Beidaihe Beach is located in southeast China, on the coast of the Yellow Sea. Many people think that swimming in the Yellow Sea is not fun. However, its name does not correspond to reality, because these yellow spots are simply sandbanks, of which there are many along the coast. And in the sea itself the water is very clean, transparent and warm.

The nature of this region has already become a real attraction in the tourist environment. A beautiful sandy beach is adjacent to pine forests and mountains. The air here is filled with such freshness that many come to Beidaihe not only to relax, but also to improve their health. No wonder the most famous resorts in China are located here.

The beach itself is divided into several zones. Here you can find secluded places where there are almost no vacationers. And in the western part of Beidaihe Beach there is always comfort and well-equipped places; this is where tourists flock, attracted by the exceptional beauty of the Yellow Sea coast.

The most popular attractions in Beidaihe with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Beidaihe on our website.

Beidaihe is the most popular resort area of ​​Qinhuangdao on the shores of the Yellow Sea. Here you will find many attractions, parks, beaches and resorts and can afford cheap travel to Beijing. This small town is popular not only among tourists, but also among the Chinese.

Beidaihe buses and other transport

By bus you can get to anywhere in the city. A lot of routes can confuse tourists, but all signs are translated into English, some buses even have a Russian translation. The cost of a bus ride is 1-2 CNY. The easiest way to find the route you need is to go to the bus station.

The disadvantage of local bus transport is that it strictly adheres to the schedule and sometimes you have to wait quite a long time at the stop to go to the right place. An alternative is a taxi, which costs 10-15 CNY around the city. For trips to out-of-town attractions, taxi prices are approximately twice as high.

Map of Beidaihe in Russian with attractions

As in any other city, the most convenient way to walk in Beidaihe is with a city map. Even though there are clear signs and directions, it is difficult to navigate without a clearly written guide.

This resort is a popular holiday destination for our compatriots, so in any bookstore you will find a map of Beidaihe in Russian indicating all the attractions, restaurants, hotels and other useful places. This way you can easily find out what to visit in Beidaihe.

Main attractions

In and around the city you can visit various parks with a variety of leisure activities. Lots of outdoor excursions and places of historical value. Here any tourist will find entertainment to his liking. Fisherisland Seaview Hot Spring Resort has easy access to all the tourist attractions.

Probably the main attraction of the resort is, due to its visual similarity, called the “Dragon Head”. It starts right on the coast of the South Sea, and goes slightly underwater. This part of the wall was built in 1579 and completely destroyed in 1900. Only 84 years later this part was restored and opened to tourists.

Here you will visit the following premises:

  • Chenghai Pavilion - a favorite place of emperors from the Qing dynasty;
  • the temple of Nereus, located near the head;
  • a stone city used to defend against raids;
  • Jinglu Beacon Tower, built in 1565;
  • Nanhaokou Pass;
  • Ningwai city, built by the Ming Dynasty.

Despite the fact that almost the entire part of the wall has been restored, one gets the impression of touching the history of the Chinese state. The surviving parts of the original structure are protected from the destructive effects of the atmosphere by glass partitions.

How to get there?

To go to the Dragon Head, you need to take bus number 25, which runs in the center of the resort, and get to Laolongtou Park. To buy tickets, you need to go up the stairs and look for the “Ticket” sign. There are also other ticket offices offering excursions.

Tourists often went there by taxi. Laolongtou Park is a very popular route and you won't have to explain long to the taxi driver where to go.

The first building has comfortable toilets, a cafe and various recreation areas.

It is impossible to visit Beidaihe without going to the Longevity Gorge. This is a very beautiful place where you are unlikely to let go of your camera. Here you can see a real stone forest with figures of ancient settlers carved from stone. Also visit the cave with images of Buddha's followers, behind which are the ruins of an ancient fortress.

The cave was formed long before the advent of humanity and the local population is in awe of its preservation. Light enters through two entrances, creating a magical experience.

At the end of the long journey through the gorge, you will find yourself at the Temple of Saint Meng Jiang. It was built in honor of the woman who, in defiance of the emperor, followed her husband to build the Great Wall of China.

It was believed that by walking a long way through the gorge, conquering all the steps and at the very top and looking at the sea from a bird's eye view, a person would gain longevity. Buddhist monks and their followers come here for deep meditation sessions.

In the evening, it is highly recommended to visit the famous Lantern Park. It attracts tourists with incredible lanterns that surround visitors on all sides. Everything here glows in different colors: building facades, trees, flowers and fountains.

If you visit during the day, you can enjoy the beauty of fountains, waterfalls and ponds with blooming lotus. A quiet and peaceful place will allow you to escape from busy city walks.

In Lantern Park we get to a museum called "Strange House". Externally it resembles an ancient castle, but inside the interior of each room is made in ridiculous styles, with parts of the interior completely incompatible with each other. On the top floor of this castle there is an observation deck from which you can fully appreciate the beauty of the park.

What to visit?

Beidaihe is an amazing city, walking along the streets of which you will find a lot of restaurants with a varied menu, shops with interesting products and other interesting places. The area is also popular among shopping lovers. Every traveler is recommended to visit the following places.


On the coast of the Yellow Sea there is a modern water park “Happy Ocean”. Here you will find several zones:

  • Shark Hall;
  • Seal Hall;
  • hall of seals;
  • sea ​​turtle hall;
  • exhibition of northern animals.
  • sea ​​circus;
  • contact pool.

In the circus you will see a show of sea animals from the huge hall and you will even be able to feed them.

In the water park, tourists are invited to take an incredible dive on submarines, as well as scuba dive and see the coral reef ecosystem with their own eyes. There are many water slides and other attractions here.

Not far from the city you can visit the Safari Park, where animals move freely in huge enclosures. Visitors move around the territory in special trailers or minibuses that protect them from the aggressive behavior of animals.

If you came with your own transport, you can drive straight through it. They can help you find a guide who speaks Russian or English.

Among the inhabitants of the zoo, the most interesting are Indian elephants, wild cats, and brown bears, which you are allowed to feed. Also here tourists love giraffes, deer, monkeys and various birds. In the safari park, any visitor can even see rare animals such as red cranes, long-eared pheasants, albino lions and others.

For the most part, the zoo's inhabitants do not show aggression and are accustomed to crowds of people, but precautions should be taken. In the safari park you can take a free photo with any animal.

For children, the park has an entertainment center with rides.

The DiFa Botanical Garden is 6 thousand kilometers of fields and flower beds with incredibly beautiful nature and a variety of vegetables and fruits. The garden is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. In 2002, it was recognized as the most high-tech rural tourism destination.

More than a hundred species of large plants from tropical and subtropical areas grow in the garden, and almost all of them bear fruit.

You can visit the following areas:

  • growing plants;
  • collection of vegetables and fruits;
  • recreation area.

There are greenhouses on site where you can see tropical flowers, forest plants and desert flora. You can also buy the flowers you like.

One of the main assets of the park is a huge pumpkin - Loofah, the fruits of which grow over 4 meters in size, thanks to which they are included in the Guinness Book of Records. It is distinguished by its beneficial and nutritional properties.

DiFa Park is not just a tourist attraction. Research into modern methods of growing crops is carried out here, and it is from here that the surrounding areas are supplied with vegetables and fruits.

Anyone can stay in a hotel on the territory of the garden, where you will find entertainment for children and adults, as well as try yourself as a potter in the workshop and even take home the products made.

Before the XXIX Summer Olympic Games, a new large Olympic park was built in the city, consisting of several zones, where the Chinese themselves often come. At the entrance there is a huge stele in the shape of the Olympic flame. If you look at it from the back, you can see a dove of peace.

Entrance to the park is free. Particularly noteworthy among tourists is the singing fountain and the Walk of Fame of the Chinese Olympic team with hand and foot prints on bronze. The alley is crowned by a wall with figures of famous Olympians of the national team. The Chinese greatly revere their Olympic champions and know their names by heart.

Here you can see sculptures placed throughout the park that symbolize all Olympic sports; travelers take many photos with them.

Bilota Park is no less popular among travelers. This is an entire peninsula with a unique natural area within the city limits. In the evening, stunning lights come on here.

Here you can visit the tower in the shape of a giant shell, which is the tallest building in the eastern part of the resort.

In the park, visitors can stroll along quiet alleys or attend a noisy party. There are also many summer cafes with European and Asian cuisine. Bilota Park is the main attraction of the city at night, where everyone will find entertainment to suit their tastes.

The Shitanlu Souvenir Market, or Pearl Market, is not only a shopping pavilion, but also a local attraction. There is a huge selection of crafts made from shells, corals and pearls. Such goods are in great demand here, so you need to carefully inspect your purchase for counterfeits.

Various souvenirs, clothing and beach accessories are also on sale. There are also a lot of edible goods here, mainly tea and dried seafood.

A walking alley runs through the entire center of the room. It also has retail outlets, but the prices here are much higher.

Almost all products presented at local sites are made in China or other Asian countries. There are also European goods, but their prices differ little from Russian ones.

Many tourists in Beidfhe are not left indifferent by the giant oceanarium, with an area of ​​13,000 square meters. m. There are many species of marine life here, which you can get acquainted with in close proximity. Nearby there is a dolphinarium where you will see a show of trained dolphins and seals.

The aquarium has created conditions close to natural, so its inhabitants feel comfortable, and you can see them in all their glory. Despite the fact that animals from different climatic zones are kept there, optimal conditions are created for each of them.

A walk through the territory is carried out through a tunnel with a special moving path. Visitors get emotional when they see huge fish being hand-fed by scuba divers.

In a deep mountain canyon, not far from the Shanhaiguan region, you can visit the picturesque Yangsai Lake. It was formed 40 years ago after the construction of a dam on the river.

The area itself is an ecologically clean area, and the water in the lake is so clean that you can drink it. This is where the city's water supply is provided.

Arriving at the lake you can:
  • visit the bird park;
  • admire the mountain landscape from the cable car;
  • take a boat ride on the water surface.

Very close by is a Buddha statue in a mountain niche and a functioning monastery, as well as a cleft in the rock where rare snakes live. Not far from the reservoir is the Longevity Gorge, so many travelers combine visits to these places.

The Golden Dragon Hot Springs were discovered as recently as 2004. A quiet place surrounded by virgin mountains contributes to peaceful relaxation and healing of the body.

Hot springs are enriched with healing salts and cure many diseases. At the surface the water temperature is 42 degrees. The water in them rejuvenates the body, regulates the functioning of the circulatory system and calms the nervous system. It is recommended to visit thermal baths for patients suffering from diabetes.

Also on the territory of the Golden Dragon there are artificial pools with regular slightly heated water, steam rooms and bars. Therefore, here you can have a great time with health benefits.

For fishing lovers there is also entertainment here. The visitor can fish in the pond with a fishing rod for free. However, the caught fish will be weighed and sold to you. You can't let her go back.

Not far from here you can get a room at Fisherisland Seaview Hot Spring Resort.

Excursions to Beidaihe

With the help of excursions you can get to know the city in the shortest possible time. Therefore, as at any resort, Beidaihe offers many options for excursion packages of varying prices.

The city sightseeing tour is especially popular. By booking it, you will visit many attractions in one day.

The price of tickets depends on the distance of travel and the cost of tickets to the sites visited.

Routes to other areas of Qinhuangdo and even other cities are also popular. So you can go to Beijing for one day for sightseeing or shopping. Sightseeing tours are convenient because at one time you visit several objects, which an experienced guide talks about interestingly.

Often excursions are conducted by a Chinese or English guide. However, you can always hire a Russian guide yourself.


Beidaihe is a great holiday destination in China, suitable for both family and single travelers, regardless of age. Here you can not only lie on the beach, but also visit historical places on your own, attend noisy concerts and discos, undergo wellness treatments and experience all the other delights of a holiday in an Asian country.

The resort is popular not only among foreigners; the Chinese themselves and even local celebrities like to come here. Holidays here are quite affordable, and you can get to any point here by public transport.

You can visit some of the resort’s attractions on your own. For example, to visit the local zoo and aquarium it is not at all necessary to buy excursions. With an excursion you can go to the park with the laconic name “Dove’s Nest”. This is a vast landscaped park located on a cliff (above the sea). The park is called a real Mecca for those who love bird watching. More than 400 species of birds can be seen in this place. A trip to this park can be combined with a visit to the Jin Long natural hot spring, where there are both outdoor and indoor pools, a restaurant, and the opportunity to go fishing.

In the evening, an excursion to the Lantern Park is popular. This place pleasantly surprises with its bright lighting, lanterns of bizarre shapes, interesting compositions, and unusual landscape solutions. This park is called nothing less than “living”.

An interesting and eventful excursion to the Longevity Gorge with a visit to the temple-museum of the woman Meng Jiang. The first part of the excursion consists of a walk through a picturesque gorge, during which you can see giant stone sculptures of ancient medicine figures, which are carved into the rock. There is also a stone forest here (as natural formations are called). The second part of the excursion includes a visit to the temple and at the same time an open-air museum, which are dedicated to the heroic journey of a woman who went to her husband to build the Great Wall of China. Her name was Meng Jiang and now she is canonized.

You can go to an artificially created shell island called Xianluo. This is a small island whose area does not exceed 1000 square meters. The journey to this island itself will bring a lot of pleasant emotions. The trip takes place on a cable car over the sea. In the central part of the island there is a clock, which is a symbol of the island. The Chinese say that from time to time this clock makes a knock and at this moment you must make a wish, and it will certainly come true. On this island you can go parasailing, rafting, diving, underwater fishing and jump from a 70-meter high tower.

This island has an interesting seafood street, where you can try a variety of fresh seafood, which the locals prepare according to special recipes. The most popular is the healthy and at the same time tasty seiko soup, which is also distinguished by its original presentation in a large bowl.

Yangsai Lake is located between Beidaihe and Shanhaiguan. It is located in a deep mountain canyon, where a river previously flowed, but after the construction of a dam a lake was formed. This area is considered ecologically clean, and the water in the lake is so clean that it is safe to drink. The area of ​​the lake is 15 square kilometers, and in some areas its depth reaches 10 meters.

An excursion to this lake usually consists of three parts: a visit to the bird park, a cable car ride through mountain ranges that are completely covered with forest, and a boat trip around the lake. In addition, tourists, accompanied by an experienced guide, can visit a crevice in the rock above the lake and see rare species of snakes; a Buddhist monastery, a Buddha statue and a number of other places. The tour lasts from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Local travel companies offer an interesting excursion to the Huaxia vineyards and wine storage facility. These vineyards are the largest in China, and this fact alone speaks volumes. 90% of the country's factories use these grapes in wine production. Directly next to the vineyards there is a modern winery, as well as one of the largest wine storage facilities in the country. The excursion includes not only a free wine tasting directly at the plant and a visit to the vineyards, but also an introduction to wine production technology.

The last place I advise you to go on an excursion to is the Golden Dragon hot radon springs. Trains take only one hour to reach them. They are located in the countryside, in a quiet and well-equipped area with untouched nature. Nitrogen-radon springs are located at a depth of 174 meters. Warm water comes to the surface, its temperature is 42 degrees. Due to the fact that water contains various microelements, it has a beneficial effect on the skin, calms the nervous system, helps with diabetes, problems with the circulatory system and the musculoskeletal system.

Directly in the Golden Dragon complex there is everything you need for a comfortable stay: a jacuzzi with hydromassage, a steam room, hydromassage, a tennis and gym, as well as a swimming pool with mineral water. There is also a good restaurant in the complex that can simultaneously accommodate about 200 visitors and the specialty is deer meat shish kebab. It is best to visit this complex in rainy and cool weather.

Beidaihe is a small coastal town in China that has become a cozy tourist destination. It has landscaped and entertainment parks, gardens, sanatoriums and beaches. It is loved not only by tourists, but also by the Chinese themselves. What attractions in Beidaihe are worth seeing? Let's find out.

Main attractions

Beidaihe belongs to the Hebei province of China. It is located on the coast and is surrounded by the Yanshan Mountains to the north. An area of ​​almost 71 square kilometers is home to only 70 thousand people, most of whom are Han Chinese.

In the Middle Ages, the area where Beidaikhe is located was a protected area. For more than 500 years, any construction or alteration of the landscape was prohibited here. In the 19th century, the city began to be upset. The first railway appeared there, and the first hotels were located on the coast.

Now Beidaihe is a famous resort. The city has two sanatoriums and a diagnostic and treatment center. There are three beaches on a strip of coastline of 11 kilometers. In or around the city there is a water park, a Safari Park, a Bird Museum, a Botanical Garden and many amazing parks. Depending on the popularity of the attractions, prices in Beidaihe vary greatly. An entrance ticket can cost from 8 yuan (to Tiger Stone Island) to 75 yuan (to the aquarium).

The most famous attractions of Bedayhe:

  • Dragon Head (Laolongtou Park).
  • Mermaid Island.
  • Pearl market.
  • Grass slides.
  • Oceanarium and dolphinarium.
  • Longevity Gorge.
  • Emperor Qin Park.
  • Pink Park.
  • Lantern Park.

Dragon head

The most interesting and grandiose attraction in Beidaihe is Laolongtou Park. The Great Wall of China begins from here, and its end, going into the sea, is called the Dragon's Head. In this part the wall looks completely new. After being destroyed by enemies, it was rebuilt in 1984. In addition to the Great Wall Tower, in the park you can see Chinese buildings, the Temple of Nereus with sculptures of gods and built during the Ming Dynasty.

Gorge of Longevity

Just an hour's drive from Beidaihe is the Longevity Gorge. It is located at the base of Mount Yang and covers almost 50 square kilometers. The main attractions are the through cave, the “Nine Heavens” pavilions and the Mountain of Five Buddhas, the road to which leads through amazing mountain landscapes surrounded by green trees.

Lantern Park

It’s good to come here with children, but those who like to dream will also enjoy the park. There are many quiet paths, bridges, ponds and stone compositions. Everything here is inspired by Chinese folklore. The main object is the Amazing House. This is a fairy-tale palace with labyrinths, secret passages, decorated with mirrors and sculptures of legendary characters.

How to get to Beidaihe?

The sights of the city can be seen if you go to the northeast of the province. The city is located approximately 290 kilometers from the capital of China. The most convenient way to get to Beidaihe is through Beijing or the city of Harbin. There are planes to these cities from Moscow almost every day.

From Beijing you can get to the resort by train or train from the West or Central Station. It is worth noting that traveling in a Chinese reserved seat is not particularly comfortable. Instead of the usual side shelves, there are usually two additional shelves in the main compartment. The fastest way to get to the place is by train. It takes two hours to travel, and trains and buses take twice as long.

Beidaihe Station is located outside the city. Once you arrive, you can use a taxi or take a bus.

My husband and I traveled together at the end of May - beginning of June 2015. In total, along with the trip, we spent about 100,000 rubles on vacation, most of which went on the road. We took off from Moscow. We stayed in Beidaihe for 10 days, including the days of arrival and departure. Directly in Beidaihe we spent about 3,000 yuan, at an exchange rate of 8 rubles per yuan. Separately, we bought vouchers that paid for the train journey from Manchuria to Beidaihe, the hotel, as well as the services of meeting and seeing off in Manchuria and in Beidaihe. Each voucher cost 20,000 rubles, despite the fact that we took a good hotel, we could have taken a simpler hotel, then the voucher would have cost 2,000 rubles. cheaper. To travel to China, it is better to buy a ticket, otherwise problems may arise at the border. In addition to the voucher, the travel agency will arrange an invitation and insurance for you; without them you will not be allowed into China. You need to buy a visa separately at the border. It cost about 1800 rubles, we had one for two. We stayed at the Xuan He Hotel. This hotel has four stars. The hotel is excellent, pleasant environment, helpful staff. It is small, there were few people, the windows overlooked the courtyard, so it was quiet. Our towels and toiletries were changed every day. True, complete cleaning was done only once and then at the very beginning, this is of course a minus, but a minor one. We really liked the hotel, if you have the opportunity to pay a little more, then check into it, you won’t regret it. Moreover, it takes about 10 minutes to walk from it to the beach or to the bus station. Breakfast was included in the price. The hotel had a buffet, the food was purely Chinese. But overall it was delicious.

And this is our hotel

And here is the courtyard at the hotel

This is what we ate in the morning at the hotel

Twice they brought breakfast to our room, it looked like this

We got to Beidaihe by train from Manchuria. Separately, we need to dwell on the description of the Chinese train. I’ll say right away that the train leaves much to be desired. A significant difference between Chinese reserved seat carriages and ours is that the Chinese do not have side shelves. Instead, there are small saddles on the sides. But at the same time, in the internal compartment of the trains there are not 4, but 6 shelves. Therefore, if you buy a ticket, then ask for a lower seat, or at least a middle one. The Chinese have a gradation of places, for example, place 9 is lower, middle or upper. The windows in the cars do not open; instead, the air conditioners work, which blow very cold air. Smoking is not prohibited on trains in China, although smoking can be done in the toilet and in the small vestibule between the cars. There was a strong smell of smoking in the carriage. We are non-smokers and this caused us great discomfort. Another very important clarification: here, upon boarding, you will not be given clean linen, as on our trains. It's just not accepted in China. We once read about this on the forum and didn’t believe it, but now we confirm it. In China, they simply fill the shelves at the departure station and subsequently, no matter how many people occupy this shelf along the train route, the linen does not change. They also don't have mattresses. This makes it very difficult to sleep. You'll have to come to terms with this. The rest is standard: there is a toilet and a washbasin at one end of the car, but they are separate, and hot water is at the other. The conductors won't make tea for you, so take it with you, but they do sell food on the train. 1 serving costs 20 yuan, it is small, but it was enough.

Now let's move on to Beidaihe. Our vacation began with the fact that immediately after the train our guide took us to free medical procedures. It seems that the doctor should have listened to our pulse and told us about all our illnesses. We got interested and went. True, they didn’t even give us the opportunity to eat, saying that we had to go there hungry. It turned out to be a complete scam. The doctor listened to our pulse and pressed on different points on our neck, stomach, and back. Then they told us that we had a lot of diseases with the kidneys, cervical vertebrae and much more. At the same time, they didn’t say a word about our real problems, for example, frequent migraines and allergies. Then they started telling us that we needed to undergo 5 acupuncture sessions for only 800 yuan. We refused, left the office, wanted to leave, but it turned out that our driver had gone somewhere, we needed to wait for him for about 20 minutes. All this time, we were offered 10 times again and again to go through a trial procedure. They also gave us hungry tea with a very strong taste. I ate an apple on the way, so I didn’t feel anything, but my husband was completely hungry, and he says that the tea made him a little dizzy and somehow made him think worse. Maybe it was just from hunger, I don’t know. But I still advise you not to fall for this and not to go for any medical procedures. It was very unpleasant for us that the vacation began exactly like this.

Then we will continue to talk about pleasant things. We managed to save a lot of money, largely because we traveled everywhere ourselves by bus, rather than buying excursions from a guide, with the exception of one - to the Amusement Park in Nandaihe. Bus fares cost 1 yuan if you travel within the city, and 2 yuan if you travel between cities. As we were later told, during the high season the cost of travel may increase: 2 yuan will cost travel within the city, 3 - between cities. I will present a list of places that can and are worth visiting in Beidaihe and neighboring cities. I would like to immediately warn you that in the summer at the height of the season, prices for entrance to the parks may increase by about 10 yuan. At the very end of the review there are several maps where all these places are marked.

1. Safari Park. You can get there by bus 34. Entrance costs 100 yuan per adult. For children between 1.2 and 1.4 meters and people between 60 and 69 years old, admission costs 50 yuan. The park consists of two parts. You can walk freely along the first one; monkeys, elephants, and various birds live here. The second part is much larger, this is the safari itself, tigers, lions, wolves, bears, antelopes, zebras, giraffes and many others live here. You cannot walk freely on it, because the animals here are no longer in cages, but simply roam free. Here you can travel either by your own car or by bus, in both cases you will have to buy an additional ticket and pay another 50 to 100 yuan. But there is also a free train. He drives through all the sections in the park, each species of animal lives in its own section, and stops briefly so that people can look and take photos. The train also stops at some stations, where you can get off and take a walk. Non-dangerous animals also live here, such as giraffes, zebras, monkeys, peacocks, etc. But you will have to travel from station to station by train. They run frequently, don't worry. It took us about 6 hours and all the strength we had that day to visit the park, but we really liked it. It is definitely worth a visit.

Entrance to Safari Park


And of course peacocks, what would China be like without them!

2. Park Dove's Nest. You can get there by bus 37. Entrance costs 25 yuan per adult. Children and seniors, within the above parameters, are admitted free of charge. The park is small and has access to the beach. There is also a gazebo on a small hill, from where tourists are advised to watch the sunrise in the early morning. The park is small but very picturesque. On the way to the park there is a Bird Museum. The building is very beautiful. We didn’t go inside because we saw enough birds in the Safari, but you can visit it too.

And this is the Bird Museum

3. Olympic Park. You can get there by bus 15. Entry is free for everyone. The park is quite large. There are many sculptures on sports themes, and a wall telling the history of the Olympic Games. There is also a huge, light and music fountain. It starts working every day at 20:00, the performance lasts about 15 minutes.

The Olympic flame is the central sculpture of the Olympic Park

And this is a wall that tells the story of the Olympics.

4. Lantern Park. You can get there by bus 15. Entrance costs 20 yuan. It’s difficult for me to say what privileges there are for children and the elderly, since everything at the checkout was written in Chinese. It is recommended to go to the park at night; it is at this time that all the lights there are lit. But with us it closed in the evening, since, apparently, it was not yet the season, so we went during the day. It seems to me that we have lost little; the park is already very beautiful. This park is, so to speak, for adventure. There are various bridges, stone passages, an unusual slide, a sculpture of a pissing boy who lets out a stream at the moment when someone passes by and other surprises. In the center of the park there is a Castle called Strange Building. The castle also consists of different rooms, secret passages, stairs, mirrors and everything else. It was interesting to walk along it. The park also hosts additional performances; tickets for them can be purchased separately in the park itself.

And this is a strange building

And a statue of a boy peeing

5. Difa Botanical Garden. You can get there by bus 5. Entrance costs 40 yuan. Children under 1.2 meters and old people over 70 years old are admitted free of charge. The drive will take about half an hour. Listen carefully to the names of the stops, the announcer clearly says “Difa” several times, so don’t miss it. There are greenhouses in which different plants grow: exotic: bananas, mangoes, dates, figs, papaya; and ordinary ones: pumpkins, grapes, strawberries, etc. All fruits can be bought during the season. You walk right among the trees, rather than observing them through a mesh or fence. Some greenhouses are decorated with gazebos and small ponds with carp. There is also a famous arch with long hanging cucumbers. We didn't get to see her because it was not the season. The garden also has many different attractions and carousels. We weren't really that impressed with the garden; it's not worth 40 yuan. I advise you to go there only if you have time. But this is at your discretion.

6. Lianfengshan Park. You can get there by bus 5, entrance costs about 15 yuan. Located on the route to the Botanical Garden. We tried to get into it 2 times, but both times it was closed for some reason. Actually it works, we were just unlucky. We simply did not have enough time for subsequent attempts. The park is very large, there are ponds, bridges, stones, everything you need for beautiful photos.

7. Ecological park. You can get there by bus 34. Entry seems to be free, but this is not accurate. It is located in front of the Safari Park. We didn’t have time to visit it, but we drove past it many times, we didn’t see the ticket office or barriers, so entry is most likely free. There is a standard set here: ponds, bridges, trees, stones.

8. Bilota Park. You can get there by bus 15, but from its stop you will have to walk a little further to the park itself. I can’t say how much the entrance costs, since we didn’t go there. Although we walked around and saw what it was like. This is an amusement park, as we understand it. In the center there is a shell-shaped tower where performances are shown.

9. Rose Garden Park. You can get there by bus 15, admission is free. The park is small compared to other parks in Beidaihe. It essentially consists of 4 mini-parks located across the street from each other. The park is beautiful, all planted with roses: white, red, pink, orange, etc. I read many times that people cannot find it. We walked to it directly from our hotel, you can also go down to it from the Olympic Park. It is close to the Open Hotel and the Kangaroo nightclub.

10. Pearl market. Located near the bus station. You can get there by 5 or 15 buses, depending on where you are coming from. Here you can buy pearls of different sizes and qualities; they are sold in strings - from 50 yuan per string; there are also various souvenirs, shells, spices, and dried seafood.

11. Fountain across the road from the bus station. This is a very large fountain, you should definitely go and see it. During our time it worked only once, but again it was not quite the season yet, the fountains in the city were not working at all yet. According to other tourists, it only works in the morning and during the day, and is turned off in the evening.

12. Mermaid Island or Shell Island. Located near Beidaihe, again on the way to the Botanical Garden, you can get to it by bus 5, then you can transfer to bus 22, or you can walk a little. You can reach the island itself via a bridge or by cable car. We weren’t there, but as far as we understand, there is a park area and attractions on the island. I can’t say how much the entrance costs.

13. Tiger Stone Island, also a beach. This is a beach with a lot of different large and small stones in the sea. Entrance costs 8 yuan. You can get there by bus 15, then you have to walk a little more.

This is where the attractions of Beidaihe end; the next and most interesting ones are located in neighboring cities. But don’t let this scare you, you can get to them without any problems by bus.

14. Oceanarium and Dolphinarium. Located in Qinhuangdao. We get to Qinhuangdao by bus 34, at the Tanghe park stop we change to bus 19 and go to the Grand Hotel Qinhuang stop. The Oceanarium and the Dolphinarium are 2 different neighboring buildings. But the Oceanarium also has a dolphinarium and for a fee you can attend a dolphin show. Entrance to the Oceanarium cost 75 yuan for adults, 45 for children (1.2-1.5 meters). For the dolphin show you need to pay an additional 50 yuan per adult and 30 per child. Shows are scheduled, so I will attach a photo of the scheduled hours. In the Oceanarium there are many different types of fish, there is also a tunnel where fish swim from all sides, there are also seals and seals. We didn’t go to see dolphins and go to the Dolphinarium separately, so I can’t say anything about that.

Oceanarium building


15. Emperor Qin Park. Entrance costs 60 yuan. Buses do not go directly to the park. You can get from the Oceanarium by bus 19, then you will have to take a taxi or walk. It's a long walk, and don't be alarmed; you'll have to walk across a bridge and, so to speak, unpresentable areas. While we were walking, we didn’t believe that there might be a park here, but the park justified all our hopes and efforts. This is a park in honor of Emperor Qin Shihuang, the creator of China and, separately, the Terracotta Army. For those unaware, I advise you to read more about him. The park contains real Terracotta Wars, this is the main reason why it is definitely worth a visit.

And this is the emperor himself

And a staircase with terracotta wars on the sides

16. Amusement park. Located in Nandaihe. Entrance costs 120 yuan and 96 for children and seniors. As we were told later, you can get there by bus 603, which runs from the bus station. We didn't know about this bus. Moreover, our guide told us that there are no buses or taxis going to the park. Well, more precisely, that we can get there by taxi, but we won’t go back, since we won’t be able to catch a taxi there. I refute this. The park is located directly in the city, there is also a taxi rank, so you can get anywhere. As a last resort, you can try to travel with locals or similar tourists. Our guide not only lied to us about transportation, but also about the entrance, saying that it cost 130 yuan. As a result, he charged each person 40 yuan for the journey, saying that he was charging the minimum. I'll tell you straight away, it's expensive. But this is China, be prepared that everyone, everywhere will scam you. But actually, this review was written to avoid this. Now about the pleasant things. This is an amusement park, there are many of them, different ones, including big and small go-karts, roller coasters, various carousels. You can ride each one 10 times, and roller coasters 1 time. Large go-karts available for a fee. The queues here are long, so it’s better not to go on weekends. There are also grass and sand slides, a lotus park, beaches and, supposedly, a water park, but it didn’t work for us. This excursion is for the whole day. It is better to take food and water with you. We were left with a lot of emotions from the park! I advise you not to go to other attractions located, for example, in Dif, Safari, etc. and don’t waste your money, but go to this one right away. Here are the coolest attractions; after this park, all the others will no longer impress you.

Famous Grass Slides

17. Water park. Located in Shanghaiguan. You need to go to Qinhuangdao by bus 34, then change to bus 25. The ride will take a long time. The entire journey from Beidaihe will take about an hour and a half there and the same time back. The stop will be right next to the water park. He also did not work for us, but we learned from other tourists that the entrance fee is 110 yuan..

18. Now the delicious part. Laolongtou Park or Dragon's Head. Located one or two stops, I don’t remember exactly, after the water park. You also need to get there by bus 25. The bus stops a little above the park, so don't be alarmed if you pass by. Here again listen to the name of the stop, the announcer will call “Laolongtou”. Entrance costs 60 yuan. And be careful here. To get to the ticket office, you need to go up the stairs and turn around a bit; they are not immediately visible. But right away there is a Chinese man standing there who lures you to other ticket offices where they sell excursions and the entrance will accordingly be more expensive. So look for the “Ticket” inscription. The park is a must visit. It includes Shanghaiguang Pass, a small town that shows how the soldiers guarding the wall used to live, and most importantly, the beginning of the Great Wall of China, also called the Dragon's Head. In addition, this is the only section of the wall in contact with the sea.

Shanghaiguan Pass

In the center of the town there is a labyrinth, it is easy only at first glance; we wandered through it for about thirty minutes.

Well, in fact, at the end the dragon’s head itself awaits you

By the way, this park and section of the wall were restored somewhere in the second half of the 20th century, since at the beginning of the same century they were completely destroyed by European invaders. That is why the park is so new and completely preserved.

19. Finally, the most important thing is the Great Wall of China. It is located further than the Dragon's Head. You need to go to the final 25 bus, about 15 minutes from Laolongtou. Then there is bus 5, which seems to go straight to the wall. We were not able to check this, since we did not immediately find his stop. But they found it later. To get on it, you will have to walk from the terminal 25 of the bus further along its route. But again, it is not clear whether bus 5 will still take you to the wall or not. We didn’t see him there and there were no stops near the wall either. Therefore, I explain how to get there. When you reach the final stop and get off the bus, you will see a wall, it is located right in the city near the sidewalk. A pass is immediately visible in the wall, and from it stretches a shopping street with various buildings in the Chinese style. You need to follow it to the end and get out onto the road. This road already leads to the wall. There are signs there. The walk to the wall is about 3 kilometers. We were lucky and got a ride from a local resident for 10 yuan. Entrance to the wall costs 30 yuan, children and the elderly seem to get in for free. A ticket for the funicular, so you don't have to stomp up the wall in the heat, costs 15 yuan one way and 20 if there is a round trip. I advise you to get there by cable car and go back down the wall. It is better not to climb the wall, it is very steep, you will constantly have to climb up it, there are practically no straight sections. We were tired when we went down it, I’m afraid to think how hard it is to climb up. And besides, the funicular offers a magnificent view. When you reach the top, you will have to walk a little more to reach the Buddhist monastery; if you walk further after it, you can reach the observation deck, from where you can see Lake Yansai. Once upon a time it was possible to take a cable car from here to the lake, but it didn’t work for us and it seems like it hasn’t been working for a long time. After looking at all these delights, you will have to go back, because the path directly along the wall also starts from the funicular.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):