Living for today is living the Thai way.

The Thai way of life is often compared to the gait of the elephant, the national symbol of Thailand. The same regularity, unhurriedness and absolute acceptance of life. The locals of this country are carefree, cheerful, friendly and very hospitable people.

Like all Buddhists, Thais are tolerant and supportive of people and unpretentious in everything that concerns everyday life. They simply live, work, rejoice, like children - their every day is filled with real happiness!

Thai activities

And how could it be otherwise, because Thailand is a land with an excellent climate and unusually rich natural resources. You simply cannot die of hunger here: the rivers are teeming with fish, the ocean with seafood, and the local trees are hung with many aromatic and juicy fruits. It is simply impossible not to enjoy life in such favorable living conditions!

And the Thais rejoice. Their attitude to life can be summed up in three words: sanuk - pleasure, sabai - pleasant, and suai - everything is beautiful.

The main occupation of Thais is the cultivation of rice, vegetables, cereals, and tea. The gardens harvest bananas, rambutans, peaches, citrus fruits, apples, mangoes and other fruits. They are engaged in breeding ducks, chickens, buffaloes, cows, goats, and pigs. Of course, Thais fish. They catch trout, flounder, lampreys, carp, catfish, and collect seaweed and shrimp.

Thai men are engaged in artistic wood carving and processing of precious stones. Thai women prefer pottery and weaving among crafts.

Thai clothing

Thais dress simply - in panung (pants and skirts in the form of pieces of fabric wound around the hips), shirts and sweaters. Bare feet are normal for a Thai, but sometimes you can see them wearing light sandals. Residents of Thailand protect their heads from the scorching sun under a hat made of palm leaves.

Thai dwellings

Thais live in one-story houses built on stilts, which help save property and residents in the event of a flood. A couple of rooms, a kitchen and a veranda - what else does a Thai need for a happy life!

By the way, in Thailand it is not customary to receive guests at home, so only a few manage to inspect the home with their own eyes and get acquainted with the way of life of the Thais. But if you receive an invitation from a Thai to visit his home, consider that you have become a true friend for him!

The dishes in the house are pumpkin, coconut, bamboo and ceramic. The main food eaten from it is rice, fish and vegetables. Sometimes, on holidays, duck, chicken or pork are served on the table. The meal takes place with the family in the kitchen or on the veranda. There are mats around a tray or low table on the bamboo floor - family members sit on them.

Beautiful Thai life

Beauty means a lot to a Thai. They try to see beauty in everything, and therefore in everyday life they are surrounded by only the most beautiful things. It must be said that the Thais have always been famous for their ability to make beautiful things: be it a figurine carved from wood, or a jug hollowed out from a bottle gourd, or an attractive dish served to the table.

Women, trying to always look beautiful, decorate themselves with numerous and varied jewelry. Any household purchase is tested for beauty and attractiveness, and then for necessity and usefulness. Thai men even purchase weapons according to these criteria.

Are Thais gambling addicts?!

Thais are great hunters of entertainment, fun and joy. This is their understanding of the meaning of life. That's why local residents fell in love with different games. There are gambling establishments in every village of the country, where Thais easily squander their earned money, being philosophical about the very concept of monetary units. It will be necessary - we will earn money! Well, if you want to have fun, then you need to spend money without regret.

This is what the Thais are like: an unusually cheerful, simple and at the same time spiritually rich people.

What could be unusual in Thailand if it is traveled far and wide by tourists, bloggers and journalists? Anyone who has been interested in the country already knows that the country is ruled by a King, Thais love to smile, and even that the monarch of Thailand has American citizenship. But no! You don't know everything...

Never! Listen, never think of leaving the house without underwear in the Land of Smiles. Why? This is one of the taboos that exists in Thailand, and breaking it is punishable by law. If you didn’t intend to anyway, read our selection of facts about the Kingdom - and then you will avoid trouble or, at least, be known as an erudite. It's also useful!

No surnames

Before 1913, Thais only had names. And even now in school, court, and official presentations, surnames are not used. The name is preceded by the prefix Khun, no matter whether it is masculine or feminine.

Photo: Shutterstock 2

King Almighty

He is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest-serving monarch. It is everywhere: on baht, on stamps, on posters, on houses... In Britain, Norway, Denmark there is also a monarchy, but in Thailand it is not symbolic and for disrespectful attitude towards Bhumibol Adulyadej (for example, for an abusive post on Facebook) they can plant There was a case when a Thai almost went to jail for insulting the King’s dog.

Photo: Shutterstock 3

Don't throw things

In Thailand, you are prohibited from throwing objects at a person, regardless of whether it is your friend, a passer-by, or someone else. Find the time and energy to pass a pen, sock or suitcase from hand to hand. Ask how Thais play volleyball and the bride throws a bouquet into the crowd? We don't know this. But we know for sure that such a gesture is understood as an insult.

Photo: Shutterstock

So that your legs are gone

Putting your feet on a table, chair, or sitting cross-legged so that your feet are visible to your interlocutor is an extremely rude act in Thailand. Even while sitting on the ground, you should not show your dirty feet.

Photo: Shutterstock 5

Fork spoon

Thais, like most peoples, eat with a spoon and fork. But they use these items in an unusual way. Holding the fork in the left and the spoon in the right, for example, put rice on the spoon with a fork and only then bring it to the mouth. Or another option - use a fork to direct food onto a spoon while still on the plate. The main thing is that both hands are busy.

Photo: Shutterstock 6

Elephants instead of Santa

Animals with red caps and beards bring gifts to Thai children for the New Year. We especially honor this holiday, and if in Russia in the evening they watch “Blue Light” or “The Irony of Fate”, and in the USA - “It’s a Wonderful Life”, then in Thailand there is an elephant show. Even the well-known tradition of pouring water, according to one version, was learned by the Thais from proboscideans.

Photo: Shutterstock 7

Unlucky Wednesday

For a long time in Thailand, neither hairdressers, nor massage parlors, nor dentists were open on Wednesdays... This day was considered unlucky, especially for such important procedures. But everything changed when the Kingdom became a tourist mecca.

Photo: Shutterstock 8

Finish your rice

Never leave rice on your plate, even if you can't see it. This is considered a terrible waste - just as in Slavic cultures it is not customary to throw away bread. Moreover, the Thais take their tradition extremely seriously. If the last spoon does not fit into your throat, ask to wrap it with you or share it with a neighbor. Just explain why!

Photo: Shutterstock 9

Thai keyboard

In the local keyboard, there are two Thai keys for every English key. Thailand's alphabet is the second largest in the world: it is second only to Khmer, and has 76 letters.

Photo: Shutterstock 10

Ladyboys imported

Those who make the Land of Smiles famous are either visitors or people from remote provinces of Thailand.

Photo: Shutterstock 11

City of Angels, but not Los Angeles

Bangkok has the longest name in the world. It reads in full like this: Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahintarayutthaya Mahadilok Phop Nopparat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Avatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Vitsanukam Prasit. The first two words - “Krung Thep” - mean “City of Angels”: on behalf of the village that was once here. Therefore, do not be surprised if they tell you that the City of Angels is not in America!

Photo: Shutterstock 12

About the anthem

In 1939, the author of the work, Prime Minister Phibunsongram Luang Saranupraran, decreed that the anthem would be played daily at 8:00 and 18:00. That same year, another law was introduced, according to which anyone who does not stand during the playing of the national anthem will violate the Constitution. Both decrees are still in force, but so far no one has been arrested for not standing up.

Photo: Shutterstock

Each Thai - according to his personal spirit

All Thais have their own spirit, which is called Khuan. According to legend, he lives in the head. Therefore, under no circumstances should you touch this part of the body - the Thai will be offended for disrespecting his personal deity. Only a mother, a doctor or a monk can touch the head.

Photo: Shutterstock

Thais, accustomed to tourists, will forgive you a lot. But still, show respect for local traditions and be inspired by Thailand!

Before traveling to another country, modern tourists surf the Internet in search of general information about the country - excursions, currency, religion, cuisine, etc. It is undoubtedly worth paying attention to the people of the country you are traveling to in order to better understand the local population, communicate with them and leave the best impressions about the country.
So, who are the Thais?

These amazing Thais

The indigenous population of the country are Thais, and the Chinese, Lao, Malaysians and other nationalities with Thai roots living in Thailand also consider themselves Thais. The Thais themselves proudly call themselves “Khontai”, this word has a special meaning here that has developed over time. The country was never a colony and no one was able to conquer and enslave the country, although there were many attempts, hence the meaning of “khontai” - a free person.
The Thai language is used only on the territory of Thailand; this also cannot but cause pride among the local population, because the language and writing are quite complex, which is worth the 5 tones used in it.
The vast majority, approximately 95%, of Thais practice Theravada Buddhism. This religion is very tolerant, which cannot but influence the way of life and the attitudes of Thais both towards each other and towards visiting tourists.
Your first days in Thailand, your observations of the local population will probably raise a lot of questions in you - why do they behave this way and not otherwise? The answer lies in their specific perception of life and worldview, which undoubtedly differ from European views.

Thai philosophy and way of life

The three pillars of the Thai philosophy of life are: “sanuk” - pleasure, “sabai” - pleasant and “suai” - beautiful. This means that everything in life should bring pleasure and joy, you shouldn’t darken life with haste, worries and fuss, and of course you always need to be neat and clean; in this country, like nowhere else, you are met “by your clothes.” Of course, such an “easy” attitude has its historical roots. Firstly, fertile nature - an abundance of fruits, vegetables, herbs and the absence of cold seasons contributed - there is no need to grow or extract anything, everything grows on its own, just pick and eat. Secondly, access to the sea - both the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea have always had huge reserves of fish and marine life, which you just need to catch and lunch is ready. Only the main ingredient of every Thai meal required hard labor - sowing and harvesting rice. But even here the Thais showed ingenuity and learned to grow rice in water, which saved them from constant watering, and as a result, provided them with the opportunity to enjoy life in a measured way in the intervals between sowing and harvesting. The regularity of expectation was brightened up by creation - the Thais became talented artisans and painters. Palaces and temples throughout the country testify to this to this day. Thus, to this day, Thais live a very measured life, trying not to rush anywhere and not to upset themselves with various minor troubles.
It is also worth paying attention to the Thai smile. It is believed that all emotions must be expressed through a smile - absolutely everything, even negative ones. Therefore, even if a Thai has a storm in his soul, there will be a smile on his face, because a smile is the path to understanding in Thailand.

Small Tai Peoples

Along with modern Thais, small Thai ethnic groups live mainly in northern Thailand. These are different tribes living their age-old ways and beliefs. They, as residents of one state, are also considered Thais, but only on paper. The locals themselves call them according to their names - Akha, Lisu, Shans, Karens, Miao and many others. All tribes have special traditional clothing and language characteristics. Each tribe also has its own way of life. Many of them continue to worship the spirits of nature - the sun or moon. Rituals dedicated to a festive or tragic event - birth or death - have also been preserved for centuries. Basically, the tribes live separately, having no contact not only with tourists, not even with the Thais themselves, but there are also tribes that have even learned to make a small profit from visiting tourists, selling various homemade jewelry and souvenirs. For example, in the north of the country in Chaeng Mai, you can visit tribes of long-necked women in their homes and look at their simple life and way of life. Today, even in tourist Pattaya you can visit such a village, albeit artificially created.

Communication with the local population

Thais are very hospitable hosts. In the tourist areas, most Thais speak English, so if you have a limited vocabulary you won't have any problems. It’s also worth studying the section on the Thai language and printing out a mini Thai phrasebook - just in case. Well, when communicating, do not forget about a smile and restraint in communication. Even the Thais themselves speak rather reservedly. Any conflict and even raising one’s voice can lead to “loss of face”; this is also an important concept for local culture. A person wears his face proudly throughout his life, so any offense can lead to loss of respect.

It is thanks to this Thai culture and philosophy that Thailand is very popular among tourists - where can you relax your body and soul if not in the country of eternal sun, sea, fruits, smiles and hospitality!

Welcome to Thailand!

Thais and cars

For the most part, Thais behave very calmly on the roads, do not honk, do not cut off, just stand and wait in traffic jams.

The downside of such endurance is stupidity. It's okay to spread out like a herd of sheep.
on a 4-lane road and drive at a speed of 40-60 km per hour, ignoring the dedicated lane for fast-moving cars (In Thailand, on the right side)

Also, unfrightened Thai motorists park like hell, since the “stop boor” traffic does not exist, and getting a hole in the wheel
or a car marked with a key is unrealistic here.
In the same way, everyone leaves their cars anywhere without fear, radios are not stolen here, windows are not broken.
In general, they say that cars are stolen, mopeds too. For such cases, there is insurance.
Thai cars are clean, they wash them often, decorate the inside and take care of the car. It’s very possible to buy a used car here.

Thais and food

It’s really customary here for the whole collective farm to eat a hundred times a day.
No one really needs a kitchen in an apartment; the morning for a Thai woman begins with a sleepy crawl out to a passing
past the house there are carts in which every morning they sell all sorts of “goodies”

If in our cafes it is mostly wealthy people who eat, then there is no such division here.
Any Burmese construction worker can afford to eat off the rack.

food in Thailand is sacred

I heard that Thai girls are very conscious of their figure, stick to diets and make fun of fat women.
Anyone over 50 kg is fat.
In reality, I didn’t notice anything like that. Young girls, women, eat constantly.
And God forbid you need something between 12 and 13 days. Lunch time is a sacred concept. All of Pattaya goes to lunch at this time.

There will also be a lot of rather well-fed compatriots for tiny miniature women with children's clothing sizes.

eating is a favorite pastime in Thailand

Take, for example, the girls athletes who play tennis and whom we often see at tournaments.
In my opinion, the only time they don’t eat is when they’re playing on the court. And then, during the breaks, they manage to eat some nasty stuff.

I also remembered about food promiscuity.
In Thailand, people drink carbonated drinks from a young age. For example, at a children's birthday party, children drink Fanta, Cola, Sprite,
other drinks are simply not provided. Nobody looks askance. A 2-year-old child guzzling Pepsi-Cola is the norm.
And this happens in all segments of the population.

In the same way, fast food has vigorously joined the Thai diet. And if McDonald's sometimes stands empty, then KFC uses
hyper popular. It is customary for the whole family to come here on holidays and weekends, and at the same time take the children for a walk in the nearest children's room.
That is, leisure is very similar in content to Russian leisure. Go to the shopping center on the weekend, eat there, buy something and go to the children's room.

Culture and education

It is not customary to read here. From the word absolutely. Nobody reads books here, and there are practically no bookstores.
The most famous bookstore - B2S or Asia Books - is so modest in its assortment that it is difficult to call them bookstores.

It mainly sells reference books, biographies of the king and family, culinary recipes, guidebooks,
children's literature. Children's books stand like a cast iron bridge. They aren’t cheap here either, but here it’s just a plague, not the prices.
Bookstores also sell stationery, music, candy, and so on.

And until recently I thought that maybe this only applies to Pattaya? But no. Same song in Bangkok.
In the Bangkok metro, for example, no one reads; they just sit, chat, and stare at their phones.

Teenagers are much more uninhibited than ours. They say about such people: “Did he fall out of the forest yesterday?”
I don’t know how else to explain it to you, but something like this.

For example, there was a reception in honor of the final tournament, which brought together the best tennis players by age.
The Tennis Association pays for everything, a cool hotel, food and drinks, everything is top class.
There were participants and their parents. Everything is very decorous, decent, long speeches, certificates, cups.

And you just had to give the go-ahead that the buffet was open - you should have seen these lines. As if for the last time
once for rice.
And also songs and dances. Karaoke is a favorite Thai entertainment. It doesn't matter that you have neither hearing nor voice,
Every Thai considers it his duty to yell into a microphone.

I was slightly shocked when girls from the Machina age group, having joked, tumbled onto the stage and began
wagging your hips and howling some utter nonsense in bad voices.
This was not a prepared number, but an improvisation. Uh, terrible improvisation.
After that, one of the mothers came to the stage and handed out 100 baht tips to the girls.

Attitude to appearance

For some reason, there is an opinion that the Thais are incredibly clean, they feed tourists stories that the Thais wash themselves a hundred times a day.
Of course, I didn’t smell it, but observing a lot of Thai people I knew, I didn’t notice that they were at all eager to wash themselves and were familiar with a comb.

One of our friends radically solved the problem of tangled hair - he took scissors and, with a slight movement of his hand, turned from Mulan
to Anna Wintour. We're talking about a man, yes.
And I repeat, I’m not telling you about Cambodian guest workers, but about people who drive jeeps, engage their children in sports,
they are not homeless, in short.
I can’t get used to the fact that at tennis tournaments girls’ sneakers are often 2-3 sizes too large.
As if they were following their brother (although this is not the case), a girl walks, and her sneakers, like a little mug’s, clap. And how are they like this?
How do they manage to play without constantly stumbling?

It's the same with clothes. In my opinion, only my Masha selects outfits and everything is arranged according to styles, colors, style and other feng shui.
These don't care. Were you given a synthetic T-shirt for participating in a tournament? OK! Let's play in it!
90 percent of the time it all looks weird and sloppy. So I can’t agree about a multi-stage approach to my appearance.
Maybe this concerns the madam who spends hundreds of thousands per hour in Siam Paragon?

Business, competition, attitude towards the client

The Thais have a very strange approach to business, trade, making deals and generally everything related to finance.

If you are used to haggling in Turkey or Egypt, they will have conversations with you, run after you, offering an ever better price
and better yet, there is no such thing in Thailand.
I don’t know who started the rumor that you need to bargain everywhere here; to be honest, I don’t even know where you can bargain here.
On the market? Well, perhaps on a tourist one, if the price is too high, and even then, it’s not a fact that they will reduce the price for you.
In shops? Forget it.
I most often go to the Thai market for Thais to buy fruits and vegetables. Nobody bargains there.
At the same time, on a tiny piece of land (in the market), the price, for example, of a mango can fluctuate from 50 to 80 baht, no one
it doesn't bother me.
Just yesterday I bought a watermelon from one aunt for 30 baht a piece, her neighbor sold the same one for 80.

Skilled tourists can reduce the price of housing when concluding a contract, but this scenario also does not occur often.
If an agency rents out an apartment to you, then Thai agents are generally indifferent to renting - if you want, rent, if you don’t want, leave.

They have a markup on the apartment and are in no hurry to reduce it. If you come directly to the condo and communicate with local Thai women
in the office, then in 90 percent of cases you will come across complete indifference, and sometimes aggression.
They are too lazy to even show apartments, let alone talk about the price.

I’ll give you an example of my friends who wanted to rent an office, agreed on a price, but they weren’t happy with the
the entrance fee must be paid immediately, they asked not even to reduce it, but to break it down monthly.
The Thais were not happy with this option. This office has been empty for four years now. This is the kind of business.

No flexibility or desire to solve a problem, make money with a little effort. No.
At the same time, I cannot call Thais lazy. Many people get up early, sweep, clean, roll their carts,
they trade from morning to night, trying and trying to somehow get out of this life.

There are few beggars here. But there are professional beggars. From year to year, you can meet some
and the same cripples with mutilations who sit right on the floor in the rows at the night market and beg for alms.
They are served.
A girl plays the violin, a blind man strums some kind of guitar, no one is chasing them.
Many disabled people sell something. Lottery tickets, homemade dolls, whatever you can do.

Losing face

I wrote about loss of face. Yes, this is an important point. There is no point in accusing the Thais of something shameful; sarcasm, irony, such concepts are not in use here.
They will spin any tales, deny the obvious, turn on the fool and contradict
reality, just not to admit your mistakes, because this is not comme il faut.

If you don’t like a Thai employee, cleaner, assistant, salesperson, it’s easier to fire and hire
new than to teach something or reach out to the common sense of someone whose work does not suit you.

Visitors often notice that Thai children behave calmer, less capricious, they are not hit or yelled at.
I think the other side of this coin lies in the fact that, in principle, children are not particularly cared for.

They grow like grass. There are no developmental activities provided; many do not know how to read or write at all.
Thai kindergartens do not have as many classes as ours. The level of development here is certainly lower, no doubt.

The school curriculum is also lame. The student may not be respected by the teacher, the teacher cannot directly scold the student,
catch him in lying, in cheating.
But they can publicly humiliate you, hit you on the hand and even on the head.

Of course, there are international schools, but sometimes crazy things happen in them too; I heard complaints from many parents.
You can’t baselessly scold everyone, but finding a good school, kindergarten, with an adequate program and attitude towards the child is difficult.

And if you think that Thai parents don't scold or hit their children? They beat and scold, but not in public.
Our friends complained that during a trip to America, dad could not hit the kids with lyuli, and those bastards went wild
at all. And all because you can’t shoot a bottle in the head there, good neighbors will knock on the social service, and hello!

Relationships between men and women

I don’t remember whether I wrote about this or not, but among Thais, lesbian relationships are considered the norm. Can often be found
a couple - a feminine girl, with a masculine girl, short-haired, arm in arm and in an embrace. It's possible.
But hugging a guy or God forbid kissing in public! Noooo. This is a complete taboo.
In mixed marriages, a Thai-European, in most cases the girl is one of those same ones. And no one cares.
No one will whisper behind your back and label you a “prostitute.”

They have no concept of money on benches at all. As well as the benches themselves, however.

External influence on culture

Of course, both music and films are sold, they go to the cinema, but they ignore Star Wars, which, by the way, they go to
only farangs or little cars with farangs; a huge number of local films are shot in Thailand.
They are terrible in their primitiveness, antics and on a level somewhere between “Simply Mary” and “The rich also cry.”

Thais love “their” sports, value domestic tourism and rarely travel abroad.
Most Thais (up to 80 percent) choose resorts inside Thailand for their holidays. And of course this is not due to lack of money.

Poor Thais are also another myth. Guys, this is the fourth most developed economy in Asia, and unlike some,
is considered to be developing.
In addition to tourism, the share of which in Thailand is an unfortunate few percent and rice (these two things come to mind first),
The Thais have a well-developed industry. They successfully produce cars under Japanese licenses, they have developed light and agricultural industries,
and so on.
So even if all Russian tourists put together spit on Thailand and stop coming here, no one will cry.
Remember last year’s situation, all of US was easily replaced by the Chinese.

Yes, the Thais do not like the Chinese, do not respect them, and in some places even despise them. Surprisingly, there are many ethnic Thais
Those Chinese who arrive in Pattaya are noisy, poorly behaved, excessive.
If the Chinese roll into 7/11, as usual, with a modest group of 30 people, then after 10 minutes, it’s as if
the typhoon and the swarm of locusts have passed. They spit, grab you from shelves, violate your personal space, push you and behave inappropriately.
Even the women stink of fumes and garlic.

It is for the Chinese that warning signs are posted in restrooms so that they do not wash their feet in sinks and observe
cleanliness in the toilets, but in vain. They wash, they don’t comply.

How to save money on a hotel or apartment on vacation?

I'm looking on the Rumguru website. It contains absolutely all discounts on hotels and apartments from 30 booking systems, including booking. I often find very profitable options, I can save from 30 to 80%

How to save on insurance?

Insurance abroad is required. Any appointment is very expensive and the only way not to pay out of pocket is to choose an insurance policy in advance. We have been applying for many years on the website, which gives the best prices for insurance and selection along with registration takes only a couple of minutes.

If I have already repeated myself somewhere, please forgive me. I probably forgot something, I’ll remember and add it.
See you later!

What is happiness and where is it hidden? To answer this question, come to. You will be amazed constantly smiling thai people. It seems that they all feel quite satisfied with life and completely happy. Despite the fact that the huge difference in the property status of the country’s residents is immediately apparent. Thais in Thailand live either fabulously rich or completely poor - there is practically no middle class.

But despite all this, one gets the feeling that the poorest Thais in the country feel calmer and happier than the wealthy. They have practically no material wealth, but they have learned to be content with the minimum, and this is enough for them to be completely happy.

Even in tourist places in Thailand, the hostile attitudes of some, or else, do not stop them from smiling!

There are also places in Thailand where foreign tourists are not taken. These are the poorest regions; there is nothing to show a spoiled tourist there. But it is in these places Thai life truly happy. Those who have comprehended the true values ​​of this life. Freedom and family are important to them. Well, they also truly and sincerely love their King. And such conventions and benefits of civilization as the Internet, apartments, cars are unknown to them. And they often do not strive to take possession of it all.

Some Europeans may be jealous in their hearts happiness for Thais. Of course, living in such a fabulous climate and eating delicious fruits is all wonderful. The local residents have no idea what cold and snow are, they don’t need warm clothes. How can you not envy them? But the secret is that the Thais themselves do not seem to envy anyone, and they do not intend to do so.

Their distinctive feature is a deep love for their country, respect for their own traditions, their religion. There are enlightened ones among them Thai monks- they live in harmony with nature and with themselves, devoting a lot of time to meditation and improving their spirit. And those who have comprehended true harmony have no reason to frown.

A tourist inexperienced with local color may be amazed by the large number of hammocks stretched directly on palm trees. It turns out that they live here. Imagine, a person does not have his own home, but he has a bike, thanks to which he can earn money. And if on some day they don’t have any money, the smiling Thais won’t even think about being particularly upset about this - after all, they will definitely show up tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, so why upset yourself today!

A wonderful art is to be able to see what you have, to be grateful for everything. This is probably the main answer to the question, why do thai people smile so often?. They just love life! Therefore, it is quite common to see a Thai relaxing carefree in his hammock. Enjoy life - what more do you need! This is why Thais feel happier than us.

There are also a lot of them. This is due to a number of reasons, such as: reluctance to serve in (now this trick does not work) and the fact that it is easiest for them to make money on.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):