The shores of Bohai Bay (渤海湾, Bóhăiwān), protected by the Yanshan Mountains (燕山, Yānshān), turned out to be an excellent location for the resort. No wonder it has become extremely popular both among local residents and numerous tourists from different countries.

"Dragon's Head" - the beginning of the Great Wall

After seeing the sights of Beidaihe, you should definitely go to the town of Shanhaiguan, which is also part of the city of Qinhuangdao, where the beginning of the Great Wall of China, built in the 16th century, is located. This segment, protruding 17 meters into the sea, resembles a dragon dipping its head into the sea. Further the wall rises into the mountains. Near it there are such architectural attractions as the Nereus Temple, the stone city of the sea arm, built on coastal boulders and reefs, the Jinlu watchtower and lighthouse, the Chenghai Pavilion, and the restored ancient city of Ninghai.

Nandaihe Amusement Park

The beautiful Nandaihe amusement park with its own beach and small water park covers an area of ​​more than 5 km². It is half an hour's drive from Beidaihe and offers 30 different attractions, including a Ferris wheel, various roller coasters, carousels, a monorail and amazing sand, grass and water slides. In the park you can ride a junk on the picturesque Lotus Lake and see a bird show.

Dove Nest Park

The Pigeon's Nest is a natural park that takes its name from its main attraction, a 20-meter-high rock protruding from the sea near the shore, favored by numerous pigeons. The park is located in the northeast of Beidaihe. Early in the morning, locals and tourists come here to greet the sun rising from the water. The park has a statue of Mao Zedong, who wrote a poem about him, a Book Pavilion with illustrations of Chinese poems, and a lake with an elegant relaxation pavilion.

Meng-Jiang Nu Temple

The Ming Jiang Temple of the Girl was erected in honor of a young Chinese woman whose husband died during the construction of the Great Wall of China. Remaining faithful to him, she threw herself into the sea. There is a statue of Meng Jiang in the temple, and nearby there is a garden in which sculptural groups depict scenes from the legend of her.

Xin-ao Aquarium Underwater World

Between Beidaihe and Shanhaiguan is the huge Xinao Aquarium, which displays the underwater world of Singapore and Australia. The oceanarium has pavilions for dolphins and penguins, a museum, a 100-meter Cross Harbor tunnel made of acrylic glass and a large aquarium.

Lianfeng Hill Park

Beidaihe's largest natural attraction is Lianfengshan Park. It is so large that tourists are offered to explore it by electric car, since even a thorough inspection of all the beauties of the park on foot will take about 5 hours. There are three Buddhist temples and several viewing platforms, the highest of which rises to a height of 153 m.

Lantern Park (Beidaihe Strange House and Park Scenic Area)

In the evening, the best thing to do in Beidaihe is to go for a walk to the Lantern Park. Here in the center of the Magic Garden stands the “Strange House”, which has secret passages, spiral staircases, mirrored walls and much more. And in the park, the paths come to life, the benches vibrate, and the sculpture of a pissing boy can be doused with water.

Information taken from websites.

Beidaihe is a resort popular among Russian tourists, located 300 km from Beijing in the Bohai Bay of the Yellow Sea and stretches along the coast for 11 km. It is part of the port city of Qinhuangdao, named after Emperor Qinshihuang, who came here before Christ in search of longevity pills.

Beidaihe is located on the same parallel with such cities as Philadelphia, Ankara, Athens.

The climate of the Beidaihe resort is very similar to the Crimean one: in January it is about O°C, in March-November - already (still) +8°C, in April-October - a stable average of +15°C, and the remaining months allow us to talk about the swimming season. The best season to visit the coast is from July to September. The average water temperature during this period is +25° C.

In the Beidaihe area there are 202 holiday homes and more than 500 small hotels, which have more than 70 thousand beds. Beidaihe is named the largest resort for recreation and treatment in China.


Mention of this area first appears in Chinese historical chronicles more than 2,000 years ago. It was declared a resort of national Chinese significance in 1898 by decree of Emperor Guang Xu.

The resort was opened to foreigners in 1979. Beidaihe was actually built by Europeans - from a simple fishing village, the area turned into a resort when British railway construction specialists discovered the area in 1890. Numerous diplomats, missionaries and businessmen from Tianjin, as well as the Beijing diplomatic mission, began to build cottages and villas on the shore of the bay. Golf clubs, bars and cabarets have harmoniously integrated into the tourist infrastructure. The choice of location was primarily due to the favorable climate and many clean beaches, i.e. everything you need for a good holiday at sea. For many years, Beidaihe has been a favorite summer vacation spot for the country's top leadership. For example, Tian Chin, the wife of Mao Zedong, had a large villa here.


Beidaihe has three beaches, which stretch for a total of almost 10 km.

Above the beaches there are pine and cypress parks, there is a gazebo with an amazing view of the sea. When swimming, you should remember that Beidaihe has a large range of tides. To the south of Beidaihe, a new resort, Nandaihe (20 km), is being built, which will specialize in surfing. There is a very convenient bay with a magnificent sandy beach, which has already been declared “golden”.

The beach for foreigners is located on the western side, opposite the International Club complex, equipped with sun loungers and umbrellas. "Middle Beach" was once popular among high-ranking officials. "East Beach" is located 500 m from Beidaihe in the direction of Qinhuangdao. The Chinese love to spend their holidays here.


Beidaihe is home to China's leading qigong therapy clinic, specializing in the treatment of chronic diseases and age-related changes of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, cardiovascular and nervous systems, lungs, spine and joints. Qigong therapy methods in combination with traditional Chinese medicine give the greatest effect, especially for the elderly, in the treatment of chronic diseases such as hypertension, osteochondrosis, diabetes, obesity, gastritis, early stage cancer, rehabilitation after cancer, etc. In the short term While staying in Beidaihe, you can undergo a diagnosis of diseases, receive the necessary consultations and Chinese medicine medications, and begin a course of outpatient express treatment. It is known that the methods of traditional oriental medicine (acupuncture, therapeutic massage, medicines based on herbs and minerals, etc.) act gently on the body, affecting the immune system and activating the natural forces of the body.

What to see

Shanhaiguan Pass is the first sea fortress of the Ming dynasty, located between the mountains and the sea in the north of the Bohai Bay, which later turned into a city.

Dragon's Head, 5 km south of Shanhaiguan, at the easternmost tip of the Great Wall of China. The wall in this place seems to emerge from the sea and rushes up the mountain peaks, twisting like a dragon.

The picturesque Beidaihe area with beaches, parks, and health resorts.

Where to eat

Restaurants serve a large amount of fresh seafood: fish, crabs, shrimp, jellyfish, scallops, mussels. The largest Quanjude restaurant is located in Qinhuangdao, where you can order Peking duck. Many restaurants take into account the tastes of Russian tourists and prepare less spicy dishes, with menus in Russian. The Russian restaurant is located on the territory of the Druzhba Hotel. Traditional cuisine - dumplings, pancakes, borscht, etc. Relatively cheap fruits are sold in abundance on the streets: mangoes, lychees, pineapples, etc.

The markets have a large selection of seafood, shell products, pearls, corals, and ornamental stones. Local grapes, apples, peaches and pears are popular. The largest department store in Qinhuangdao is HuaLian, 6 floors.

Beidaihe is recognized as one of the best resorts in China, where you can combine a beach holiday with wellness, immersion in the beauty of nature and acquaintance with incredible architectural creations from different eras.

Everything beautiful is nearby: the capital of the country Beijing, the Great Wall of China, the sea, mountains, lakes, forests, parks. Environmental friendliness, magical air, clean sea, comfort, and coziness make Beidaihe a favorite vacation spot for local residents and foreign tourists.

Beidaihe is located in northeastern China on the coast of Bohai Bay of the Yellow Sea, 300 km away and competes with the southern resorts of the country: here the climate is much milder, there is no sweltering heat, green spaces occupy more than half of the territory, prices are much more affordable than in popular tourist places.

Even according to Feng Shui, the resort is an ideal place: in the south there is water, in the north there are mountains. Largely thanks to this teaching, according to which it is impossible to change the landscape and carry out construction work in a protected area, the amazing nature of the region has remained almost untouched.

The oldest buildings in Beidaihe date back to the 3rd century BC - the palace of the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, who united the country and connected the scattered fortress walls into a single Great Wall of China, the beginning (or end?) of which is located on the coast of the resort.

The conservation of the territory was violated at the end of the 19th century, when the construction of railways began. Among the beautiful landscapes on the coast, luxurious villas and mansions of the capital's nobility and diplomats appeared, and Beidaihe was officially declared a resort of all-Chinese importance.

The country's leaders loved and still love to relax here; meetings are traditionally held where the most important decisions for the country are made.

The resort opened for foreign tourists only in 1979 and was appreciated, gaining popularity and winning the love of more and more people. It was recently awarded the prestigious status of being an excellent tourist city in China.

Briefly about the important:

  • Time difference from – 5 hours;
  • The monetary unit is the yuan. Exchange rate at the end of June 2019: 1 CNY = 9 RUB;
  • A common measure of weight is jin, equal to 500 g;
  • A visa is required for the trip;
  • Many signs, names of hotels, restaurants, cafes, menus are duplicated in Russian.


The resort is located in a mild temperate continental climate. The fact that it is located on the coast of the Bohai Gulf, and not the open sea, protects it from storms and high waves. There are no rainy seasons here. Precipitation occurs more often in spring and summer, but it is not heavy and does not last long.

In summer, the air temperature rarely exceeds 30 degrees; the heat is perfectly tolerated thanks to the refreshing sea breezes.

The swimming season usually lasts from mid-May to mid-October. During this period, Beidaihe has the largest influx of vacationers and the highest prices.

The resort is not empty during the rest of the year: many come to improve their health in medical centers, see natural and architectural monuments, and make purchases, taking advantage of promotions and discounts in the low season.

How to get there

You can get to Beidaihe from Russia only through or, where the international airports closest to the resort are located. The first option is more convenient.

Beidaihe on the map:

From Moscow airports and daily, several airlines operate direct flights to Beijing Capital Airport, located 20 km from the center of the capital. Flight time is just over 7 hours. The cost of a one-way ticket starts from 10,000 rubles and depends on the air carrier, month, day of the week, and time of booking. Significant savings can be achieved by purchasing round-trip tickets.

From Beijing to Beidaihe

You can get from the capital of the country to the resort by bus, train, or taxi.


From the airport, buses go to the city of Qinhuangdao, of which Beidaihe is a part:

  • shuttle: travel time – 4 hours, ticket price – from 140 CNY;
  • express: travel time – 3 hours, ticket price – from 130 CNY.


From the air harbor you will need to take bus route No. 3 to the railway station (fare within 10 CNY) and choose the type of train for further travel to Beidaihe:

  • express: travel time – just over 2 hours, ticket price – from 80 CNY;
  • regular: travel time - about 6 hours, ticket price - from 50 CNY.

The distance from the station to the resort is 15 km. To get into the city, you can take a bus (from 2 CNY) or a taxi (from 30 CNY).


A taxi ride from the airport to the resort will cost from 1000 CNY.


Beidaihe is a small resort, so many places can be reached on foot.

Bus service is represented by several routes passing along popular tourist sites and hotels and connecting the resort with other cities. So by bus No. 34 you can get to the city of Qinhuangdao in half an hour, and the route of bus No. 15 runs along the coast.

The cost of a ticket on public transport is from 1 CNY (increases during the high season).

Taxis in the city are inexpensive and popular. Travel cost: within the resort - from 10 CNY, to distant attractions - from 30 CNY.

Another method of transportation is a regular or electric bicycle, which can be rented at rental points.

Renting a car in China is problematic, since the country does not have an international driver's license. Therefore, many people prefer to rent a car with a driver.

Where to stay

The choice of temporary housing at the resort is varied: modern high-rise hotels, ancient villas, guest houses, apartments, hostels. When choosing, it is better to focus on tourist reviews: the star rating sometimes does not correspond for the worse, but often for the better.

The most comfortable 5* and 4* hotels (room rates per night start from 600 CNY), naturally, are located along the coastline. The tourist rating is topped by:

  • "Sheraton Qinhuangdao Beidaihe Hotel" 5*: indoor pool, fitness center, tour desk, ticket office, 2 restaurants - "Yue Chinese" (Chinese cuisine) and "Feast Signature" (European cuisine), children's: menu, playgrounds, zone, club;
  • “Xinhua Holiday Hotel Beidaihe” 4*: sauna, bowling, mini-golf, tennis court, billiards, gym, beauty salon, souvenir shop, concert hall, private beach.

Popular 3* hotels (from 200 CNY per night):

  • "Beidaihe Gao Chang Yu Hostel";
  • "Diplomatic Hotel";
  • "Beidaihe Deyuan Hotel".

The most affordable, but at the same time high-quality accommodation is in hostels and inexpensive hotels (from 60 CNY per day). The best reviews have:

  • "Beidaihe Pingshunzhangyuhua Hostel";
  • "Beidaihe Luzhuang AiRan Family Inn";
  • "Beidaihe Zhibin Family Inn".

The highest prices for accommodation are in July-September, especially if they fall on weekends.

It is important to know: some hotels are aimed at accommodating only Chinese residents. This must be taken into account when booking a room.

Where and what to eat

This question is not relevant for Beidaihe: cafes and restaurants are found everywhere, many of them in the beach area. The cost increases as you approach the coast. In shopping centers there are McDonald's and an abundance of street stalls with inexpensive fruit.

Seafood lovers can inexpensively taste delicious dishes from freshly caught fish and seafood in numerous cafes on the coast, which are called chshifanki here.

“Moscow”, “Marina”, “Druzhba”, “Gloria” are the names of restaurants where they prepare familiar dishes of Russian cuisine and popular European ones.

Chinese cuisine is represented by various culinary schools. Many restaurants also serve French, Italian, and Brazilian cuisine.

At the resort you must try:

  • fried shrimp with delicious sauce;
  • Peking duck;
  • pineapple stuffed with rice and seafood.

Note: portions in cafes and restaurants are quite large, it’s enough to take one for two.

In “samovar” type establishments, you can show your culinary skills and prepare your own dish from the ingredients provided, saving significantly on your bill.

Expensive restaurants reward visitors who place an order for a certain (of course, significant) amount with a free signature dish, a bottle of good wine or another drink.

The Moscow restaurant allows guests who have made an order to drink the alcohol they bring with them (the establishment has high prices for drinks). You can also take away uneaten food, which the restaurant staff will carefully pack in containers.


The resort has many retail outlets open during the day and night. Souvenirs made of pearls, shells, corals, dried seafood, spices, and Chinese tea are popular among tourists.

There is an abundance of goods for every taste at the famous Pearl Market, where an entire floor is dedicated to the products that give the market its name. The price for a string of pearls is from 50 CNY.

Note: you can distinguish natural pearls from fake ones if you scratch them slightly: a mark will remain on the artificial pearl.

The first floor of the Pearl Market is filled with various products, the cost of which decreases as you move away from the central rows. Bargaining is common here. Those with this gift can significantly reduce the initial price.

Shopaholics also go to shopping centers in Qinhuangdao (half an hour away by bus No. 34). The 6-story Hua Lian department store is the most popular: you can always make a choice from 40 thousand products presented.


Even those who come to the resort for a serene beach holiday are tempted to explore at least some of the numerous natural and architectural monuments, especially since they are nearby, within walking distance or a short trip.

Palace of Emperor Qin Shi Huang

The museum complex on the seashore includes a palace-museum (with a copy of the tomb) of the first emperor of China, who unified the country and carried out a number of important reforms; A park of prayers with many sculptures (including real terracotta warriors), waterfalls, ponds, and a huge statue of a ruler praying for immortality.

You can get to the museum by bus No. 7 (2 CNY) or by taxi (from 35 CNY). Ticket price – from 50 CNY.

the great Wall of China

A few kilometers from the resort is the Dragon Head, the only part of the Great Wall of China that extends 23 meters into the sea. Inside the fortress walls there is a museum - the Longwu military camp, where the life of a medieval military garrison that defended the entrusted area from land and sea is recreated, weapons, household utensils are presented, including a huge cauldron in which food was prepared for 900 people. Training fields, observation towers, a labyrinth, temples, sculptures of warriors - everything is unique and worthy of attention.

Next to the fort there is another attraction - the Temple of the Sea God on the water: it goes 120 meters into the sea.

You can continue your journey along the wall to the top of the mountain on foot (you need to be prepared for a difficult climb up the endless steps) or by cable car.

Cost: entrance to the wall - from 50 CNY, funicular - from 20 CNY. You can get to the wall from Beidaihe by bus No. 25 or taxi.

Cave of Longevity

This park complex in a forest at the foot of the mountain is one of the most picturesque places in the resort. Here you can see:

  • a cave of “passing sunlight” more than 110 meters long with rock inscriptions and statues of 18 arhats, followers of Buddha;
  • gazebos “9 skies”, located along the ridge at a 900-meter altitude and made in different styles;
  • the mountain of five Buddhas with huge images of deities, towering opposite the gazebos.

Note: there are 2 types of excursions: walking and by tourist minibus.

Lake Yansai

A mountain lake surrounded by picturesque mountains is a favorite tourist route. Here you can ride a boat, admire the magnificent landscapes from the funicular, visit an ancient functioning Buddhist monastery on the top of the mountain, and walk up to the Great Wall of China.

A visit to the lake is not complete without an excursion to the Bird and Squirrel Park, where you can watch pelicans, swans, peacocks, including white peacocks, and feed them.

Sand sculpture park

Huge sand sculptures created by artists from different provinces of the country decorate the coastal park. Every year the expositions are updated, new ones are created dedicated to a given topic or event.

Park Stone Lotus

A small picturesque park is located at the foot of the mountain. The center of attraction is the temple dedicated to the goddess of mercy and patroness of women, Guanyin, and the beautiful snow-white statue in the square in front of the temple.

Lianfengshan Park

A huge nature reserve with an area of ​​over 300 hectares rises on the slope of five mountains of different heights, on the tops of which there are elegant gazebos from where you can admire the unique nature and resort.

At the top of the highest mountain at a height of 153 meters there is a pavilion called Vanhaiting, about which the Chinese say: whoever has not visited Vanhaiting means he has not seen Beidaihe.

The green carpet of the mountain slopes consists of centuries-old relict pines, maples, cypresses, and junipers. The age and name of long-lived trees are indicated on the signs next to them.

The clean forest air, saturated with the smell of pine needles and herbs, the singing of birds, the saving shade, and many places where you can relax, have earned the park the love of the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom and tourists.

You can move around the park on foot, following the signs, or use electric cars.

The park is located within the city, so you can leisurely walk to it or take bus No. 5. The entrance ticket costs from 30 CNY.

Park Dove's Nest

The landscaped park on a cliff above the sea is home to more than 400 species of birds, including many rare ones. The Bird Museum, housed in a beautiful building, is dedicated to birds. Ponds with bridges, sculptures, and flower beds are hidden among the trees. You can ride boats along the canals and try your luck at catching shrimp.

The largest number of visitors to the Dove's Nest is in the early morning hours: from the park gazebo you can watch a beautiful sunrise, which is poetically called here the sun bathing in the sea.

Entrance fee is 25 CNY. You can get there by bus number 37.

Olympic Park

Built in the center of the resort in 2004 on the eve of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

In the park, which covers an area of ​​more than 1,700 hectares, summer and winter sports are represented with stylized sculptures; bas-reliefs and sculptures are dedicated to the history of the Olympic Games and Chinese Olympic athletes. All this fits organically into the landscape of the green zone.

Every day at 8 pm the light and music show of the singing fountain begins with the obligatory broadcast of an unusual cartoon of soaring water splashes on the screen.

Entrance to the park is free. Travel by bus number 15.

Lantern Park

The small park is full of surprises awaiting walkers at almost every step among a beautiful landscape with ponds, a waterfall, swinging bridges, sculptures, including a peeing boy who lets out a stream only when approaching him, a beautiful castle full of secrets.

With the onset of dusk, the park is transformed: numerous lanterns and colors give it a fabulous and romantic feel.

Entrance – from 20 CNY. You can get there by bus number 15.

Botanical Garden "Difa"

You can come here at any time of the year to admire flowering plants and trees, exotic vegetables and fruits grown hydroponically in a suspended state and creating unusual arched alleys, the most amazing one with the vines of the Luffe pumpkin plant.

The huge pavilions display the flora of the tropics, forests and deserts: palm trees, mango, cotton trees, cacti, orchids.

Here you can take part in the harvest of grapes, vegetables and fruits; you can buy the ones you like, as well as flowers and ornamental plants.

This is interesting: all Difa products are environmentally friendly. A large number of vegetables and fruits grown in the park are supplied to supermarkets, schools, and resort hotels.

In the garden there is an entertainment area with attractions, ponds where you can ride a canoe, walk over them on an unusual bridge, fish, or ride in an amphibious vehicle.

Note: in “Dif” you can stay in the garden hotel and live for several days in the Garden of Eden.

Entrance ticket to the garden is 40 CNY, you can get there by bus number 5.

Safari Park

In one of the largest zoos in the country, all inhabitants are kept in natural conditions without enclosures.

The territory is divided into two parts: in the first, where there are monkeys, elephants, other non-dangerous animals and birds, you can walk. You can get to the other part, where lions, tigers, wolves, bears and other fauna live, by mini-train, which stops at the inhabitants’ compartments. You can get out, wander around, take photos or videos, and continue exploring the park on the next train.

The park has many children's attractions, performances by artists, seal and dolphin shows.

Ticket price: adult – 100 CNY, child (1.2-1.4 meters tall) – 50 CNY. You can get there by bus number 34.


Fans of active recreation and entertainment will not be bored at the resort: many parks have attractions, you can boost your adrenaline and have fun in amusement parks.

Xianluo Amusement Park on Shell Island

The trip to the island itself by cable car over the sea is already an adventure. And on a small piece of land, visitors can expect a variety of attractions: badge jumping from a 48-meter height, downhill in a spiral kayak, parachute flight over the sea, parasurfing, diving and underwater fishing, rafting, and a boat trip.

The beautifully decorated area is decorated with a sculpture of a mermaid - the symbol of the island, which also has another name - Mermaid Island.

At the island market “Seafood” you can choose seafood souvenirs, freshly caught seafood and taste dishes from them.

The cost of visiting is 35 CNY. Travel by bus No. 5 or No. 22.

Nandaihe Amusement Park

In a huge forested park area on the sea coast there are 30 attractions, roller coasters, a huge Ferris wheel, various carousels, the opportunity to ride from a high hill on original slides - water, sand and grass, and snowboard along the dunes.

There is a lot of entertainment for kids on the playground, located in the shade of trees.

The cost of visiting is 120 CNY.

Fans of nightlife will find many clubs and discos. The most popular in the center of the resort: “Kangaroo” (Open Hotel) and “Russia” (hotel of the same name).


The many kilometers of sandy coastline of Beidaihe is divided into three beaches: central, western and eastern:

  • central: the most popular, with developed infrastructure, ideal for families with children - gentle entrance to the water, sandy bottom. There are many cafes, restaurants, souvenir shops, and rental shops nearby. They sell kites that children love to fly;
  • western: not inferior in comfort to the central one, but less crowded - there are fewer local residents here. The sea off the coast is deeper and the waves are higher at high tides. There are many cafes and rental shops on the coast;
  • eastern: the most extended, secluded and devoid of the benefits of civilization. One of the entertainments of local residents and vacationers is collecting beautiful shells and other seafood on the sand during low tide.

Vacation with children

The resort is an ideal option for a family holiday: excellent ecology, mild climate, clean air, calm sea, safety, abundance of attractions and entertainment that are interesting to children of any age.

In any of Beidaihe's many parks, there are places that attract their attention and delight. Hiking in the mountains and boat trips, a trip on a cable car or a tourist train will give you a lot of impressions, as will a visit to a botanical garden, water park, safari park, oceanarium or dolphinarium.

The small resort captivates with its abundance and variety of interesting places. But there is no fuss here: you want to explore all the sights slowly, absorbing the details, the atmosphere, the beauty of perfection. And keep it in your memory, taking with you the blue of the sea, the smell of the sea, the sunny path on the water.

More views of the resort in the video:

Of course, the first thing you do is run to the sea. For a couple of days you sit in the water, sunbathe on the beach, collect shells and eat fruit. Then the realization comes that there is still a lot of time left and it would be nice to take a walk and see the surroundings. This is where it turns out that Beidaihe has many places worth visiting.

One of these places is the Olympic Park, built in 2004 specifically for the 2008 Olympics. It is located in the center of Beidaihe. Surprisingly, admission is free. Paths, gazebos, benches, neatly decorated green lawns are constant attributes of Chinese parks.

Calm music flows from speakers shaped like stones and mushrooms. Of particular interest is the alley, along the edges of which there are stone books with bronze pages. There are handprints and foot prints of Chinese athletes on every page. You can put your hand in and compare. There are many bronze and stone sculptures in the park depicting various sports. In the evening, the lights come on, and in the central square the fountains are turned on, “dancing” to the music.

No less interesting is the Lantern Park. It is best to visit it in the evening. In the mysterious light of the lanterns, everything around becomes fabulous and mysterious. The park occupies a fairly large area.

The main object here is " Amazing house"or, as it is also called, " Strange building" You can get inside through different entrances, and therefore the route of your excursion is impossible to predict. You will find a huge number of doors leading to an unknown destination, secret niches, mirror walls, underground passages and many other things. You can climb the stairs to the roof of the house and admire the surroundings from there.

The house is broken around " Magic garden", a walk along which will bring no less surprises: jumping over stones across the lake, vibrating benches, wooden swings... In general, this is an ideal place for an evening walk.


Travel agencies offer excursions to zoo. But you can get there on your own by bus (one of the stops is near the Olympic Park) for 1 yuan. We also walked, but it took a long time (about an hour), and there were no sidewalks.

The park consists of two parts. The first is a green area with paths along which you can walk or take a small bus. Here and there there are cages and enclosures with different animals. Moreover, the paths are laid out so that in any case you will bypass all the animals and you won’t have to get lost.

The second part of the zoo is safari. A small train will take you through large enclosures with wild animals. The train makes stops in the most interesting places. There are also several stations where you are allowed to get off. It is not necessary to leave on the same train. You can take a walk, take a good look at everything, eat ice cream and wait for the next one. Of all the safaris I've seen, this one was my favorite. It’s quiet, cozy here, and the animals don’t look too tired.

Lianfengshan Park, located in the western part of the coastal city of Beidaihe, was established in 1919 and covers an area of ​​310.46 hectares. The main part of the park consists of three mountains covered with pine and cypress trees. The original relief and vegetation of the forest zone has been preserved to this day thanks to the sea, which is adjacent directly to the park area. Wanhaiting (sea view pavilion) is located at the highest point of the park - Liangfeng Mountain, which is 153 meters above sea level. The pavilion offers a wonderful panoramic view of the city and the sea.
At the foot of this mountain there is another park called Lianhuashi (Stone Lotus), so named because the outlines of the local hills resemble the shape of a lotus. In the northern part of the park stands the Guanyin Bodhisattva Temple, which was restored in 1979. The temple consists of three halls: eastern, northern and central. In the main hall there is a statue of the Goddess of Mercy (Guanyin), the walls are painted with frescoes. There is a bell tower on the south-eastern side.

To the west of the temple is the Fu Guanyin Cave, its width is 5 meters, height and depth are 4 meters. According to legend, previously there was an inexhaustible source of pure spring water in the cave. To the south, at a level of 133.2 meters above the sea, is Mount Longshan (Dragon Peak).

After visiting Lianfengshan Park, you can enjoy a walk in the mountains, sea views, breathe clean air and simply take a break from the bustle of the city.

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    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.