What will the holiday season be like in Crimea?

Only a few regions on the southern coast of Crimea will be able to earn money during the holiday season. At the same time, the Russian authorities are doing everything possible to ensure that Crimeans are left without the traditional summer extra work.

“On May 9, there were many guests in the city, but it cannot be said that the sanatoriums survived the rush of demand, and there are no women with signs saying “Housing by the Sea,” Natalya, a Feodosia resident who works as a tour guide in the summer, spent the May weekend at home. The townspeople explain the modest results by the fact that that most tourists visit Eastern Crimea while passing through, going on vacation to the South Coast. However, things are not going well there either. “There were a lot of tourists in May, yes. But less, much less than last year,” said Yalta resident Vitaly Malyshev. “According to the forecasts of my friends who work in travel agencies, we shouldn’t expect tourists until mid-June.”

The popularity of Crimea during the May holidays is considered to be an indicator of the quality of the upcoming holiday season. Having received the first wave, the Crimean authorities burst out with cheerful statements that millions of guests were waiting, promising to set a record for resort attendance. Ukrainian experts believe that there is no reason for optimism: it is still difficult to get to Crimea, and Ukrainians, who have always accounted for the lion's share of the tourist flow, will not go there for reasons of safety and patriotism. The initiative of Russian legislators, who propose to significantly complicate the rental of housing, may also affect the holiday season.

Big difference

Estimates of the number of tourists visiting the peninsula during the May long weekend vary widely. The Ministry of Resorts of Crimea reported that there were 161.6 thousand of them, which is 23.3% higher than in 2015, plus 250 thousand tourists were counted by Rostourism in Sevastopol, announcing that the increase was 20%. The department reported that the most popular resorts in Crimea were Yalta and Alushta, accounting for about half of the tourist flow.

Former Minister of Resorts and Tourism of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Alexander Liev, based on data from the Hospitality Industry Association of Ukraine, gives other figures. About 35 thousand tourists visited Crimea, almost all of them were Russians; in its best years, the peninsula received about 200 thousand people in May. He explains this difference by the fact that Russian statistics are based not on economics, but on politics and propaganda. At the same time, there is no reason not to trust the information received from the Association. “It tracks data from open Russian Internet sources about transport links with Crimea, mainly air and ferry services,” explains Liev. “Using the methodology of the National Academy of Environmental and Resort Construction, it is possible to determine the share of tourists in the total passenger traffic. In addition, we We monitor the online booking system. In total, we analyze about 73 systems. This is how we see the volume: how many rooms are available, how many have been booked, where reservations have already been made. We also use data from major tour operators in Crimea. The most objective source for us is direct communication with the owners of accommodation facilities. peninsula, we monitor more than a hundred objects."

Seven million tourists

The other day, Russian media disseminated information that Russians are increasingly choosing to vacation in other regions over Crimea. Sellers of air tickets say that due to the rise in prices, the demand for Simferopol flights of independent travelers has decreased by a quarter. Tour operators predict a decline in demand in organized tourism: Russians will choose Sochi.

The Crimean “authorities” immediately issued a refutation. “Deputy Prime Minister of the Crimean Government”, who oversees the tourism sector, Ruslan Balbek, said that these data are unrepresentative and indicate information dumping or incompetence. “Speaker of the Crimean Parliament” Vladimir Konstantinov said that Crimea plans to receive up to 7 million tourists this year, breaking the record of recent decades.

Such forecasts cause distrust even among many Crimeans, who recall that several years ago, when Crimea set records, receiving 6 million people, everything was packed, housing was booked several months in advance. “Now there are no signs of rush demand,” says entrepreneur Evgeniy Volchenko. “Owners of apartments and mini-hotels expect that the season will be at the level of last year. Then it was officially announced that 4.5 million people vacationed in Crimea, those who work in this sphere, they suggested boldly dividing it by two. That is, Crimea received 2–2.5 million, this can be felt against the background of 2013, when we felt the real 6 million. The occupancy rate of sanatoriums that fell under the state program was not bad, about 90%. sanatoriums are closed because someone “squeezed them out” and now doesn’t know what to do with them. In the private sector, the search for clients has reoriented to the Internet. Those who quickly focused on the Russian market and the Internet are getting some tenants. ".

Crimeans hope that this year will be a little better. Russians are now cut off from Egypt and Turkey; after the devaluation, it is more profitable to spend rubles on vacation than dollars, so the demand for domestic tourism will increase. In addition, seasonal housing in Crimea is one and a half times cheaper than in the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory.

Alexander Liev notes that the tourist season in Sevastopol and Yalta suffered the least from the annexation. These two cities shared the main tourist flow during the May holidays and will share it throughout the year. “It is especially worth noting the city of Saki, whose mud resorts were full. But the specifics of this resort and its medical profile, as well as the small number of beds, make this result not very representative,” says the ex-minister. “The tourist flow is far beyond unprofitability in Evpatoria and Alushta. The catastrophic situation in the resorts of Kerch, Sudak, Feodosia, Chernomorsky and Razdolnensky districts. It can be predicted that the 2016 season in Crimea will remain at the level of last year, that is, 1.2–1.5 million tourists. monostream from Russia."

His words indirectly confirm the observations of the owner of a boarding house in Primorsky, Vladimir Yarmolenko, who says that there is little demand for Eastern Crimea, although his rooms cost from 300 rubles. (about 115 UAH) per person.

"Hello to the Crimeans"

On the eve of the tourist season, Russian legislators caused problems for Crimeans when they decided to ban apartment accommodation services. The bill, which the State Duma voted for in the first reading, suggests that if the owner of an apartment wants to provide hotel services, he needs to remove it from the housing stock, register as an entrepreneur and pay taxes. This is unacceptable for Crimeans, since many residents of coastal cities rent out housing only for two or three summer months.

“It’s curious that no one speaks loudly about this bill, which is nicknamed “Greetings to the Crimeans,” and many are not aware,” says Volchenko. “When you tell your friends about it, the first reaction is: “Come on!”, and then they begin to be indignant. The ban will affect the whole of Russia, so it is being actively discussed on the Internet. They say that the law will kill the entire sector - where should shift workers, rented houses, and students go?”

According to the entrepreneur, in Crimea there have already been attempts to bring private sector income out of the shadows. In 2014, they offered to pay for beds without registering a business, but people did not agree to this, since there were no guarantees that at least someone would come on vacation, meanwhile, fees were collected monthly. The apartment owners agreed with the neighbors: if an inspection came, the vacationers had to be introduced as friends or relatives of the owners. Last year, they took on mini-hotels, the owners of which, according to officials, earned from 20 to 50 thousand rubles daily. (from 7.8 thousand UAH to 19.4 thousand UAH). “That is, even Crimean officials are far from reality; the majority of their earnings were several times less,” says Volchenko.

He believes that the appearance of the bill is “a continuation of the story of belt tightening.” Over the course of a year, at least ten new taxes were introduced in Russia, and the next initiative of legislators became a picture of vigorous activity to fill the budget.

What kind of tourist should we expect this summer - a wealthy or thrifty one, a "mattress person" content with the beach - or one greedy for impressions? But each of them needs to be provided with comfort and reasonable prices for their vacation.

Economical and not very

The Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan has developed tips for health resorts to reduce energy costs. “We need to ensure that the energy demand of the sanatorium and resort sector decreases; this affects the entire Crimea,” says Sergei Strelbitsky, Minister of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea. — If energy costs decrease, the cost of services will also decrease. Now we need to keep prices the same. According to our forecasts, eastern and western Crimea can become leaders in receiving tourists.”

His words are confirmed by Crimean tour operators. “Economy holidays are in great demand, but so is the sanatorium complex, because people go to Crimea for treatment,” Marina Danilova, head of the reservation department of one of the Crimean tour operators, told AiF-Crimea. — Sales of vouchers in February, compared to last year, increased by about a third. It is unlikely that those who chose Turkey or Egypt will go to Crimea - after all, the level of service is incomparable. Their “all inclusive” means free use of everything located on the hotel premises. And the Crimean “all inclusive” means that the price of the tour includes only breakfast, lunch and dinner.”

An average Crimean tour for ten days costs up to 30 thousand rubles. For this money you can also get basic medical procedures. There are also vouchers for 1,500 rubles per day per person - despite the fact that the price is calculated for the peak season. On average, the cost of placement increased by 15-20%. Some health resorts and boarding houses have reduced prices, but there are not many of them.

For Crimea, the May holidays have always been a kind of test for the success of the season. “Sales of tours for the May holidays have started, and they are coming to an end,” said Victoria Stupina, a marketing specialist for a travel company. “Traditionally, tour operators prepared package offers in early March, but this year they started selling on February 10.”

“May” tourists are interested in travel and sights, so the demand for sightseeing tours is high.

An average Crimean tour for ten days costs up to 30 thousand rubles. Photo: AiF/Olga Korobova

Where is the service?

Last year, Crimean tourism industry experts noted that among visitors there was a very high percentage of people who had never been to Crimea before. But they managed to travel around the world. These are the demanding, critical clients. It will be incredibly difficult to keep them. From the airport they were generous with their comments, because it was impossible to find navigation information at the airport itself. The complaints were mainly about the infrastructure, accommodation facilities and the lack of information about the services in the hotels themselves. In addition, they have traditionally been dissatisfied with the fact that during the peak season some attractions cannot be visited.

The Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan is already working on these shortcomings. Soon, the same museums will be able to switch to extended opening hours so that tourists can visit them in the evenings, and small tour groups will be formed. In addition, passports of accommodation facilities will be prepared.

The 2016 season is expected to see a tourist flow of up to 4.9 million people. To achieve this, the ferry crossing plans to accept more motorists in the summer - at least 7 million people in both directions. And the Simferopol airport, as the main gateway to Crimea, has also prepared: now Aeroflot will operate flights from Simferopol to the main large cities of Russia.

My story. It's funny how the Ukrainian media covered the topic. Everyone wrote shocking news about empty beaches.

In this regard, I have a main question. Why did the Ukrainian media wait so long for my posts to make their shock news based on them? Why don't they send correspondents to Crimea and report online from here with empty beaches, high prices and terrible service? Why is all their news based on webcams and messages on social networks? I saw a lot of Ukrainians in Crimea, there were even cars with Ukrainian license plates (not Crimean), that is, there are no problems with access here. The attitude towards Ukrainians is also normal. I asked many people how former compatriots were treated in Crimea, and no one expressed any particular hostility. The general position is that we love the people, there are no politicians. So Ukrainian media can safely send their journalists to editorial assignments and work normally. Moreover, the weather is good, the water is warm, the peaches are sweet, and the corn is hot.

The Ukrainian patriot has one more entertainment - to enjoy the fact that Twitter considers Crimea to be Ukraine. Well, seriously, it’s been 2 years since Twitter has been showing Crimea as part of Ukraine. And for two years the entire Ukrainian online elite has been taking screenshots, highlighting “UKRAINE” in red and savoring these pictures. I was sure that everyone had already discussed this topic, laughed and forgotten. But no. Every tweet from Crimea causes an incredible surge of emotions among Ukrainian patriots.

What about the rest? Everything is fine! But not in Crimea. While you are arguing whose Crimea is, the peninsula is bending over. It was just as bad under the Ukrainian government as it was under the Russian government. Nothing has changed at all except the flags. The high prices and complete lack of service remained the same. Yes, now it’s not so convenient to get to Crimea, but nothing else has changed. All the same people who live one day at a time and want to snatch everything from life in a few months of the season, so that later they can spit at the ceiling for the whole year. Still the same collapsed, poor infrastructure. In this whole story, I only feel sorry for Crimea, which certainly deserves better. I vacationed in Crimea under Soviet rule, vacationed under Ukrainian rule, and vacation under Russian rule. Every year Crimea gets worse and worse. Many cities, for example Koktebel, have become so trashed that it is not clear how to save them. I would like to evict all the people from Crimea, remove all the flags and give nature 20 years to clean up everything that man has done here. The sea and wind will quickly restore order.

01. It also turned out that the occupancy of the beaches is very important to people. The disputes go straight to the point of life and death. Some take a photo of a completely empty beach out of context. Others find some footage of the beaches being full. There are immediate comparisons with the beaches of Odessa and other Ukrainian cities. I don't really understand the meaning of this ritual. To assess the occupancy of beaches, you need to do some kind of comprehensive analysis, look at them at different times and in different places. Here you have, for example, Sudak. Completely empty beach.

02. And here is Sudak at the same time, just in a different place. There are a lot of people. Below I will explain why this happens. In general, of course, there are really few people, but there are some.

03. So, in the morning I check out from the Scarlet Sails hotel in Feodosia. During the day it turned out to be 18,970. Here the wife went to test the local spa center and did some procedures. Prices, he says, are the same as in Moscow, but the level of the products they put on your face is higher. I don’t understand the meaning of all these rituals. It seems to me that the beauty industry is some kind of big deception to extract money from gullible women.

04. Hotel restaurant menu. At first these prices seemed high to me, but then I went to the west of Crimea and realized that it was still inexpensive!

05. I went to see Golden Beach. I was told that all the people rest there.

06. There is no infrastructure here; along the road with endless traffic, some strange barracks are being built for tourists.

07. There are no people on the beaches. I walked about 3 kilometers. Don't let the cloudy sky bother you. This was a temporary phenomenon, and after 20 minutes the sun came out. The clock says 11:00, air 28, water 24... What could be better for lounging on the beach?

08. On the left you can see an empty parking lot near the beaches. On the right there is a traffic jam to Feodosia: the ferry has arrived. There are many cars with Moscow license plates.

09. At 12 o'clock, a few people ran to see the dolphins.

10. There are good beaches here with umbrellas and sun loungers. But most sunbeds are not even placed. An employee of one of the bars complains that fewer people came this year than last year. He is afraid that the next one will be completely empty. “People come once. They see that they are here and never come back, unfortunately, we are not competitive.”

11. The sea is clean, but the bottom is full of rocks.

12. For especially important guests on the beach, the area is fenced off with flags! Cute.

13. Beach 117 and some kind of self-construction right on the shore. In general, this is an unplowed field for bulldozers. There's a lot to take down.

14. Tourists are caught.

16. There is a lot of work to be done with the roads in Crimea, if, of course, someone wants to make a normal tourist region out of Crimea. Now almost all roads pass through cities, all are narrow and cannot cope with traffic. And when the bridge is completed, everything will be fine. At the same time, I have never seen a new road being built or an old one being expanded.


18. Garbage is also a problem. Roadsides sometimes look like this. The garbage, apparently, has not been removed for years.

19. First of all, I’m going to the New World. The road from Sudak is terrible. It has not been repaired for a long time, it is broken and in some places has begun to collapse. Often cars cannot pass each other.

20. Local creativity.

21. New World - a small village. Famous for champagne, a lot of attractions and amazing nature. Many Soviet films were filmed here, and now tourists are taken to these places.

22. Beach occupancy is 30 percent, no more.

23. Everything is very free.

24. Vacationers

25. One of the best hotels in the resort is Vintage. A room costs from 8200, there are also single rooms for 4200. For this money you can rent a much better hotel in Turkey, Egypt or Thailand.

26. The hotel has a restaurant “Wine and Fish”, considered the best in the village.

27. Prices. More expensive than in "Scarlet Sails". The kitchen is average. Nothing unusual, but you can eat it. I arrived at 14:00 for lunch. The restaurant was empty. At all. Out of several dozen tables, 3 were occupied.

28. The bill for two for lunch.

29. Like other resorts in Crimea, the New World was captured by traders. Sometimes it is simply impossible to walk along the embankment.

30. People like it


32. There is no infrastructure on the beach: no free toilets, no showers. Only old rusty changing cabins. The beaches are dirty - garbage, algae, cigarette butts.

33. Some strange citizen. Wasn’t he told that the project with the DPR was cancelled?

34. In Sudak, I stayed at the Soldaya Hotel.

35. Externally, the hotel looks good; it is located right under the fortress.

36. It’s clear that they poured a lot of money into it: the quality of construction is good, natural stone, tiles, wood everywhere. But all this is broken by the collective farm service. No one greets you upon arrival. Even though I was the only one checking in, the hotel staff were busy using their smartphones. The woman at the reception desk wanted to let me fill out some registration cards, although she had all my data. The restaurant does not accept cards for payment, it is impossible to book food into your room, the minibar is empty, etc.

37. According to the administrator, there are almost no available rooms at the hotel.

38. Beautiful

39. Hotel interiors

40. For 7,600 rubles I was given a tiny room, where there was nothing at all except a bed. There was no table or chair. Usually in resort hotels the rooms are large, but here the owners decided to get the most out of their site and created monastery cells.

41. But the funniest thing is where the windows go. They do not go out to the sea or even to the garden. They go out into the parking lot! According to the hotel owners, every guest should park their car under the door of their room and look at it! To make it more convenient to admire your car, they even placed two armchairs near the entrance! This is the first time I've seen this. And this is the simplest number for 7200 rubles. Do I want to admire my car outside the window? No, perhaps.

42. The hotel restaurant is expensive. Hot dishes cost about 1000 rubles, soups for 300-500. The most surprising thing is that there is no local fish or seafood. Salmon, dorado and other defrosted overseas fish are welcome, but there is nothing local at all. For a bottle of New World champagne they ask for 1,500 rubles, a tomato and onion salad – 210, Crimean oysters – 450 rubles apiece. Yes, there are oysters here, and the price for them is the same everywhere: in Feodosia, in the New World, and now in Sudak they are asking 450 rubles apiece. Oysters are bred in the sea near the village of Katsiveli, near Simeiz and Alupka. This is the only oyster farm in Russia on the Black Sea. There they grow 500 thousand Black Sea oysters a year and up to 100 tons of mussels. I don’t understand why they cost several times more than in France. By the way, people in Crimea have not yet learned how to serve oysters correctly. Dinner for two cost 5,000 rubles.

43. If you go outside the hotel, you can save a lot. For example, beer, or rather the drink they call beer, can be bought on tap for 70 rubles a liter.

44. There’s a more expensive place nearby! The same fermented donkey urine costs 100 rubles a liter.

45. For some reason, people are sitting in shorts in a cafe. I was surprised. In my time, when going to lunch, you wore at least a T-shirt. Apparently the rednecks have moved to Crimea. No culture.

46. ​​Assortment of coastal traders.

47. As in Feodosia, militaristic motifs from T-shirts have disappeared in Sudak. Putin is not a success either. “We stopped buying with Putin, we can’t sell off last year’s stocks,” the seller complains. T-shirts with the national leader hang somewhere in the back of the store. In the foreground is simply Crimea.

48. The Sudak embankment turned out to be much better than in Koktebel. It is wide and clean, it has hardly even been built on. There will be a separate post about Sudak.

49. Although there are such places.

50. Poster

51. What is 7D cinema?

52. The beaches in Sudak are also half empty. Even though the beaches seem to be open, they are separated by rusty fences. What is the sacred meaning of these fences?

53. Something is leaking.

54. The situation here on the beaches is like this. The total length of the beach in Sudak is several kilometers. There are beaches that formally belong to sanatoriums, but there are few people there. In the center, where most tourists live, the beaches are crowded.

55. Water – +25!

56. Everything is gradually falling apart. I have never seen an embankment or pier being repaired. When another structure rusts, it is simply covered with tape, and that’s it. The sea is gradually destroying traces of human presence.

57. On the left are sanatoriums. Please note: the embankment is clean. This is truly a unique phenomenon for Crimea! Usually everything is built up.

58. Tourists.

59. And here is the beach, which is located near the main street, where dozens of private hotels are located. There are people here. People here are ready to sit on each other’s heads, but they don’t want to move 50 meters to the side where there is no one at all. An interesting phenomenon.

60. Therefore, it turns out like this - sometimes it’s empty, sometimes it’s thick.

61. But overall, without much notice.




65. But there is no one nearby anymore.

66. The sunbeds are empty.


68. There are also beaches to the right of the fortress. Here are the sanatoriums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There is a mountain path leading to the beaches.

I go down to the water and go right. There is a beach where I swam all my childhood when I lived in Sudak. I go in and take pictures, when suddenly some deer with gold teeth runs out and joyfully asks:

Young man, do you have a holiday book?
- What? No.
- So, let's go out, quickly, this is a closed beach!
- How is it closed? Is it possible to close the beach?
- Yes, this is the beach of the Ministry of Internal Affairs! We may have a threat of a terrorist attack here!
- But according to the law...
- I'm telling you! This is the beach EM-VE-DE! Don't you understand? Putin blocked police from leaving the country, and closed the beach for you. What is unclear here?

I don't understand how they can close the beach? Is this even legal?

The beach, by the way, is completely empty. Apparently, EM-VE-DE employees decided not to go to Crimea.

71. At 16:00 there were only 5 people.

72. Some buildings of the sanatorium are abandoned and closed.

73. There are no people on the public beach nearby either. I was here often as a child and I remember that at that time there was usually nowhere for an apple to fall. People sat on each other's heads. And now it's completely empty.

74. The road to the private sector

75. Propaganda

76. Another mystery for me. The hashtag “We Build Bridges” is written all over Crimea. What bridges are they building? I heard that there is only one bridge...

Yesterday I already wrote how Russians’ interest in Turkey grew after friendship with it was officially resolved and the tourist destination was reopened. Here Yandex.Travel also published interesting data.

I personally take the news about Turkey well. The fewer tourists come to Crimea, the better. To make Crimea a normal resort, we need competition. Competition with Turkey, competition with Sochi, with Egypt. Only in conditions of fierce competition can we create normal hotels, restaurants and improve service.

So if nothing changes in Crimea, soon everything will be as before. And polite people will leave for Antalya and Kemer.

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I'm glad that Crimean news is information about business

Business in Crimea today is certainly of interest to the reader. Having reunited with Russia, the peninsula attracted a powerful wave of investment, which in turn caused rapid growth in the construction industry and trade, restoration of industry and agriculture, and revival in the real estate market. Long-lost positions in winemaking and industrial fishing are once again occupying coordinating positions in the economy.

We have a good rest, read the news of Crimea

Being in the epicenter of resort life, we note the undoubted revival of the entertainment and tourism industry. In a series of publications about sanatoriums and boarding houses, hotels and inns, campsites and beaches, we will talk about obvious advantages and hidden disadvantages, highlight pitfalls and clear advantages, objectively discussing holidays in Crimea. Are you interested in prices for holidays during the holiday season? For advice in the summer, just come to us!

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Crimea News tried, but..

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The number of vacationers has decreased several times

In Crimea, as local “authorities” say, only half of the beaches are ready for tourists. Entrepreneurs complain: vacationers from Russia are sent to state sanatoriums, while “private owners” are left without income. As opinion polls show, only 4% of Russians plan to spend their holidays this summer on the annexed peninsula. Housing and food prices are rising, and the number of tourists is declining. The website found out how the tourist season is going in Crimea "Segodnya.ua".

You won't be able to make money this summer

According to the “Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea,” 4.5 million people vacationed on the peninsula last year, and 3.6 million in 2014. At the same time, as ex-Minister of Resorts of Crimea Alexander Liev recalls, before the annexation there were 4 times more holidaymakers. This year, local “authorities” hope that the number of tourists will increase. Most of the vacationers are Russians, however, judging by the forecasts of sociologists, citizens of the Russian Federation are not going to go on vacation to.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. Ebay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):