How to make dough for fishing with your own hands is a fairly common question among novice fishermen. Well, it won’t be difficult to answer. Anyone can prepare dough for fishing, the main thing is to know the procedure and preparation technique. And it's quite simple. That is, ordinary dough for fishing is made simply. But if you already want to prepare an unusual dough, with different aromas that attract inactive fish, then you need to know various recipes. We will also look at such recipes, but usually, ordinary dough is enough to get the fish to bite. The aromatic dough is useful if the fish bite is sluggish or the fish refuses to bite at all.

To prepare the dough for fishing, simply mix flour with water and knead it well. The consistency of the dough will be exactly the same as the ratio of water to dough.

There are two options for preparing dough for fishing:

  1. Preparing thick dough. This uses less water. The dough turns out quite thick, like plasticine. Small pieces are torn off from the dough prepared in this way and rolled into balls the size of allspice peas, peas, or plastic bullets from toy guns that fire using air - air guns.
  2. The second option is to prepare a viscous dough. This dough is almost impossible to put on the hook with your fingers because it sticks to your hands. The dough prepared in this way is placed in a jar, and from there it is taken out with a stick, which can be made from reeds or from a tree branch growing near the fishing site. Using a stick, the dough is wound onto the hook, like a mask, so that the hook tip is completely hidden.

Both options for preparing the dough work equally well. Here the cooking method depends on your preferences. Some people find it more convenient to wrap the dough around a hook with a stick, while others find it more convenient to form balls and stick them on. Dough is an excellent bait for fishing. The following fish bite well on it:

  • sebel and other peaceful fish.

Dough recipes for fishing

Video: How to prepare dough for fishing

Dough - classic nozzle. It is chosen by beginners and experienced fishermen. It takes a little time to prepare the nozzle. Available components are used here. The simplest recipe remains relevant in the modern world. Depending on the fishing conditions, the fishing dough is prepared to a certain thickness. Dyes and aromatic additives are introduced here. Such manipulations can increase the efficiency of the nozzle.

Cooking options

When preparing dough for fishing from flour, take care that it does not fly off when casting. There are two main versions of the dough, differing in their consistency:

  • Thick dough. Mix flour with water until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained. The consistency, similar to plasticine, will allow you to roll small balls. They are placed on a hook, where they hold firmly when wet.
Thick dough for fishing
  • Viscous dough. Flour is added to water in small quantities. You will get a soft dough that is distinguished by its stickiness. It makes it impossible to make a ball. A thin stick is used here. Having collected the dough with it, they “wind” it onto the hook, covering its tip. Due to its viscosity, the bait stays on the hook for a long time.

The appropriate option is selected depending on the fishing conditions and personal preferences. Both options are suitable for catching any peaceful fish.

Dough recipes for fishing

There are many different recipes to make an attractive bait. To obtain different characteristics, additional components are used.

Thick bait with egg

Beat a raw egg into the egg and flour mixture. When rolling the balls, the mass does not stick to your fingers. The presence of an egg makes the dough aromatic and nutritious.

Hard-to-knock attachment

Active fish often knock even thick bait off the hook. The problem is solved with the help of a dough that is difficult to knock down. After preparing the nozzle according to the usual recipe, add a small amount of cotton wool. Its fibers will allow the bait to stay firmly on the hook. Add cotton wool carefully, a large amount will disappoint with the opposite effect.

Such dough as bait works great for catching peaceful fish all year round, especially in the dead of winter and early spring. Exactly like today. The fish will definitely not swim past!

Even grandfather “Shchukar” knew about such a catchy bait as dough. Therefore, our grandfathers and fathers always took a piece of bread or a piece of bread when fishing specifically for fishing.

But preparing the perfect dough for fishing has its own nuances - secrets and tricks.

Some people still don’t know how to prepare catchy dough for fishing so that it attracts fish well and also doesn’t fall off the hook.

“Washed” or “Washed” dough for fishing for roach from semolina or flour

It sounds strange somehow - the dough, and even washed... And they called it because during the cooking process the dough should be thoroughly soaked or rinsed, as you wish, under a thin stream of water.

So that everything is washed and there is nothing unnecessary in the batch. In terms of composition and the final result, such fishing dough becomes elastic and viscous, similar to “used” chewing gum.

All bulk components and starch are washed off - as a result, only gluten remains, which “knits” the nozzle so tightly and prevents it from falling apart.

How to prepare the perfect dough for fishing for roach, crucian carp, rudd from semolina

  1. Pour semolina into a mug and fill it with water - the proportions are one to one (1:1).
  2. We give it time to brew, swell and dissolve. Approximately 30-40 minutes.
  3. Next, you need to knead the dough in your hands - about 5 minutes.
  4. And then the main stage - preparing the “washed” (washed) dough. We rinse our batch under a small stream of tap water.

As soon as the white dirt and sand are washed off, the “washed” dough is ready. You will immediately feel with your hands when the dough becomes like chewing gum.

  1. The last step will be flavoring. Although you can do without it. For each fish, for each body of water, flavorings work differently.

Pay attention to this and experiment with anise drops, vanilla, sugar, honey and other “scents”.

How to prepare washed dough for catching roach and other peaceful fish from flour

The cooking recipe is similar to the recipe for semolina dough. The only difference is that after mixing with water, the mixture must be left in the air for half an hour.

And only then rinse under the tap. Just as in the example above, the consistency should be chewing gum.

Video - how to properly rinse dough for winter fishing

How to properly place washed dough on a hook

There is nothing complicated - you attach it to the hook in the same way as a regular bread bait.

Break off a small piece from the finished dough. Roll it into a ball and pry it through the sting.

Then you pull it into a thread and twist it around the sting.

The advantage of washed dough for fishing

  1. The advantage of such a test is that (I repeat once again) it does not fly off the hook - it holds securely even after fishing and having been in the mouth of a fish.
  2. Carefully remove the fish from the hook and adjust the bait - you can continue fishing - the dough becomes, as it were, long-lasting.
  3. The cooking process does not take much time.

Before fishing, the dough must be left soaked in water in the refrigerator.

Before planting, knead well.

Be sure to do it and try it out on your next fishing trip!

NHNCH (No tail, no scales) to everyone!

Is it possible to make your own catchy dough for fishing? Of course, there is nothing supernatural in this matter.

It is enough to know some fishing secrets, simple cooking technology, proportions and ingredients. All experienced fishermen make their own dough.

Quick dough

quick dough

So, to prepare fishing dough, take flour and gradually add water, stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained and the state is soft plasticine. You can do the opposite: first pour water into a container and gradually add flour until the desired thickness is obtained.

Afterwards, knead the dough thoroughly, preferably with your hands. In the classic version, the finished dough for fishing should be dense, elastic and not stick to your hands. At this stage, various flavors and other “catch” components are added to the dough, which will be discussed in this article below.

Many fishermen knead the dough right on the spot, on the pond, using water from it; there is an opinion that such dough is more attractive to fish.

Options for preparing fishing dough

Thick, dense dough

Viscous dough usually has the consistency of loose, soft and sticky plasticine, obtained by adding a large amount of water. It is impossible to roll it into a ball and clings to your hands. They use it when fishing as a mask, or take a stick or match, or fill a medical syringe with it. Then, using a match or squeezing it out of a syringe, the batter is wound onto the hook.

Each fisherman himself determines which option to use. With a good bite, the fish bites equally on both the first and second versions of the test. But there are bodies of water where fish take better on a viscous dough than on a dense ball. In addition, the viscous dough is less likely to be knocked down by fish, since due to the wound thread of gluten in the composition, it holds better on a fishing hook than a ball.

Almost all white fish from our reservoirs bite well on the dough:

  • roach
  • rudd
  • silver bream
  • white bream and bream
  • crucian carp
  • carp and others.

Dough recipes for fishing

Sunflower dough

With butter

This dough perfectly collects fish at the fishing point, since sunflower oil is an excellent attractant that affects the taste buds of fish. Oil binds the structure well, makes the dough elastic and does not stick to your hands. Add a few drops of unrefined oil (fragrant) to the prepared lump and knead thoroughly with your hands.

With ground seeds

The principle of operation of this dough is similar to that of added butter. Sunflower seeds are used, which are dried and ground in a coffee grinder or twisted in a meat grinder. Large fractions of seeds in the bait can be washed out in the water, which further attracts fish. They add it to the finished lump, or do this - scatter the whisper on paper and roll a ball of dough over it, then knead it.

Dough with egg

A very effective way to make the dough elastic and easy to release from your fingers, and the egg also adds to the attractiveness of the fish bait. It's very easy to prepare. One egg is broken into a heap of flour, mixed and then kneaded, usually without any water at all, since there is enough of it in the egg. In order not to use water, you need to follow the proportions: 2-3 tablespoons of flour per 1 egg.

Unkneadable dough (with cotton wool)

This effect can be easily achieved by adding pieces of cotton wool when kneading the dough. Cotton wool has a denser structure and holds well on the hook along with the dough. Enough for 3 tablespoons of flour 10 - maximum 15 small pieces. The main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity and not to squeeze the cotton into lumps; the pieces should be “airy”.

Anise dough

Preparing dough with anise oil is similar to the first recipe - a few drops into the finished lump. All white fish simply “love” the smell of anise. Bleak, roach, rudd, silver bream and white bream will not pass by; they will definitely bite after tasting this dough.

Garlic dough

Adding crushed garlic or garlic juice to the dough makes it attractive primarily to crucian carp, tench and other fish. A few drops of squeezed juice or a mass of garlic twisted in a meat grinder or crushed in a crusher are mixed with the dough, and that’s it... the attachment is ready.

Potato dough

The potatoes are boiled and mashed until pureed, then mixed with the dough. If the dough turns out somewhat viscous, you should add more flour. Dough with potatoes is attractive for catching crucian carp, carp and carp.

Dough with semolina

Semolina is the main ingredient in mastyrka, which is very popular with small fish - bleak, silver bream, roach, rudd. mixed with flour and only then water is added. Usually they take the following proportions: 1 part semolina to 3 parts flour.

Pea dough

Pre-cooked peas are kneaded into porridge and mixed with the finished dough. The dough is rolled into balls and hung on a hook. The proportions may be different, some fishermen add 1 part of the porridge, while others, on the contrary, add half or even 2/3 of the pea porridge. Peas attract bream, crucian carp, carp and other fish of the carp family.

How to get gluten from dough

Fishing for gluten is also quite successful. This substance is found in all cereals, especially in their flour. Gluten can be obtained from flour or semolina. To extract gluten from the dough, you just need to rinse it with water for a long time, as a result, all loose suspensions (starch) will be washed out and only gluten will remain. In composition and sensations, it is similar to chewing gum or rubber without taste or smell. There is an opinion that it is gluten that attracts fish to this bait, and most importantly, it cannot be knocked off the hook.

On the hook, the dough ball should have a dense consistency and hold well. The finished gluten is viscous, it is wound on a hook with a match or squeezed out of a syringe.

Knowing the secrets of preparing catchy dough for all occasions, an experienced fisherman will always have a full fishnet. And our 10 top recipes will certainly be useful to everyone who is interested in fishing.

One of the best spring baits for catching non-predatory fish with a float rod is dough, which can give odds to even such a “delicacy” bait as bloodworms.

Dough phenomenon

Floaters look forward to the beginning of April, as this is one of the shortest, but at the same time exciting periods of open water fishing. As the water masses become warmer and warmer, the feeding activity of fish preparing for spawning increases, and accordingly their biting becomes more active.

Traditional spring float baits, which work flawlessly in most bodies of water, are bloodworms, worms, and caddis flies. Few fishermen prefer other baits, and there is no need to talk about vegetable baits. According to popular belief, they are generally ineffective in cold water. For many years I myself preferred a similar selection of fishing lures. But the experiments that were carried out showed that there is nothing obvious in fishing, and then it was tucked into a syringe.

Its efficiency is highest immediately after the ice melts, when fishing is not yet very effective, since the fish are inactive and it takes time for it to recover after the ice melts and adapt to the changed conditions in the reservoir. The same applies to rivers.

In recent years, I have increasingly started fishing in open water since the appearance of edges in lakes that are sufficient for full-fledged float fishing. In this case, the dough becomes one of the most desirable delicacies of “white” fish. The most active inhabitants of reservoirs at this time of year bite on it: rudd and roach, and a little later - silver bream and bream. As the weather warms up in late April - early May, other fish are found in lakes and the mouths of small rivers: crucian carp, tench, bleak, etc. And more than once it was observed that when changing baits, the bite often died down, and if it continued, then more fish were caught. smaller than dough.

Reflecting on the reason for this phenomenon, I came to a very contradictory conclusion. On the one hand, the aquatic vegetation that “peaceful” fish feed on is just beginning to sprout. There are practically no insects and aquatic invertebrates. It is logical to assume that the dough should not prevail over the bloodworm or worm.

On the other hand, dough, especially liquid dough, is a delicate, easily digestible product that causes less mistrust among fish, especially in reservoirs with high fishing pressure. It has an attractive smell, is clearly visible in water and leaves a cloudy trace when immersed. Perhaps there are other reasons for its attractiveness, due to the characteristics of specific water bodies, the nutritional value of the dough, which affects the balance of fish nutrition, etc. In general, I discovered the spring phenomenon of the test and intend to continue the practice of using it. Especially considering the fact that when fishing it performs such an important function as cutting off unwanted fish from the bait: small perches, ruffs, etc.

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