catch at least a little oxygen from the highly rarefied air. At the same time, he forgets about everything in the world, and the oxygen mask that fell out next to him simply gets in the way. A person in a state of shock does not understand what is happening, and even more so does not understand what to do with the mask that has just fallen out.

Severe stress, which necessarily occurs when an aircraft depressurizes, can lead to a heart attack in people with a weak cardiovascular system. However, some passengers successfully use them if the automatic mask reset system is triggered. Once a person puts on a mask, they can begin to worry about other problems.

Low temperature

If there is a hole in the plane, then all the warm air in the cabin is released into the atmosphere with enormous force. At the same time there is a strong hum. Then the cabin will be filled with cold discharged air from the outside at high speed. Its temperature can be -60 degrees, and such cold air with sharp gusts in the cabin will burn the eyes and exposed skin.

Of course, this is only possible if the crack that led to the depressurization of the aircraft is large. If a small hole the size of a bullet hole appears, then it is unlikely to be able to cause an active gust of air in the cabin and quickly “drag away” all the air. In this case, it is enough to cover it with a magazine.

Pressure drop

The pressure inside the aircraft cabin is familiar to people. It is equal to the atmospheric pressure on earth. However, at an altitude of 10-15 km, atmospheric pressure is 2.5 times lower compared to pressure on the ground and in an airplane. Inside the liner it is artificially supported so that people can breathe comfortably. If the aircraft depressurizes, the air rushes out with enormous force, and the pressure in the cabin stabilizes, that is, it becomes the same as outside. With such a sharp change in pressure, passengers in the cabin experience a condition known to scuba divers. We are talking about decompression sickness (also called decompression sickness). The result in this case is tragic: the gases that are in the tissues and blood form into bubbles, destroying the walls of blood vessels and cells. As a result, a person may die. That is why scuba divers should not descend sharply to great depths or rise sharply from it. The pressure drop could cost them their lives.

Minor depressurization of the aircraft cabin

With minor damage, the aircraft skin is able to maintain its integrity. That is, if there was no explosive depressurization of the aircraft at altitude, which would be accompanied by large gusts of air flow, then the situation can be controlled. If a pilot detects a drop in cabin pressure or a decrease in oxygen levels, the pilot simply needs to reduce the altitude, but this must be done gradually. The recommended altitude for descent is 3-4 kilometers above the ground. At this altitude, the pressure in the cabin and outside will be approximately equal, and the crew, as well as the passengers, will be comfortable.

After descending to a safe altitude, the crew, based on available data on the condition of the vessel, can decide whether to land at the nearest airfield or continue the flight. Most often, a landing is made at the nearest airport, since this is a fairly serious reason for an emergency landing - depressurization of the aircraft. What happens at the airport after an emergency landing? People are evacuated, medical assistance is provided, the plane is examined to identify a hole and look for the reasons why this happened.

What should passengers do?

So, we have already found out what happens to the passengers. Depressurization of an aircraft is sure to cause panic, and nothing can be done about it. And although experts recommend remaining calm, in practice this is impossible. If you manage to remain calm, you must immediately buckle up and put on the oxygen mask that falls from above. It is advisable to buckle up the people who are nearby (if they have not done so themselves). Perhaps this is the maximum that an ordinary passenger who is on a plane with a hole can do. In this case, a person cannot accomplish any feat, so it is necessary to put on a mask and calmly watch as professional pilots try to save a very expensive plane and the even more expensive lives of passengers.

Known cases

Note that depressurization occurs frequently. And although this is an emergency situation, it does occur, but often it ends well for the crew and passengers, but not always. Known cases:

  1. Boeing 737 took off from Phoenix on April 1, 2011. However, a hole with a diameter of 1.5 meters appeared in the upper part of the vessel. Fortunately, the pilots were able to very quickly bring the plane down and land it, avoiding any casualties.
  2. In 2005, the vessel depressurized at altitude. Due to slow destruction, the plane became uncontrollable and crashed into a mountain. As a result, 127 people died, including 6 crew members and 121 passengers.
  3. In 1988, a flash depressurization occurred in Hawaii, resulting in the death of one of the crew members. Despite the damage to the skin, the plane was able to land.
  4. In 2015, during a descent to land on the Samara-Moscow flight, depressurization occurred. However, no one was hurt.

Of these cases, the only catastrophic one is the second, when the plane became uncontrollable, resulting in the death of 127 people.


From all this it follows that depressurization itself is not terrible. It all depends on the conditions under which it occurs. And the higher the plane is and the larger the hole appears in the firmware of the airliner, the worse the consequences can be. Many planes fly at an altitude of 2-3 kilometers without any pressurization, and nothing bad happens. But a sharp drop in pressure, lack of oxygen, enormous speed, low temperature and panic - all this can lead to dire consequences. So, we have already found out what is happening to people. Depressurization of an aircraft can lead to the death of all people on the plane, or it may not harm anyone. More often the second happens.

Houston, we have problems: what to do if your flight is canceled or delayed

Imagine you are at the airport, looking forward to your trip, approaching the flight schedule board and seeing the words cancelled or delayed. And you still have several flight segments ahead. What to do in this situation? Together with the service for protecting the rights of air passengers Flyhelp, we have sorted out the issue and are ready to tell you about all the nuances!

Flight cancellation

When everything goes smoothly on a trip, it’s a cool journey, but if force majeure happens, it’s already an adventure. One of the most common adventures that can happen to you is a canceled or delayed flight.

According to the Flightstats resource, over the past month alone, about 65 thousand flights (63,183) were canceled in the world - this is 1.5-2% of the total number of flights. With flight delays, things are even worse. Just imagine, over half a million flights were late last month. Half a million! Moreover, large airlines are delayed more often than low-cost airlines.

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What kind of compensation can you expect?

If your flight is canceled or rescheduled, you will receive a letter with all the details two weeks before departure. You will be offered:

  1. Refund the full cost of the ticket within seven days;
  2. Choose another flight for free.

If you have been notified of a flight cancellation less than 14 days before departure, then you can count on compensation. This, of course, is not thousands of euros, but it’s nice!

You'll get:

  • €250 for flights up to 1.5 thousand km. For example, from Kyiv to Minsk, Sofia,;
  • €400 – from 1.5 to 3.5 thousand km. For example, from Kyiv to,;
  • €600 – from 3.5 thousand km. Eg, .

What factors does the payment amount depend on?

“The amount of compensation for flight cancellation is calculated from two factors:

  1. when you were warned about the flight cancellation (7-14 days / up to 14 days);
  2. what alternative route was offered to you (how late you were at your destination);
  3. flight distance (from departure point to final arrival, if you are flying with transfers);

If a flight is cancelled, the airline must offer you an alternative route. If you can be delivered to your destination within 2-4 hours of the scheduled arrival of your canceled flight, your compensation may be reduced by 50%.

If you are provided with a flight that arrives at your destination with a delay of less than two hours, then this generally exempts the airline from paying compensation.

In practice, in most cases you find out about the flight cancellation at the airport and airlines very rarely have the opportunity to offer you a flight with a slight delay. Most likely, you will be offered a flight the next day.

Therefore, in 99% of cases, you can count on the full amounts of compensation (250/400/600 euros), which are shown in the table above. Also, if an alternative flight is operated the next day, you must pay for hotel accommodation and transfer in both directions,” explain experts from the Ukrainian service for protecting the rights of air passengers.

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What to do if the flight is canceled and you are already at the airport?

The first step is to go to the information desk, airline employee or tour operator. They will tell you why the flight was delayed or canceled and propose an action plan. If no one helps, call the airline's call center or OTA (the provider that sold you this ticket). Not on TripMyDream! We are just looking, but we need to call the person who sold the ticket.

“The passenger must contact the airline representative at check-in. If the passenger has further flights and the connection between them is disrupted, then you need to contact the ticket office or call the airline’s call center to reissue a ticket to the final destination.”, recommends Air Astana.

You will be offered two options:

  • Alternative flight– with a transfer, a different time or day of departure. If an alternative flight departs a few hours from yours, then you will already be considered a passenger on the delayed flight, which means the airline will feed you, drink you and shelter you while you wait.

Catch life hack! If you don’t have the time or desire to wait, then urgently look for tickets for the next flight before others overtake you. The airline must reimburse you for the cost of new tickets. Just don’t break your lip – if you flew with a low-cost airline, no one will compensate you for business class.

  • Ticket refund

The main thing to remember is that the money for the ticket will be returned to you, but subject to certain points. Let's look at a real case: you are flying on the route Kiev - New York.

If all segments are purchased with one ticket, you will receive compensation for the entire route. If you had 2 separate tickets - Kyiv-Amsterdam and Amsterdam-New York, then the money will be returned to you only for the flight that was cancelled, for example Kyiv-Amsterdam. But the Amsterdam-New York ticket will have to be returned according to the fare rules. If you have an economy fare, then don’t expect much compensation, but it’s better to check with the airline.

The same is true with return tickets; if you bought one ticket at the round trip rate (round trip), then the refund will be for all tickets. But, if these are separate (one way) tickets, then the money will be refunded only for the actually canceled flight.

WITH transit flights- similar. If, due to the fault of the airline, you are late for a second flight due to the cancellation of the first, the carrier must either refund the cost of tickets for the entire booking chain, or offer an alternative to get to your destination. In the case of low-cost airlines, being late for the next segment of the flight is, unfortunately, only your problem. Low-cost airlines do not guarantee connections on their flights; each segment is a separate flight, so the air carrier is not involved in your connection.

Is it possible to receive compensation for the cancellation and rescheduling of a low-cost airline flight?

“There is absolutely no connection between the cost of the ticket and the possibility of receiving compensation. Therefore, if you fly with a low-cost airline, you can count on exactly the same amount of compensation, even if you got your ticket for 20 euros.”,” experts from the legal service Flyhelp comment on this issue.

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What else needs to be done? Collect additional evidence

Did you have coffee and a croissant? Have you bought a toothbrush? We don't throw away receipts! They will be needed to receive compensation for additional expenses. Boarding passes, luggage tags, certificates of delays, flight cancellations (can be requested at the check-in counter) will also be useful. Take a photo or video of the departure board. The status of the desired flight and time should be visible in the frame.

If your charter flight is cancelled, upon arrival at the hotel, ask for a certificate of your check-in date - this is the main proof that you missed a certain number of nights of your long-awaited and paid vacation because of the tour operator or air carrier.

With these checks and certificates, contact the air carrier, an intermediary company that deals with compensation, for example, the Flyhelp air passenger rights protection service, or, as a last resort, go to court. Some passengers also demand compensation for moral damage; payments for it rarely exceed UAH 10,000.

Are there any differences in compensation for charter and scheduled flights?

“Charter flights (in terms of cancellation) are no different from regular flights - you are also entitled to compensation. There are several problems with charter flights:

  • Charter companies do not have full-fledged claims departments.
  • You will not find online forms here. Most likely, the case will come down to the need to go to court,” say Flyhelp experts.

Flight delay

The cancellation was sorted out. Now let's figure out what to do when the flight is delayed. If your flight is postponed by 24 hours or more, the airline must provide you with transfer, hotel and meals.
If the flight is delayed by 5 hours or more, there are the following options:
  • get money for a ticket;
  • choose another flight and, if the class is lower, then within 7 days you will receive the difference in price;
  • if the flight class has been reduced, then within seven days the passenger must be reimbursed for the difference: 30% for flights with a range of up to 1.5 thousand km, 50% - from 1.5 to 3.5 thousand km, 75% - for flights of longer range .

Even if the flight is delayed by more than 2 hours, you can count on “bonuses” from the airline - free food and drinks.

If a flight with a range of 1.5 thousand km is delayed by more than two hours, with a range from 1.5 to 3.5 thousand km - by more than three hours, and longer flights - by four hours, the carrier must provide passengers with the necessary number of food and soft drinks.

Is there any monetary compensation for delay?

“The first step when your flight is delayed is to determine whether you are entitled to compensation. In most cases (when departing from Ukraine), compensation for your flight will be determined by EU regulation 261/2004 and the Ukrainian Civil Code. In the first case (EC261) you are entitled to compensation for the delay, in the second you are not. Let's decide when EU 261 applies to citizens of Ukraine.

  1. You are flying from Ukraine to an EU country on an EU-registered airline, for example, etc.
  2. You are flying from the EU to Ukraine on any airline (including Ukrainian)
  3. You are flying within the EU on any airline.

In most other cases, the jurisdiction of Ukraine will apply, where compensation for delay is not provided (only for cancellation). This, unfortunately, applies to all popular resort destinations, for example Ukraine, etc.,” Flyhelp experts explain.

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What to do if you miss your connection?

If you are connecting from one flight to another on the same reservation and you are late for the second flight due to the cancellation of the first, the carrier must either refund the cost of tickets for the entire booking chain or offer an alternative to get to your destination. If your flight is canceled at the airport and you are waiting for an alternative flight, you should be provided with the same conditions as in the case of a delayed flight.

“In the event that a passenger is late for his connecting flight due to the fault of the airline, the passenger’s ticket will be rewritten to the final destination on the next available flights or on an alternative route. It is important that if the company does not see the passenger’s connecting flight, the ticket will not be rewritten. This may happen if the passenger’s route is not issued with a single ticket: with different air tickets for different carriers.

It is best for the passenger to contact the airline ticket office at the airport. If there is no ticket office, then contact an airline representative or a 24-hour call center line,” comments Air Astana.

What laws take into account the rights of passengers?

Remember these documents that will help you judge who is right and who is wrong from a legal point of view:

  • The Montreal Convention (Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Air Transport) is the main document regulating the rights of passengers flying from Ukrainian airports and using the services of national carriers.
  • “The Airborne Code of Ukraine”, the order “On the approval of the Rules for the airborne transportation of passengers and baggage” and the rules of Ukrainian airlines (include the main provisions of the Montreal Convention);
  • EC Regulation No. 261/2004 (Article 4-9) – for intra-EU flights departing from and arriving in the EU.

How to get compensation for a canceled flight?

There is no universal template for a claim against an airline, but, for example, the European Commission has developed a standard template for a claim against an airline demanding compensation for a canceled, delayed flight or denied boarding. If your English is ok, you can download this template from the European Commission website, fill it out and send it to the airline. But in fact, this document is not needed - on the websites of most airlines there are online forms that allow you to submit such complaints. BUT it will be much more effective to apply for compensation through specialized services.

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In practice, to file a claim against an airline you only need three documents:

  1. electronic ticket (with booking number);
  2. passport photo;
  3. boarding pass;

Also useful:

  1. a certificate from the airline confirming the problem with the flight. If there is no certificate, but there was an SMS or email, take a screenshot or print it;
  2. photo of a timetable board, receipts for purchases made, unused tickets, hotel reservations - any documents confirming your expenses and losses due to a flight disruption will do;
  3. confirmation of flight delay or cancellation from an independent source. For example, you can use the Flightaware or Flightradar website.

Once the airline has processed your claim, you will receive a response (42 to 90 days, depending on jurisdiction).

The response time depends on the airline’s internal regulations and the seasonal workload of the claims department. Flyhelp can in many cases reduce response time through dedicated communication channels with airlines.

If you receive a positive response, great! All you have to do is coordinate the bank transfer with the airline and receive your legal compensation. This may take a few more weeks.

What to do if you are denied compensation?

“If you receive a refusal, you will receive a response from the airline, which should explain the reason for the refusal. It will look something like this:

Wizz Air flight W6 1568 Kyiv (IEV) 09:00 - Warsaw (WAW) 10:10 (01 February 2019) was canceled due to adverse weather conditions (low visibility caused by fog in Kyiv).

Please consider that Wizz Air as an operating air carrier shall not be obliged to pay compensation, if cancellation or long delay is caused by extraordinary circumstances according to Art. 5. par. (3) of Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the council establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights.

Thus, if you receive a refusal, then all the work comes down to verification or refutation of the refusal.

This can be as simple as, for example, if a refusal is due to bad weather, in some cases it is enough to study weather reports to make sure that the refusal is legitimate.

In less clear-cut situations, you will have to request additional information from the control tower, airport and other sources and conduct a more in-depth analysis. The difficulty lies in the fact that the concept of “flight weather” does not exist and the decision to take off/land is made based on a number of factors (runway capabilities, aircraft technical characteristics, pilot skill level, etc.)

By law, the airline must provide you with all the information you need to effectively protect your rights. However, you should not hope that the airline will shower you with supporting documents. In most cases, they will be limited to a certificate of bad weather from a free source and, in practice, you will have to collect and analyze the evidence yourself.

  • Natural disasters
  • Airport staff strikes. If airline employees go on strike, this is not force majeure in many cases.
  • What to do if your flight is delayed due to force majeure?

    Everything is the same as in the above situations, but compensation for this is not due.

    Are there any exceptions?

    Sometimes airlines blame unfavorable weather conditions for flight delays that are their fault. If you are sure that this is the case, you need to find confirmation of the meteorological situation on the METAR (METeorological Aerodrome Reports) website - this is a specialized resource used in aviation to determine meteorological conditions. But the information that can be obtained on this site is a code that is not easy for the average person to decipher without outside help. Therefore, this solution is only for those who are not looking for easy ways. It is much more convenient and profitable to resort to the help of special services.

    If you find yourself in any of the above situations, know that you have every right to compensation for the time wasted and the forced change of plans. Delays and cancellations happen every day, so for airlines solving such problems is commonplace, and for the passenger this is not at all as difficult a process as it might seem at first. Just open this article, follow the plan outlined and everything will work out for the best.

    Who should I contact for compensation in case of flight cancellation or delay?

    Flyhelp is a Ukrainian service for protecting the rights of air passengers, working on the principle of “justice as a service” (JaaS – justice as a service).

    With the help of Flyhelp, you can obtain compensation of up to 600 euros for a flight delay or cancellation without any risk to the passenger. The service bears all costs and receives a commission (20%) only upon payment of compensation. No result - no payment.

    Several reasons to seek help from Flyhelp:

    • the lowest commission on the market (20%);
    • The office is located in Kyiv and you can always get advice on the problem that has arisen;
    • you don’t need to do anything - (it will take less than a minute) and calmly wait for the result.

    On December 22, Morten Tyldum’s film “Passengers” will be released in Russia. It doesn’t really matter what it’s about, the main thing is that it stars Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt.

    Let me explain what I mean when I talk about the “unimportance” of the plot: the fact is that trailers and advertising sell the viewer not exactly the film that they will see. So be prepared, viewers - the main thing in the film is that it has very beautiful main characters, you will see this both in the trailer and in the cinema. Yes, there is also space and a spaceship!

    Jim (Chris Pratt) wakes up aboard the spaceship Avalon, which is carrying him through the galaxy to a new planet. In addition to Jim, the Avalon is carrying another 5,000 colonists and 238 crew members. Only Jim woke up.

    It is unclear what malfunction occurred with his capsule, but Jim emerged from cryosleep 90 years earlier than he should have. Now all he can do is live and die on the ship, never reaching the new world... or perhaps there are some other options?

    We found 11 interesting, funny and generally wonderful facts about the film and are sharing them with you!


    Jon Spaihts' script was born out of discussion of a completely different idea: in 2007, he proposed to the production company the plot of a space noir, which ended with the main character being left completely alone in space. " They answered me - you know, this won’t suit us, but the idea with a guy in space is great. Can we start the story right here?” Speights did just that. And he assures that, despite repeated rewrites of the script, the plot basically remained exactly what was discussed with the production company in those half an hour. The story of a guy who was left alone in space.


    Passengers spent a dozen years in development hell. In 2007, the script was included in the so-called “Black List” - a list of the best scripts that have not yet been made into films. Over the years, this list has included Oscar screenplay winners Spotlight, Argo and The Descendants, as well as Oscar nominees Whiplash, Sniper and Django Unchained.

    It was originally planned that the main roles would be played by Keanu Reeves and Emily Blunt. Then other names began to be called instead of Blunt - the role could have gone to Reese Witherspoon or Rachel McAdams.

    Finally, in 2014, the film left the Weinstein brothers for Sony Pictures, and the film immediately got a new director (Morten Tyldum) and new leading actors.


    Norwegian director Morten Tyldum (“The Imitation Game”) claims that he started working on “Passengers” completely by accident: he discussed a completely different project with producer Michael de Luca, and at the end of the meeting, de Luca showed him a script that he really liked. " That's the real blessing of our work: you never know how your next film will find you. You just have to fall in love with him because he will take up every minute of your life for two years. The film will be in your thoughts, in your dreams, you will be obsessed with it. You want a movie to challenge you - so you don't know what's coming next».


    In 2009, the film's budget (when it was still a project with Reeves) was estimated at 35 million. Now they are talking about 150 million.


    Take a close look at the movie poster: right under the title you will see an SOS signal written in Morse code.


    Jennifer Lawrence said in an interview that she got drunk to film the love scene - because she was very embarrassed to film her first sex scene, and even kiss a married man.

    Although she exaggerated a little about the first sex scene - Jennifer, we watched Serena, we remember!


    Jennifer Lawrence received $20 million for the film and 30% of the profits. Chris Pratt - 12 million.


    Among the films that inspired the visual design of the film, director Morten Tyldum names “2001: A Space Odyssey” and “The Shining” by Stanley Kubrick.


    The main character, played by Jennifer Lawrence, is called Aurora. She is immersed in cryosleep and must sleep for 120 years. In the Disney film adaptation of the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty,” the princess was also named Aurora, and she also slept a long, long sleep.


    ImagineDragons recorded the song “Levitate” for the film.

    This is already the second participation this year imagine Dragons working on the soundtrack for the high-profile premiere - they can also be heard in the composition “Sucker for Pain”, sounded in the film “Suicide Squad”.

    The flights of a multi-ton iron bird - isn't it magic? Ignorance breeds fear of the unknown. That's why many pilots and other airline workers are happy to tell you what you really should be afraid of and why airplanes are wonderful!

    We have selected 16 clear answers to the most exciting and complex questions that interest everyone who has seen an airplane at least once in their life.

    16. How to get to the pilots if their door is locked from the inside?
    There is a special code that the flight attendant dials to get into the cockpit. This is necessary for cases where, for example, both pilots lost consciousness. The commander finds out the code before the flight and communicates it to the crew. After entering the code, the door will open within a minute, but only if the pilots take no action. If the pilot sees through a video camera that it is not a crew member standing at the door, he completely blocks the door, and there is no way for an intruder to get inside.

    15. Can pilots wear a full mustache or piercing?

    A beard, a bushy mustache, piercings and any other jewelry or “growths” on the face prevent the pilot from using an oxygen mask, which should fit tightly to the face. Therefore, the pilot’s face is always clean, sometimes slightly unshaven is allowed. Otherwise, a situation is created that endangers the lives of passengers.

    14. What happens if all the engines fail?

    During each flight, the aircraft switches to a mode in which the engines operate at zero thrust. If you move the lever to neutral in a car with a manual transmission while going down a hill, the same thing will happen. Complete engine failure is extremely rare, and in this case there are special instructions for restarting them.

    But even without engines, the plane can land on a gliding descent. The most famous incident occurred with a Boeing 747 over Java in 1982, when the plane was caught in a cloud of dust from an erupting volcano and all 4 engines failed. The crew managed to land the plane at the nearest airport, and none of the 263 people were injured.

    13. How long are oxygen masks designed to last?

    Passenger masks are designed to last for 10–15 minutes. This time is enough for the pilot to lower the plane to a height where he can breathe normally. The pilot has his own stationary oxygen mask, designed to last longer - to lower and even land the plane without losing concentration. Before each flight, pilots check the functionality of their masks.

    12. Do pilots sleep at the controls?

    Approximately 56% of pilots accidentally fall asleep during a flight, although it would be better to say they might doze off. Fortunately, modern airplanes operate in autopilot mode almost all the time, and controllers require constant feedback from pilots.

    On long-distance flights, two crews or three pilots can work at once, replacing each other with a rest break. The pilot, having completed his shift, sleeps in a special cabin. It is important that the crew is constantly in touch with dispatchers and at least one pilot controls the flight.

    11. Why does the plane go around?

    This is a normal situation. The plane can go around for various reasons, for example, there is an object or animal on the landing strip, a strong crosswind is blowing, or the airport is temporarily closed for an urgent landing of a special aircraft.

    Passengers are worried because the plane suddenly gains altitude before the long-awaited landing, but in fact everything is under control - this is a standard method of go-around.

    10. What citizenship does a child born on an airplane receive?

    There are several options. This will be the passport:

    • the country where the airline of the aircraft on which the birth took place is registered;
    • the country over which he was born;
    • countries where the plane landed.
    In most cases, in practice, the first option is obtained, but the decision is made by the airline, taking into account current legislation. Some airlines give kids a bonus as a gift: the opportunity to fly for free on their planes to anywhere in the world for life.

    9. Can a plane land on autopilot?

    In modern aircraft, control systems guide the aircraft along a route from an altitude of 300 meters until almost complete landing on the runway. During landing, an automatic landing can be used, but the pilot must activate this mode and monitor it by setting specific configurations for landing.

    Already before landing directly on the runway, the plane is guided by a course and glide path system: the airport radio beacon guides the plane, correcting its path. This system works even if the aircraft is completely without power.

    8. Hard landing on water or on land - which is safer?

    It depends on the aircraft model, but in most cases it is easier to land on the ground. Water will not only quickly flood the plane, but it turns out to be “harder” than the ground due to its density and consistency. According to statistics, during a hard emergency landing on the ground, the chances of survival are higher.

    7. How do pilots eat during a flight?

    A separate menu is prepared for the pilots with several dishes to choose from: if the commander wants chicken, the co-pilot will get fish or meat for lunch. This is the best way to avoid poisoning from the same products. Pilots eat in turns, some right at the helm at special tables.

    But there are airlines where this rule is not followed and pilots can receive the same portion of food as passengers.

    6. Why do pilots sometimes fly in the cabin with passengers?

    Sometimes, as part of their job, pilots fly passengers from one airport to another. If they are on board in uniform, then they are strictly forbidden to sleep, eat or watch movies with headphones in front of passengers. The sight of a pilot in uniform during such activities can be misleading and lead to panic among passengers. But more often, uniformed pilots fly in spare seats on the flight deck or in first class.

    5. What's worse - crashing into a bird, getting hit by hail, or being struck by lightning?

    Lightning often strikes planes without passengers even noticing it. In extremely rare cases, this can lead to a blackout of the aircraft. In this case, pilots have several instructions that literally reboot the electronics on board, and the flight continues as usual.

    Birds are more dangerous than they seem. If it gets into a fan or turbine, destruction, failure and even fire of the engine are possible. Not every windshield will survive a bird strike. That's why airports use noise generators, falcons and even helicopters to scare away birds.

    Hail is no less dangerous, but aggressive weather conditions are easier for an aircraft to detect and fly around.

    4. Why are there spirals on turbines?

    The turbine can operate without making any sound. If you approach her at this moment, you will be thrown several meters and you will receive serious injuries. Due to a number of accidents, it is now customary to mark the middle of the turbine with spirals or other symbols so that it can be seen whether the engine is running or at rest.

    3. Can an ordinary person land a plane?

    If this is a modern airliner, then there are chances. Recent experience in the simulator showed that the flight attendant coped with this task perfectly. This is largely the merit of computer systems that will direct and land the plane, provided that the person in the cockpit is prompted via communication with an algorithm of actions.

    2. Why aren’t passengers given parachutes?

    It sounds strange, but a parachute is unlikely to save your life if the plane starts to fall. Most people, even in a calm state, will not be able to put it on and land safely, and in order to jump out of an airplane without getting hurt, the aircraft must fly slowly at an altitude of no more than 5 km above the ground.

    But there are desperate passengers who take a parachute with them in their hand luggage. You can follow their example, however, your own parachute costs as much as an expensive foreign car.

    1. Are pilots afraid of flying?

    The worst plane crash in history happened not in the sky, but on the ground. In 1977, two airliners collided on a runway, killing 583 people. Plane crashes in the sky are rare. According to statistics, most incidents occur in the first 3 minutes after takeoff and 8 minutes before landing. But even if they get into a plane crash, 95.7% of people survive.

    If you want to increase your chances of survival, sit in the back: those are the safest places. Choose seats within 5 rows of emergency exits.

    Bonus: Should pilots be applauded?

    But in fact, pilots are pleased to hear from flight attendants that their landing was celebrated with applause. Some even stand at the exit, seeing off passengers, and you can personally thank them. And give them a chocolate, they will be pleased.

    What question would you ask the pilot?

    This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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      THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

      • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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          What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

    • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):