Morocco is an eastern country with a unique cultural heritage. Modern resorts and many different tourist destinations make it an extremely interesting holiday destination. In addition, Morocco is a country with a European level of service, but lower prices. So, where is the best place to holiday in Morocco?

Quiet family holiday

El Jaddida is a magnificent Moroccan resort, as if intended for a relaxing holiday with the family. The cleanest beaches with fine golden sand stretch along the entire coast. Five-star hotels are located literally a couple of meters away. A little further there are hotels of a lower rank, but not inferior in comfort. Almost all of them offer special children's programs, so your child will not be bored here. While kids will be entertained by animators, teenagers will have more interesting pastimes: for example, horse riding.

The resort is not very rich in attractions, but, nevertheless, the mosques and churches located here will cause many exclamations of admiration. There is also a mosque with a unique minaret that looks like a five-pointed star.

Beach holiday

Agadir is the most popular resort in Morocco. There is everything here to satisfy the needs of the most pampered gourmets: a huge sandy beach, beckoning into its golden embrace, a luxurious Mediterranean landscape, hotels that are not inferior to the best European complexes. Therefore, if you want to relax comfortably, then the question is: “Where is the best place to relax in Morocco?” disappears by itself.

But not only this gives Agadir the status of the most popular resort destination in the country. Here, guests of Morocco do not feel such a strong pressure from Muslim customs, but at the same time, a unique oriental flavor is present everywhere: most of the hotels are decorated in the style of luxurious oriental houses, on almost every corner you can see small restaurants or souvenir shops and, of course, market squares. From here you can go on an excursion trip to any city in the country.

Tangier is a very interesting resort town, washed simultaneously by the warm Mediterranean waves and the waters of the Atlantic. The city itself looks very unusual. The fact is that the main colors of Tangier are white and blue. An endlessly huge golden beach, surrounded by an incredibly beautiful exotic landscape, begins just outside the city and stretches to the horizon. Of course, the city also has beaches, but they are significantly inferior to the countryside not only in terms of congestion, but also in attractiveness.

The resort offers its guests a lot of different entertainment. Here you will be offered to practice your favorite water sports or have an unforgettable excursion walk through the ancient part of the city.

Active leisure

The resort city of Marrakech is the heart of the Moroccan East, completely unchanged over the centuries. It is here that you can see with your own eyes everything that we read about in magical oriental fairy tales. Henna painters, at your request, will instantly cover your hands with incredibly beautiful patterns, and on the streets you can easily meet a water bearer in a national costume.

The beautiful beaches of Marrakech with first-class hotels located here offering guests a European level of service, or small bungalows hidden in the shade of lush vegetation - all this makes the resort not just beautiful, but also homely.

Marrakech is a unique place, ready to give its guests any kind of leisure. Are you tired of lounging on the beach? Well, not far from the resort, there is a magnificent ski resort.

A wonderful holiday in exotic Morocco has become available to mass lovers of warm countries quite recently. But not many years have passed, and this trend has gained incredible popularity among Eastern Europeans.

It is difficult to say what exactly attracts vacationers to this region - the combination of ocean sand on the beaches with cedar forests, eastern architecture with Western manners, or affordability compared to other shores. However, the flow of tourists comes and comes, and this makes it possible to evaluate the Kingdom not from information publications, but from the first-hand lips of those who have visited.

According to tourist reviews about holidays in Morocco, the best tourist resort cities in the kingdom are:

  • Agadir;
  • Casablanca;
  • Essaouira;

Those who dream of spending a vacation by the sea with sand should choose the first three cities. For connoisseurs of cultural and historical knowledge, the effect will be produced by ethnically rich Marrakech.

A separate point is the two resorts of Loukaimiden and Ifram (near Marrakesh and Fez), where advanced Europeans go to ski. The resorts have not yet developed to the world level, but their improvement is taking big steps, and soon they threaten to become the best in their sector.

Today, the main destination for tourists traveling to west Africa is a beach holiday in Morocco along the coast of the great Atlantic Ocean. The tourist leaders in this regard are snow-white Agadir and sophisticated Essaouira. Both have a rich infrastructure for restorative relaxation at sea: accessible hotels, beaches, restaurants, entertainment, shops, vibrant markets, historical sites. Essaoueira is also a creative center where the entire cultural elite of the country and some regions of Europe constantly relax. The main attractions of the resorts along with the beaches:

  • golf;
  • tennis;
  • windsurfing;
  • camel rides;
  • motorcycle rides on ATVs;
  • desert excursions, day and night;
  • SPA available to everyone.

Casablanca is famous for its white seaside and luxurious ancient buildings, including the famous Hassan II Mosque with the tallest minaret in the world. Here the beach holiday is more leisurely, calm, with an emphasis on the historical heritage of the city. The place is truly North African, there is almost no greenery, a lot of sand. The city is very crowded, the largest port in the country, very close to the capital of the state, Rabat.

There is no sea or beaches in Marrakech. But the main charm of the city is its historical architectural creations, including the 800-year-old Koutoubia Mosque, lush gardens, colorful squares, the main one - Jemma El Fna - in the evening of every day, spectacular street performances of magicians, fire charmers, and snake handlers take place. The performances attract a lot of people, attracting nimble pickpockets along the way.

What to fear?

Often, while telling everything about Morocco for tourists, websites are silent about important features of the state that can cause confusion on the spot. But it’s better to know, and really, everything.

Firstly, the climate of the area allows for significant temperature changes in different seasons, especially in the south. Due to the peculiarities of the currents, the ocean waters also do not warm up very much - even if it is +40 outside, swimming will be more than refreshing. The climate is mildest in areas along the Mediterranean Sea; in winter you can relax there (Tangier), however, the bottom and shore there are steep and unpredictable.

Secondly, the local male population is very partial to unaccompanied visiting women. According to reviews from tourists, cases of harassment of tourists who appear without men are constant; men with single women are very persistent and sometimes dangerous. It is better not for women to travel to the Moroccan Kingdom alone.

Thirdly, the official language of the state is Arabic, and the international language spoken here is not English, as usual, but French, sometimes Spanish. Almost no one speaks English. But almost everyone speaks French, and if you use Arabic words, it will be welcomed with great warmth. For example, say “shukran” in gratitude (“thank you”) or “marr ha bah” when meeting (“greetings”). It is wise to have a phrasebook at hand, and before arriving, learn the basic numerals in French or Arabic to help avoid overpayments from cunning sellers.

Features of the beach surroundings

Reviews from tourists are unanimous - the best beach holiday in Morocco is Agadir. Here:

  1. Smooth, pleasing to the eye white sandy coastal spits, consistently clean, arranged, wide.
  2. Constant police surveillance to ensure security.
  3. Comfortable shallow water for those who don’t like to swim far and those with children, extending at least 30 meters from the water’s edge.
  4. The suburban beach Tagazud is nearby, where you can freely relax from crowded days, there are sun loungers and umbrellas.
  5. Interesting zoo.
  6. Hotels with children's pools, cafes with baby food.
  7. Categorized hotels.

The last point is indicative, because the Moroccans are still just mastering the service, so star hotels with first-class all-inclusive services on the coasts are not easy to find, there are not many of them.

You also can’t go on vacation to Morocco without visiting the exotic Legzira - the southwest of the country, which is easy to get to on your own or along the way with a group excursion. The shore of Legzira is surrounded by brick-red rocks, a sandy strip leads to the water, the nature is very beautiful. Low tides reveal the coral reefs of the bottom, and strong waves are ideally shaped for surfing. The beach is deserted most of the time; it looks very impressive at sunset, under fog or cloudy skies. There are no hotels around yet, so it is especially valuable to visit there before mass construction.

It is worth noting that waves are generally a characteristic feature of all Moroccan coasts. Therefore, it is good to surf in Essaouira. The shores are excellent, comfortable bottom water area, impressive low tides. The coastlines of Casablanca are mostly artificially reclaimed, the ocean here is also restless, it is better to look for a hotel with a swimming pool. Asil, the center of music festivals, has a golden, wide, long shore. However, the water here is the coolest.

The water is warm in the Mediterranean area, but the steep slopes and bottom repel tourists from these places.

The most suitable season

There are several months when it is best to relax in Morocco on the beaches, and when to go for walks:

  • end of May, June – the beginning of the beach season, which the locals themselves love;
  • July, August, September – the warmest time, air +32°С… +37°С, water comfortable +24;
  • October, November – the temperature drops by 10 degrees (+22°C), the ocean is cold, a good time for excursions, the heat will not bother you;
  • December, January, February - winds, fogs, rains, high humidity; in winter, for the most part, only ski resorts are attractive;
  • March, April - the same as in November and October - are suitable for excursions and land recreation.

As for the season when it is better to go in terms of price, there are no such differences. The budget is based only on the resort or hotel category.

Prices for Moroccan tours in 2019

The price breakdown for 2019, following the example of the popular Agadir, is as follows:

  1. Five-star beach hotel for 2 people - $66/day, four-star - $62/day, three-star - $20 or more per day. The farther from the coast the housing is, the cheaper it is.
  2. Lunch on your own, in addition to the hotel guesthouse - $9-15/cafe. Local bistros are cheaper.
  3. A visit to a nightclub costs at least $45/entrance, drinks are paid separately.
  4. Quad biking, camel riding, travel through the desert - $8-10.
  5. Golf, tennis – about $20/hour.
  6. SPA session – $15/2 hours.
  7. Sightseeing tour for several hours - about $35.
  8. Entire day excursion or desert with a hot dinner and overnight stay with the Berbers - $50-70 per person.
  9. Seven days, seven nights on an all-inclusive basis with departure from Moscow - from $1,800 to $3,000 for two.
  10. The same tour in a 3-star hotel with a separate set of services, but with full board - from $1600/2 people.
  11. Self-catering tour – from $1400 for two.

In addition, you can fly direct to Casablanca and Marrakech from Kyiv at a price of $1,200 for 2 people/7 days, and from St. Petersburg to Agadir, Tangier and other resorts at a price of $1,700/2 people/7 days.

The Moroccan Kingdom officially preaches Islam, and its people are very enterprising. Therefore, you need to adhere to some rules so as not to get into trouble.

  • It is highly recommended not to wear open clothing for both women and men, including shorts; the skin should be covered;
  • You need to be very careful on the roads and streets during the holy Ramadan; these days, local drivers tend to forget about traffic rules amid the stress of a long abstinence from smoking (Moroccans smoke a lot), which is prohibited during Ramadan.
  • the original price can be easily reduced by three times; local rules imply desperate bargaining, but only if the purchase is definitely made;
  • when ordering a menu, taxi or groceries, it is safer to once again clarify the cost, and even smarter - to write it down on paper, so that later you do not encounter an allegedly incorrect understanding;
  • They like to ask for a reward for any service, even a small one, so it is better to contact the police or shop owners with local inquiries;
  • any tourist reviews about holidays with Moroccans contain mandatory advice to try Moroccan oranges - they are the best in the world, not only according to advertising brochures, but also in reality;
  • Moroccan cuisine was also recognized as the best in the world in 2016.

As for trips with children, spending a vacation with them in Morocco will be less convenient than on the beaches of Egypt or Turkey, for example. Mountain trips, lack of animation, and separate children's parties can be tiring. However, if traditional beach holidays are already a little boring, Morocco will completely shake up all the senses in a new and real way.

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First of all, it must be said that in the near future, holidays in Morocco will become more and more popular, since in its region it is one of the most prosperous countries, which is bypassed by various disasters, conflicts and other problems that scare away tourists. As for Agadir, it is the best resort in the country, located on the Atlantic coast. This is where you can meet the largest number of Russian-speaking vacationers.

The resort can please tourists with its well-developed infrastructure and more than 300 sunny days a year. Ideal conditions have been created here for people with different needs to relax, which is why Agadir is very popular among European tourists. Even in the winter months, the air temperature in Agadir does not drop below 22 degrees, but in the summer there is no sweltering heat at the resort (thanks to the cool Canary Current). In summer, the average water temperature is between 22-23 degrees, and in winter it is unlikely to be possible to swim, since the water warms up no higher than 15-17 degrees. Usually the beach season begins in early May and lasts until mid-November.

The main attraction of Agadir can be safely called a six-meter sandy beach, the width of which reaches 50 meters. The sand is clean, golden in color, and there will be no problems finding free space even at the height of the tourist season. The entrance to the water is convenient, flat, no stones or other obstacles, so not only tourists, but also local residents relax here. The peculiarity of the water in the Atlantic Ocean is that it is never too warm (as, for example, in the Red Sea), so this fact must be taken into account when vacationing with children. Sometimes the wind raises quite strong waves that are suitable only for surfers. The beach is well equipped; vacationers have the opportunity to rent umbrellas, sun loungers, and visit one of the many cafes that offer not only Moroccan, but also local cuisine.

As for the local cuisine, it is mainly focused on fish and seafood. This is due to the fact that fishing is well developed in Morocco, so almost every restaurant offers visitors dishes from shrimp, lobster, sardines, perch, etc. There is no doubt about the quality of such dishes, since they are prepared exclusively from fresh and not frozen products.

A certain Moroccan flavor can be felt through shopping. The vast majority of boutiques and shops are located along the embankment. Tourists have the opportunity to buy carpets, leather goods, different types of oils, original silver jewelry and much more.

From the point of view of attractions, the ancient part of the city, called the Medina, attracts attention. Every tourist who comes on holiday to Agadir must visit this place. It is here that you can see many buildings that are built in the Berber style characteristic of this region. Various shops and workshops of local artisans are concentrated here. Two interesting squares attract attention: Salam and Nadezhdy, an ancient fortress, a market, the Lubnan mosque and much more. It is worth visiting the local zoo, where you can see many exotic birds and animals. In addition to the attractions of the resort itself, you can go on one of the many excursions.


The best resorts in Morocco on the Mediterranean Sea are Tangier, Saidia. Photos, reviews about vacation

The shores of Morocco are washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The coastline of the sea is much smaller than the one that washes the ocean. To be precise, only 450 kilometers of coastline is the Mediterranean Sea. Such a short length does not frighten tourists, and they choose the resorts of Morocco on the Mediterranean Sea to spend their holidays here. Almost 80% of all tourists in Morocco vacation on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, and there are explanations for this. Firstly, the climate here is milder. At any time, the berries here are better than in other parts of the country. Secondly, the seaside resorts are closer to Europe, and the hotels there are better. And thirdly, the sea is warmer than the ocean, and there are no waves on it. Whereas the Atlantic Ocean is constantly seething and the waves are often over a meter in height. We have collected information about the best resorts that are worth visiting. See prices, photos and videos, find out reviews from tourists and relax properly.

Since the Mediterranean coast in Morocco is not large, there are not many resorts on it. And these are not small towns, but large cities, with hundreds of thousands of residents, developed infrastructure, excellent roads and shopping areas.
One of these resorts is Tangier, which is also the country’s largest port.

The beach season here begins in May. At the end of spring, sunny weather sets in here, the air temperature during the day reaches +24 degrees. The nights are cool and the sea is not warm, but there are many tourists on the beach, and they are all waiting for the sea to become warmer. And it will happen in just a few weeks. Already in June, daytime temperatures are above +30, and the sea warms up to +20 degrees. There are more than 13.5 hours of daylight, and there is almost no rain.
July and August are really hot. These two months are the most visited at the resort. The temperature is breaking records, rising to +35, the sea is already warm +23, and there is no rain at all. Just like there are no clouds in the sky, especially in July, when the sky is clear 28 days a month.
The beach season will last in both September and October. Since the temperature will not drop below +25 degrees, and the sea will not cool below +23. True, the daylight hours will decrease, and it will start to rain from time to time.

As already said, this is not only a resort, but also a port. Thousands of tankers, steamships and boats sail here every day. They bring food, clothing, goods and tourists. The city has beautiful hotels that are located on the seashore. and in the city center. If you plan to visit the beach often. Then you'd better rent a hotel room on the beach. If you came to the city not for the beach and sea, then it is cheaper to find a hotel in the city center.

The city has attractions, like throughout the country. there are also palaces here. Mosques, but still Tangier is a city that is more like a European one, where everything is tied to the economy and life goes on in a hurry. The city of Tangier is located at the junction of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. By visiting this place, you will be able to see with your own eyes how the waters meet and you will remember this spectacle forever.

Morocco's second resort on the Mediterranean Sea is Saidia. It is much more comfortable than the port city. There is no such noise, there is no rush and the city is completely made for tourists. Even the locals relax here and enjoy life.

The resort's beach is amazing, its length is more than 14 kilometers! And this is just pure sand that crunches under your feet. Hotels in Saidia operate on an all-inclusive system, so there are many Russian tourists who really like this system. To attract tourists in early spring and late autumn, hotels have heated swimming pools. They are filled with sea water and most tourists prefer to relax by the pools.
The resort also has its own famous places and attractions. For example, the Muluya Nature Reserve, where more than hundreds of species of different birds gather, nest and live. There is no place like this anywhere else in the world!

If you are not afraid of heights and love mountains, then visit the Benny Snassen Massif and climb to a height of 1535 meters above sea level. from such a height you will see beauties that will make you go crazy in the good sense of the word.
And the Camel Grotto will appeal to everyone who loves caves. This place is special and a little scary. But believe me, everything is beautiful here and you can enjoy every minute in the grotto.

There are other resorts in Morocco on the Mediterranean Sea. But they are not so popular, and mostly locals relax there. So if you come here, then choose between the large and noisy Tangier or between the cozy and beautiful Saidiim. The choice is yours.

from the rest of the countries of the “dark continent”. It is for this unusual combination, as well as the excellent climate, sandy beaches, rich nature and low prices that tourists from all over the world come here.

So which Moroccan resort should you prefer and what to expect there? Let's figure it out together!


Agadir, the “white city,” is rightfully considered the most popular beach resort in Morocco. Its six-kilometer beach, stretching along the entire city, attracts lazy travelers who prefer a relaxed holiday, surfers gliding on the waves of the Atlantic Ocean, lovers of horseback riding, and those for whom the main life begins at nightfall in dozens of luxurious clubs.

You can get to Agadir from AI-Massira airport by hotel bus or taxi for $20. More than forty hotels of different price categories are located on the second line of the beach.


Fans of mountain landscapes and a relaxed lifestyle will find everything they need in ancient Marrakech. By staying in one of the traditional two-story riad hotels, you can feel like a native resident of the city, try the national cuisine, buy souvenirs from leather dyers, or go on one of the many excursions. By the way, from November to April Marrakesh is a ski resort, and the rest of the time it offers hiking and car trips in the mountains.

You can get from Menara Airport to Marrakesh by regular bus or taxi for $10.

Even if you prefer a beach holiday, still go on an excursion to Marrakech to admire the ancient city.


The best wave on the entire coast, goats grazing in the trees, a perfectly preserved slave market - all this is Essaouira. Surfers of all directions love to relax here, but those who prefer relaxing swimming are better off choosing another resort.

But all tourists should look at the goats deftly jumping onto the branches of the rare argan tree in the hope of picking its juicy fruit.

Two large surf centers offering equipment rental and instructor work are located right on the beach and will delight sea lovers with low prices and excellent service.

You can get to the resort by bus from Casablanca (6 hours travel time) and Marrakech (3 hours). Most of the hotels are owned by local families and do not have the usual star category, which does not prevent them from being cozy and inexpensive.


Tourists who prefer sightseeing to a beach holiday and comfort to exotic holidays will love the modern metropolis that is Casablanca. The city beach is hardly impressive; nature is found only in parks and squares, but cultural life is in full swing.

Museums, mosques, comfortable hotels, modern boutiques - Casablanca gives the impression of a modern European city, and even women walk around with their faces uncovered. True, a significant disadvantage is the disproportionate prices, which are many times higher than resort standards in Morocco.

Mohammed V Int'l Airport connects Casablanca with most countries in the world, and other cities in Morocco can be reached by domestic buses or trains.


Another place for an excursion holiday is the ancient city of Fes, where the culture of Morocco was formed over dozens of centuries. A visit here is worth it for those who are indifferent to beaches, can handle the heat well, and love history and donkeys. Yes, it is four-legged animals that serve as the main means of transportation around the city, because motorized vehicles are prohibited here.

Palaces, minarets, markets with local products and relatively low prices attract tourists from Europe, but our compatriots are rare guests in Fez. And the point is not only that Russians prefer beach holidays, but also that we do not have direct flights to Fez and have to fly with a transfer in London, Milan or Paris.


In a bright harbor in the very north of the country, washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, lies the large port and popular resort of Tangier. Tangier-Ibn Batouta's own airport, located 12 kilometers from the city center, connects the resort with dozens of countries around the world, and from Spain you can also get here by ferry.

City beaches are usually too noisy and dirty, but if you move a few kilometers to the west, you are guaranteed picturesque nature and golden sand.


Those who consider themselves a gourmet and want to taste the freshest seafood, and most importantly, Japanese oysters, should go to Oualidia. Here is the country's largest fish farm, and in the city port they will catch and cook any fish you want.

However, lovers of relaxing swimming will also find something to do here, because along the coast there is a chain of lagoons where there is no wind or currents, and inexpensive beach bars make your vacation absolutely comfortable.

If you want to be active, you can go to the Souss-Massa Park, where hundreds of rare animals and birds live, to admire them up close during a safari tour.

El Jadida

One of the first settlements in Africa, located on the Atlantic coast, can give an unforgettable vacation to both a beach fan and a history buff. The wide sandy beaches are busy year-round, and dozens of local museums offer amazing discoveries.

Despite the fact that there are thousands of tourists at the resort, most of them prefer to stay in other cities, and come to El Jadida on an excursion.

Well, if you choose any place in Morocco from these eight points, you definitely can’t go wrong!

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