The Voronya is one of the most famous salmon rivers on the Kola Peninsula. It was the salmon that brought it fame, which delights many fishermen with its size.

Until the mid-1960s, the Voronya originated from Lovozero and was one of the five longest rivers of the Kola Peninsula, but under the Soviet Union they decided to build a dam on it. As a result, only 26 km of the river remained, but the genetic memory of the fish cannot be fooled, and now the largest herd of wild Atlantic salmon continues to enter Voronya to procreate.

In the pools located between the dam and the canyon, the river has a smooth, classic character for two-handed fishing. The distance between the banks does not exceed 150 meters. It is convenient to fish on both sides, there is no interference with casting. This section of the river has a peculiarity - although it is divided into pools that have names and boundaries, there is practically no distance between them. The fact is that the area has many pronounced salmon holes, streams and drains, so that, having arrived at a certain place, you can go down the river for several kilometers with the catch, leaving the water only for lunch.

Below the canyon there is an island that divides the river into two gorgeous streams. Here is Twins Run, one of the most productive pools on Voronya, with many Atlantic salmon resting before passing through the powerful rapids inside the canyon.

As in Belousikha, sea trout begin to enter Voronya from mid-August. The average size of sea trout is from 500 to 1500 g. Sometimes you come across specimens up to 5 kg.

For those who don’t like to walk a lot, there is good news: there is a road along the river along which you will be comfortably transported to each pool by car. Motor boats are used to travel along the river.

Map of the Voronya River

I hatched a plan for a hike to its mouth, because I learned that there was one of the natural formations very atypical for the North - sand dunes. And at the beginning of September, we finally managed to get out there.

A hike to the mouth of the Voronya River is complicated by its left tributary, the Belousikha River, which is about 20 meters wide and quite deep to ford. They say that at some rapids it seems possible to cross it, but we didn’t experiment and just took a rubber boat with us, fortunately it’s only about a kilometer from the car to the river.

1: Crossing the Belousikha River.

After crossing the river, the boat was blown away and buried in a conspicuous place, having previously been carefully camouflaged. Igor is generally a master of disguise.

2: Tundra and rocks.

After the first ascent, we deviated greatly to the east and quickly reached the Voronya valley, although according to the plan we should have reached it almost at the very end of the road. Having adjusted the route, we moved on.

3: Valley of the Voronya River.

4: Persian carpet.

5: The tundra has the greatest number of lakes.

6: Ocean.

Having climbed the next hill, we saw the endless Arctic Ocean stretching out in front of us. The islands of Voronyi Ludki with a lighthouse and Cape Vorony are visible.

7: The path to the ocean is guarded by this Dragon. The sun is setting quickly and we are in a hurry to get to the shore before dark.

8: The mouth of the Voronya River and the sand spit separating the river from the ocean.

9: A motor boat was found on the bank of the channel. Its passengers a couple of hours later, on the way back, showed up in a hut located nearby.

10: Absolutely flat sandy area surrounded by dunes. Its dimensions are colossal - more than a kilometer from west to east and a little less than a kilometer from north to south.

11: Vegetation of the area.

12: The dunes are covered with grass in places.

13: “Our traces will remain on the dusty paths of distant planets.”

14: Larger dunes.

15: Smaller dunes.

16: I won’t even dare to guess how many years these logs have been lying here.

17: This is the last dune. Behind him is already the sea.

18: We stepped onto the ocean shore when the Sun had already set and filled the sky with sunset.

19: Sunset on the ocean.

20: There were also traditional water procedures.

21: Relax in the Arctic! © bjegg .

22: So what, it’s only +10°C. But the sand doesn’t burn your feet!

23: Beach.

24: Tyulenya Lezhka Island.

25: And from behind the dunes, the Moon was already rising to replace the setting Sun.

26: Morning.

In the morning, everything is flooded with the yellow light of the low, just awakened Sun. I would like to stay in this amazing place, but the weather forecast for the second half of the day is completely bleak and we, without much delay, set out in the opposite direction.

27: One of the countless lakes.

On the hills between the lakes we found several seids. I will make a separate post about them.

28: At some point, a lone swan patrolled above us.

29: Lake.

After three quarters of the journey, a dense fog settled over everything around and periodically drizzled. It got very cold. The forecast was completely justified.

Soon we reached a cache near Belousikha, dug up a boat, pumped it up on the river bank and crossed it. And on the right bank of the Belousikha they attacked boletus plantations and spent some time collecting them. We returned home by midnight.

Voronya is a river in the western part of the Kola Peninsula, connecting the Lovozero basin with the Barents Sea. Its length is 155 km, and its total area is 9,940 square kilometers.

The river flows from Lovozero. Flowing into the Barents Sea, it forms the Voronya Bay (up to 30 meters deep).

There are 2 reservoirs formed on the river - Serebryanskoye and Voronye of the same name. In addition, the largest lake of the Kola Peninsula, Chudzyavr, is located in its basin. The Voronya River has many tributaries - Krasivy, Nivka, Lun, Staraya Voronya, Einch, Uyma, Kumzha. The lower reaches of the river are rich in rapids and waterfalls, the largest and most famous of which is Bolshoi Padun, about 27 meters high. The river in its lower reaches lies in a deep gorge, forming many islands. In the upper part, it flows in a valley flooded by reservoirs.

The banks of the Voronya River are rich in deposits of gray jasper, red and gray granite and shales.

The mouth is surrounded by forest - birch and pine. Huge meadows stretch along the coast.

Previously, there were settlements on the banks of the river - the villages of Voronye, ​​Bolshoy Padun, Golitsino.

Verman River

The Verman River flows in the southwest of the Kola Peninsula. Conventionally, it is divided into several parts: Upper, Middle and Lower Verman. The depth in some places reaches 2 meters, length – 31 km, width – 37 km.

Verman originates on the slopes of Mount Repotunturi near the village of Alakurtti. The river flows through hilly terrain through lakes Upper and Lower Verman, flowing into Lake Tolvand and Job Reservoir. In some places it is adjacent to deep swamps. The height of the nearby hills reaches 560 meters. The most significant hills are Voyanvara, Voyta, Repotunturi, Pogranichnaya. The banks of the river are covered with pine and spruce forest.

Verman is a fast river with many rapids. Flowing from Lake Nizhny Verman, it forms a small waterfall (1 meter high). The middle of the river was dotted with small, nameless islands. The river's tributaries are small and not marked on the map. There are no settlements here either. However, the river is crossed in places by railways, highways and winter roads.

The river coast has its own history, military, mysterious and enigmatic. Everywhere there are dugouts preserved from the Great Patriotic War, and the ruins of military fortifications.

In memory of Soviet soldiers, a monument was erected on the left bank.

Titovka River

You can get to Titovka from Murmansk if you drive 2 hours at average speed towards Norway. This is a salmon river, that is, salmon comes here to spawn, so fishing for this fish here is either prohibited or limited. For amateur fishing you need to buy a one-time license; for visitors it will cost 240 rubles. According to the license, you are allowed to catch 1 salmon, after which you need to stop fishing. Also in Titovka there is pink salmon, fishing for which is allowed without restrictions.

An 8 km long section from the mouth (Motovsky Bay of the Barents Sea) to the first waterfall is allocated for fishing.

The river bed is winding, with forested rocks and low mountains rising along the banks. Despite this, there are many clearings near the shore where you can set up a tent or just sit comfortably.

There are many high and beautiful waterfalls on the Titovka River, which you can admire absolutely free.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):